Yes, Ridley, this is a valid point. There are people who simply don’t think they need to make an effort to query the terms used to describe a product, or to make enquiry into the background of the purveyor of the product. I confess, I really don’t know what to say to such people.
I suppose that, if you intend to pay monthly a sum of money to someone, common sense suggests that you evaluate the product first. Perhaps that is the purpose of the Alpha program - the equivalent of the software ‘demo’, which will be limited in some way.
As for the long-term players - among the most prolific contributors to these forums - what can we say? If you’ve associated yourself with the game for a decade or more, and still don’t accept its basic design concept (PvP everywhere), you are surely beyond stubborn?
There are people who still have not figured out that processed cheese is NOT cheese at all, most “ice cream” in store freezers isn’t ice cream, the Patriot Act is NOT patriotic, or that the police motto “Serve and protect” has nothing to do with anyone middle class or less wealthy. I think you might be expecting a bit too much attention from people paying a monthly 20 bucks for a video game when there is a world full of lies and liars to adapt to.
So much mess can be cleared by simply changing a few terms. That’s the route I advocate. So I fail to see how I am stubborn or non-accepting on that point. Its just words.
Oh, no floozborp. Relax and have a nice cup of dung. Bling all rotten. Don’t scam about bling.
Not following? Here is the key:
floozborp = sweat
dung = warm milk
rotten = good
bling = it’s or it
scam = worry
Now I expect you to remember that key for all my posts from now on. Shouldn’t be a problem for you. Remember, words mean whatever I and CCP decide they mean.
I’d venture to say it might be more there are free apples, but there are also “beware of dog” signs. Have some apples, but if you ignored or maybe even didn’t look for or see the signs, there were also “enter at your own risk” signs all over where you had to come in from, including on the sign-in sheet you had to sign before going through the gate to the road onto this private property.
One of the places next to the apple fields has signs on the fences “trespassers will be shot - buckshot or saltrock…take your chances. Bring your own gun .” One has “turf of Gambino family, see? Trespassin’!? Fuggedaboudit.” One has “wormhole. N o lifeguard on duty”.
EDIT; caveat emptor and all
As the American general George S. Patton said; “foozborp saves glarp”
Its High security, not Perfect security, or Absolute security. If your stock broker tells you that a stock is high risk, does this mean that there is a 100% chance of losing all your money if you invest in it? Is there a single person on this planet that would assume that “High risk” means “100% chance of loss”? Of course not.
Why is it that people dont seem to have a problem in understanding what the word “High” means in other aspects, but utterly seem to fail to understand what it means in the context of EVE online? They dont. Whats really happening, is they are in shock at losing their stuff, and want to find something to blame other than themselves. Its easier to cry “Hey, it says high sec, why did i die”, than it is to say “Well, i ■■■■■■ up, didnt do my due diligence, and died. Its my fault”.
Thats because people are lazy, stupid, and apathetic. But i dont have any sympathies for them, if they buy a gallon of oil because the salesman says it cures cancer.
Again, its highsec, not Perfectsec or Absolutesafetysec.
Its the same difference between Low risk and No risk. Low risk doesnt mean no risk. If someone comes in and sees “Low Risk” and assumes it means “No Risk”, whose fault is it?
Seriously. Why do you say that? Why are you making this personal?
I have said repeatedly that this is an issue that other players are having, and its shown by other players repeatedly making complaint threads about the lack of security/ ganking in what is being called “high security space”.
Look man. This is really simple.
Step 1 - Read.
Step 2 - Reply in a sensible manner, considering what you read in step 1.
I see the “carebear” crowd are still on to their usual antics of trying to steer the discussion in their favor instead of just admitting they were wrong.
Ridley, I think you need to take that glass of dung and relax mate. Seems like these forums are not rotten for you. You scam too much.
You can take that tack if you want to. The question is, do you think that’s going to change by beating them over the head with misleading terms?
My guess is no. It won’t change.
I further guess that beating customers over the head with misleading terms will tend to turn them away. I fail to see how that is good for the game.
Yeah. But it definitely does not sound like “utter crap” security does it? Plus, if you need to trade a huge chunk of your mobility and productivity to armor yourself against attack while you wait for “security” to arrive and attack attackers, it does not sound like “security” is really security at all. It sounds like you provided the security yourself while they operate like a brute squad. So even calling it “utter crap” security does not really fit. Its actually worse than that.
I was thinking about committing a crime, but fortunately the police turned up and arrested me before I did it because my country has better than utter crap security.
I’ll bite. There is an issue here about words and meanings, but in order for it to be addressed, you need definitions and a commitment to reasoned discussion.
There have been any number of posts detailing the view that ‘high’, as in ‘High-sec’, means nothing more than ‘increased security’. But you won’t make a catchy place-name out of that lot, and I think that it’s those who expect to be completely safe - having swallowed the bait - who will shout the loudest.
What I struggle to understand is why, when they’ve (been) woken up to the reality of the presence of bandits in HIghsec, they don’t simply adapt or move on.
CCP should be honest about the risks, then leave us to get on with it. O wait -