Is it true that NPC stations in high sec are going away?

CCP is not stupid but just wicked

so if triglavian systems that are on Final Liminality will vanish??? what happens to players/ships that are in these systems?? just end up deleting everything in the systems and you lose everything in them? then EDENCOM npcs will vanish too or they stick around? those who has negative standing towards EDENCOM will never be able to fix their standing again and gets shoot by EDENCOM npcs when ever you are in their controlled systems? what happens to systems that are at EDENCOM Fortress after??? when it all happen if it happen ever ???

too many question and uncertaintyā€¦

I think the empire gates will shut down, maybe will be replaced with Trig gates where you need trig standings to jump thru them.

Maybe the systems will be accessible thru wormholes.

NPC stations may be removed too. Basically nothing is standing on the way, CSM have no power.

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when will we know it for 100% sure? any guess ? few month ? maybe 1 year or 2 ?

I think max a month from now.

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ok but then what happens next ??? any guess? I mean are they gonna replace it with something else or end of this kind of content ???

I think the situation will only apply to the systems trigs won, like minor and liminality systems.

The rest will remain accessible spawning Emerging Conduits.

The invasions will stop and there will be a next chapter when people will be able to fight over the trig infested systems by invading them, sort of faction warfare, but thru wormholes and maybe ships with cynos.

But its all my speculation.


imagine what would happen if the final system that trigs try to invade was Jita lolā€¦ it would be biggest space battle in the history of EvE Online with 10,000 or more active players fighting all over Jita non stop lol

I would definitely would be there to defend it 100% sure and I think even people that usually dont care would be fighting to defend itā€¦ I would just have to take holiday from work or call in sick lol

if Jita fallen to trigs imagine how much stuff people would lose altogether (100,000,000b isk) those who only log back in after un-aware of what happened would be trapped in there with their stuff Kappa


I donā€™t care about Jita just like I didnā€™t care when Niarja fell. I hope it falls in Trigs hands while I twiddle my thumbs and many salty tears ensue.

it may very well be end of EvE Online as we know it xD Kappa

Yes, then what in the world would I be doing with my life if that happens ? :upside_down_face:

it dependsā€¦ what do you do in eve mainly ? pvp or pve? missions ? mine? FW pvp ?

The weak will leave, the strong will stay. Thatā€™s how itā€™s always been.

try to play EvE Online with a few people would not be very fun I think :stuck_out_tongue:

It wonā€™t be a few. Even if the game only has a quarter of its current population left, it will still be quite viable. CCP might have to go into a heavy borrowing phase and/or downsize, but the game will survive. Itā€™s simply too financially viable to fail completely.

The community holdouts could also rally hard. I wouldnā€™t have a problem dumping thousands of dollars on a community-driven effort to keep the servers up, and other people would do it too. If small teams of fans can keep massive mod projects running without funding, surely we can keep the servers for this game running.

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So CCP is doing ā€œseasonsā€ now? Feels like Guild Wars 2ā€™s ā€œLiving Storyā€, which is crap btw. Diablo does seasons as well as Path of Exile. I wonder if this is the direction CCP is taking.

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I have to disagree with youā€¦ Many many many games have shut down completely due to massive number of players leaving their gameā€¦ Iā€™m not going to name them because I dont think I can

I think you already know this is never true for any business.

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also less players = less income for CCP the opposite of what they want

it just would not make much sense to force your own players to leaveā€¦

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Those games were made with lifecycles in mind. There has only been a small amount of truly great projects permanently shutting down through the years, and most of those were owned by big companies that didnā€™t want to play ball (e.g. SWG). While it could happen to EVE, I donā€™t expect it to. Heck, CCP probably even has pull with the Icelandic government for bailout help if it comes down to that.

I just donā€™t think that EVE is going to die if a few thousands dumb carebears rage-quit because the Trigs gave them boo-boos, sorry.

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