Is it only me that miss it?

Well sadly that’s what most games is about today make cash with as little effort as possible.

A bit like a Nullsec dweller eh eh amirite or wat

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sound about right.

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Okey I get what people mean with “It was a complete waste of Developer time and resources.” I understand that but then my question would be okey you feel like captain quarters did not add anything to the space ship combat.

But then I need to say about wasting time and resources. Which would waste more time having captains quarters or Keep making other games which most of them they abandon. Dust 514, that vampire mmo they abandon, Eve valkyire, Gunjack 1 and 2,Sparc. They don´t add anything at all do eve online well dust kinda did but got closed down. So if anything is wasting time and resources is all the games they make and the ones they abandon. at least captain quarter made stations less boring I think.

No not trying to fight you I totally understand how you feel about it but I wont wholly agree to it.

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Both of the dev’s waste didn’t have a positive influence on eve gameplay.

As many other people, i started playing EVE after the captain’s HQ got removed, so i never got a chance to expiriance it, but seeing all those YT videos showing it makes me wish CCP add it back so much.

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Instead of pointless WiS, i would like to see the new aspect of the game related to planetary blockades/bombardments and invasions, with fleets of dropships, expeditionary units, planetary defences etc. IMO, the role of planets in EVE is too insignificant.

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I miss it.

It’s not my ship that’s the head of my corporation. It’s not my ship that’s looking proudly at my newest capital as it docked up after the production run. It’s not my ship thinking hard while perusing the market. It’s not my ship watching Fedo porn from my comfy couch.

I want to see me doing those things. Even if it’s only in the stupid captain’s quarters.


I used to masterbate to my avatar… wait, wrong game, I’m a Male in this game aren’t I.


The Overview? If you have a better way to portray all that info I’m sure CCP would love to hear it.

As for mission briefing details, the reason it’s in text form is mainly for ease of access to quickly open and close it to view important info whenever needed. Eve Online is an MMORPG so the mission briefing details are presented in a roleplay aspect which also includes a little bit of Eve Lore.

As for technical aspects, the text version is a lot easier to implement with less chance of being bugged compared to coding some sort of active video voice over cut scene. Implementing that would require a lot more Dev work which can be better used for adding new content to the game. Not to mention a text version will still be needed so players can easily access the important info whenever needed.


The only important details anyone looks at in a mission description are the title of the mission and the enemy type. EVE-Survival takes care of the rest. Regardless, the existing mission system is so outdated at this point that you might have more fun mixing concrete IRL. Doesn’t help that the rewards are paltry. In High Sec your time would be better spent pulling your own fingernails out.


You’re assuming that every player in Eve uses Eve Survival. I’ll bet that a large percentage of the playerbase in-game doesn’t use it.

There’s also a lot more to it than just looking at the title and type of enemy, especially since there’s different types of missions with different objectives which require different tasks to be performed for completion.

Anyway, just because you say the mission system is outdated and no fun doesn’t make it true, that’s just your opinion which you’re welcome to have. And like I said before, if you have a better way to conduct that content I’m sure CCP would love to hear it.

By the way, mission briefings, their reward and where missions are being conducted has no bearing on this topic. This thread is about the Captains Quarters and the ability to view character Avatar.

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Just done the SoE Arc again

What a pile of boring, dull old twaddle

Didnt help it glitched twice too

And what does that have to do with the Captains Quarters and ability to view character in-game?

Also the SOE Epic Arc was specifically designed for new players.

Why are you criticising me for doing exactly what you just did?

Edit: And?

There’s also a lot more to it than just looking at the title and type of enemy, especially since there’s different types of missions with different objectives which require different tasks to be performed for completion.

Many of which are quite adequately described by the in-game UI and parsed as one sentence. “Eliminate the Drone Bunker and its guards” for example. The mission text doesn’t describe a lot of useful information either, like which groups aggro other groups when engaged or whether certain groups aggro drones. If the text’s job is to give detailed information about the mission it’s half-assing it at best.

By the way, mission reward and where the mission is being conducted has no bearing on this topic.

It does, since that’s the entire goal and purpose of the mission is to receive this reward. Who gives a damn about the ancient mission system? Nobody. They’re too busy ratting, exploring, or PvPing.

Anyway, just because you say the mission system is outdated and no fun doesn’t make it true, that’s just your opinion which you’re welcome to have. And like I said before, if you have a better way to conduct that content I’m sure CCP would love to hear it.

This entire paragraph just makes me role my eyes since it’s a big fat pair of logic fallacies, an argument against a person and an appeal to authority. In fact I am communicating the ways they SHOULD NOT be conducting themselves with such missions. Your words conceal your true statement: “You’re not a game developer so ■■■■ you.” Well chief, that sword cuts both ways.

By the way, mission briefings, their reward and where missions are being conducted has no bearing on this topic.

You brought it up, so blame yourself.

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Go back and read the thread, I didn’t bring it up. Kashara did by saying Dev time should be invested into reworking Overview and mission briefings instead of adding new content to the game…

I don’t know about overview, since the only particular way it could be improved is to put more information on it (which would be hard), but a lot of the existing content needs a passover. I can definitely agree with that sentiment. In fact, they shouldn’t just rework mission briefings. They should overhaul the entire mission system to be more dynamic, less predictable, and less of a chore overall.

See these things seem unconnected but they are connected: A ton of old content is languishing because it just doesn’t hold up anymore. Some of it, like Walking In Stations, was completely removed and abandoned.

Look at other games that reached the logical end of their lifespan and revamped themselves. Warframe is a good example. If you look at what the game Warframe was 6 years ago versus what it is now it’s legitimately shocking how much has changed. Very little of the original gameplay model remains. Old content is overhauled and new content is added constantly and the game thrives on it.

Meanwhile in EVE every new expansion brings something new and interesting with it…but anything older than six years is pretty much left to rot. We got some neat new ship models, some new events, and some new activities, great. The problem is that the core of the game, the part people see without getting into the social game, is rotting away from the inside.

Yeah the topic has gone away from captains quarter a bit to missions and so my fault rely. But yeah that´s a bit how I feel I kinda wish for captains quater back. But also I would not mind more meaning full missions like a main story that gives you lore about the past and how and why things are like they are. Sure I can read all about that outisde of the game I know but adding it to the game would maybe make missions less boring. I mean the missions now are so stale you don´t give a crap that the damsel has been kidnapped for the 5000 times you do that mission. Then you say do something else if missions are boring. But I can´t be the only one that´s like I just spent a long time in null or low or WH or wasted allot of isk an just want to do some level 4s to get some new isk. Sure I can do ratting but even that is kinda get same old rutine fast. I mean making the missions more intressting story wise would not kill any one and maybe make a story mission that has like 50-100 taking you here and there explaning some lore and why thing is like it is why we have a invasion at the moment. That would maybe get new player more intrested in the game make them build of the main quest on why they want to join pirates become a miner or such plus it helps to to know the lore more. You won´t see new players go out the way to read lore about the game on other places so having it in game could do wonderful and the game can still be sandbox and about war and such.

Also talking about lore what ever happen to that lore section of eve where you could read like short stories would be nice to go back and read them because last I read them was back when we hd learning skills still.

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I think though that the lore you build as a player is infinately better than the actual game lore.

But as a starting point for people it would be good to have.

Though of course, everyone here is too manly to ever RP

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