Is Hisec ganking good for the game?

In some countries… They even know what ethnic groups commit most crimes and just drive out and pick them up. They are bound to commit some crime in the future, better be safe.

Yay security!


Are you aware of your inabilty to follow context? If not, you should do something about that.

Of course, generally speaking, words matter.

But in some situations, they don’t.

When something is mislabled, that usually matters. Labeling a bottle of kerosene as “water” is going to matter.

Yes and in this context, you wrote it didn’t matter. If it doesn’t matter, then why do you need to change “highsec”. The label doesn’t matter, right?

I’m pretty sure, you’re the one who can’t understand context and the nuance you are expressing with your words.

Basically, you just admitted that the label matters, aka. words matter with

They why do you write

You see where the confusion stems from and why it seems like you’re thoughts are all over the place?

But really Ridley, you should scam less. Bling only a forum to some niche game.

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This isn’t like you thinking about committing a crime.

This is like Charles Manson driving around the country with no attempt at disguise, always breaking the speed limit and regularly shooting up gas stations, getting caught by the cops regularly, but then let go within minutes.

…and saying the country is a relatively safe place.

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The alternative is them arresting him for thinking about doing it.

Unless you are proposing something in between.

Like most posts against ganking in this thread though Im not seeing any propositions.

Also, in your comparison, anyone who gets killed just respawns seconds later so I guess the penalty reflects the severity of the crime.

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But suicide gankers are not let go… They are literally shot. So not sure how this is relevant.

Well, yes. The best way to teach someone is for them to realize and experience the consequences.

When a baby Fox goes up to the porcupine, and gets a face full of quills, the fox will not touch the porcupine anymore. When a child touches a hot stove and gets burned, the child will not touch the stove anymore.

It will turn some away, sure. There is no such thing as a game that caters to everyone, after all.

But the problem with your thinking is, if a person gets angry and ragequits after a single gank because he misunderstood what Hisec means, then he is more than likely to ragequit for other stupid reasons too.

Someone scammed you out of ISK in jita after promising to double it? Ragequit.
Someone put up a contract where the items were being bought for billions of isk, but the contract is only sold for 5 hundred million, and it turns out to be a margin trading scam? Ragequit.
Mistakenly flew into lowsec and tried mining and got blown up? Ragequit.

Stupid people do stupid things, and ragequitters will ragequit. Its in their nature.

Neither is it utter crap security. Hundreds of players, every day, autopilot and mine in hisec completely afk, without dying. Do you think I can autopilot through low or nullsec, with the same amount of safety?

And yet, in almost every single other instance where we use the word “Security”, we do not expect “Security” to arrive instantaneously.

Infact, you would look like an idiot if you complained that the police, or your security company, did not spawn infront of your house, or your workplace, instantaneously after calling them.

Now, consider Hisec. You neither have to call, or be actively in front of your computer in order for Concord to spawn after an illegal activity has occurred. There is no requirement for you to press a button to spawn concord. They automatically spawn after a certain number of seconds.

Contrast that to reality. Imagine if a security company could instantly know if any illegal break-ins or physical altercations were occurring, and would also guarantee to arrive at the scene in less than 30 seconds. Does that sound like an “Utter crap” security company? Or does it sound like a security company that doesnt even exist, because its too good to be true?


I don’t expect enough honesty for you to admit that you raised it as an issue but is not required either.


I just want to make it crystal clear to everyone.

The antigankers are telling new players to fly ships that they can’t afford to lose.
The gankers are telling new players not to fly ships they can’t afford to lose.

Which group is really responsible for new players leaving the game? I think the real blame here needs to be cast on bitter carebear whiners, who give new players bad advice, and pretend that this isn’t a multiplayer PvP wargame.


I am on record as disliking that ‘myth’ in Eve
New players have little choice in the matter as they cannot afford to replace anything and yet they still must fly if they want to get into the game.

It goes with the other myth that gets under my skin. Telling someone to ‘fly safe’ of that hisec is ‘safe space’ There is no safe, there IS prepared . . . prepared to fight, to run, or maybe to die. Prepared to play the game as it is, not as you wish it would be.



That’s just sheer trolling. Of course, its to be expected here what with the moderators being trolls themselves who enjoy the trolling.

Raising an issue that is making the game confusing for OTHER players to understand does not mean that I personally am having difficulting understanding. But I am not explaining that for you, but just for those who will have difficulty spotting the trolling you do where you constantly try and turn every last thing into your target’s personal failure.

