crazy person.
Thatâs basically the interwebz in a nutshell and humans in general.
How so?
Thats because one side should never have been allowed to even speak let alone ree and for some reason is considered as important as actual facts.
Its very subjective, of course; and might even be beyond your ability to rationalize or even internalize, so no point wasting my precious time.
I have better things to contemplate and eventually share in order to enlighten those whom are worthy.
So really you dont know what you mean.
Why say it then?
Well thanks for proving at least one of my points, in record time too.
Again, how so?
You arent making much sense.
Is it late where you are?
/me âscoffsâ in your general directionâŚ
You probably shouldnt eat while typing.
Youll get crumbs everywhere.
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