Perhaps the triglavians will etablish a real 5th empire? Which systems have extreme weather effects and are only accessible through wormholes or later by player built stargates?
I think Jita is the next target for the triglavians, they like systems with blue suns, isn’t it? Also it’s the logistical backbone of Edencom. It would be a logical next step and a worthy scene for the “final chapter” of the invasion.
Even if they siege it only for some weeks, this would be a huge deal and revive old tradehubs like Amarr, Hek, Rens, Dodixie, etc.
I’m pretty excited for what’s happening next and a huge props to CCP to have the guts to do this and shake things up a little.
From doing Epic Arc Missions and Exploration for years and years, my assets were spread out all over New Eden. When this Triglavian Invasion started, I thought it would be done within a few weeks.
Anyway, since the invasion was dragging on with more and more systems being invaded and flipped, I decided a few weeks ago to move those assets into nearby Trade Hub / Starter Systems. Took me a few days to complete that.
Now in the future if the Trade Hub / Starter Systems look like they won’t be safe either then I should be able to collect my stuff fairly quickly.
HS is like tutorial/ town zone of other mmo’s, your stuff should be safe there… especially in npc stations.
Most eve players are 30+ now, with families and jobs (or 2 jobs). Not much time for eve… Some play a lot and then have long breaks (3mo- year), which is understandable considering how old the game is. Can’t play same game for 10+ years without a break and not get bored/ burnt out. Imagine coming back after a break and see all your stuff gone. Or need to pay a hefty “afk” tax… this forces people to force themselves (not fun, feels like a chore) to log in/ check patchnotes every 2 weeks or to leave the game for good. 1’st option leads to quitting in long term as well…
“shaking up” hs by turning some systems into low or even npc null is an old and good idea, but straight out removing them? Who’s brilliant idea was it?
One way or the the other, that seems to be the case. Seems now the only way to “win” EVE is to join a null bloc which has the numbers to let you play for plex or sub.
Naaah, there’re still ways to play solo, plenty… Just don’t go to hi-sec and don’t fly in blingy ships, use those only to kill or die in, once you have a second edition of the ship of course. Otherwise… just… log off. That’s okay too. EVE isn’t what life is about.
Also, there is NO “winning” in EVE, only a temporary good feeling for blowing someone out in space.