The real pretending is pretending that this is ONLY a multiplayer PVP wargame. Its also an industry game, an exploration game, an adventure game, a player vs NPC game, a puzzle game (ship fitting), an economy game, a collection game, a building game and more.

But yeah, everyone needs to learn that when some people go the beach, of all the activities there are to do there, all those some people can even imagine is any fun is kicking over sand castles and gloating about it with their similarly unimaginative friends.

Same as Mike I have many times pointed out flaws in that idea. In fact, I reworded it to “ships you can immediately replace” because anyone can afford to start from nothing but a free corvette again and eventually replace what was lost.

But I will repeat that its not a rule but just a guideline that people can decide if they want to follow or not. I don’t follow it.

My guideline is “Whatever you have, expect to lose it. That way, if and when you do, you can get over it. Replace it? Maybe get something different or better?”


Sure, if the new player loses their ship within the first day of playing, they will have a hard time replacing it. That being said, corvettes are a thing. I admit it’s not the most exciting grind back to get a frigate, but it’s not that bad. This assumes the new player haven’t done the career agents, where they will receive enough ISK for several frigate losses.

I also don’t think one should take that guideline literally. It’s more preparing the players mindset. I like to think of it akin to bankroll management in gambling. Basically, budget for loses and expect to lose, since losing is part of the game. So “don’t fly want you can’t afford to lose”, is like saying “don’t bet all your money on black.”

I’ve said it before, that CCP really should incorporate this outlook into their tutorial. The reason being that in most other MMO’s it’s natural to get attached to ones equipment. So when people come to EVE thinking that a ship is equivalent to equipment. It’s obvious that people will get upset when they lose it. So if the tutorial from the start explains and prepares players that ships are not “equipment” but instead expendable tools, I believe people will get a fairer chance of figuring out if the game is for them or not.

As of now, we only have one mission in the career missions, where you are forced to lose a ship. A ship that you receive for free, can insure and blow up empty. Resulting in profit instead of loss. There is no actual loss in the tutorials.

Real life areas that anyone would call “high security” are relatively small and the guards are right there and they will react immediately. They don’t let known criminals/terrorists in the door even.

Edit: … or out, as this term is, as far as I know, used for prisons more than anywhere else. And that’s just another reason this terminology is misused and confusing.

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No my example was high sec - by staying +1 system or staging in a wormhole that connects to high sec when you see them moving using out of corp alts for scouting, etc. they’ll never know you are there and after jumping back you can then reposition your combat ships for when they come back thinking/hoping the other side of the gate is clear.

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I did give a couple of illustrative examples but I’m avoiding being too specific because actually balancing such an implementation is difficult and I’m not saying it should happen in a certain manner.

What it boils down to is that for someone to gank they should have some tangible presence in the game which if the victim or someone acting on their behalf is prepared to put in the leg work they have a chance, not a sure thing, of taking up the score with the attacker.

Obviously ganking covers a wide spectrum, some do it as a daily thing on the same character and you have a chance to force a future encounter with them if you put in the effort, but others straight log off that character for months or never use it again or so very rarely undock with it you have no chance - personally I don’t think that is right in a PVP environment.

Of course high sec ganking is good for the game.
I learned the lesson in the hard way, like you made did as well yourself.

Since then : Intel, high sec exploration, put in hostile all ganking corps to see them in local, check on zkillboard where are the hot spots etc.

Yeah it s good, it brings content, it forces you not to be lazy

And btw high sec ganking is not that easy. I have a kind of certain admiration for them as it requires a lot of Intel, patience, spotting, scanning, and organisation to bring sufficient firepower.

So yeah. I m not a high sec ganker at all, but they fully deserve what they get and ccp should not bring this down
High sec is sufficiently boring like this

Edit: some high second ganking requires a lot of preparation and investigations. Study habits of people, routes, periodicity and gaming time analysis of valuable players, study their behavior etc.
I don’t think it s just a bunch of mindless pirates randomly roaming in the space
To some extent … actually lazy haulers should maybe even be more punished by the game mechanics than the gankers lol
They have a difficult life lol

If you had no difficulty understanding, you could go and actually teach those that you claim are confused.
Yet, there you are, complaining with people that say it is not an issue whatsoever.

Btw: noticed you resorted to slander against the moderation to try dismiss my point. Really classy, Ridley.

How about being in space with the ganking ships as a “tangible” presence"?