Is that a new game destroying tactic?

I am sorry you feel ganged up. The reality is you’re complaining about something that has been core to Eve from it’s very beginning: there are no “non-PVP-zones” anywhere in this MMO, unlike other MMOs.

Over 19 years you are not the first person to try it out and realize “hey that’s not for me” and then come to the forums and say “this game would be so much better for me if there were non-PVP-zones”. We know it’d be better for you. The devs know it’d be better for you. This might be novel and enlightening for you to have learned about your own limits of tolerance for a game. For everyone else it is the same boring topic because it’s not better for the community, and you’re not sticking around anyway, so quite honestly how is it interesting for us in the community that you in particular don’t like the game, when we already know generally a lot of people don’t like that it is PVP-everywhere?

That’s why you are facing quite a solid, uniform pushback. All the players that would agree with you the past 19 years have already said the same exact thing and quit Eve already. They quit WoW too, so people are naturally suspicious of how successful “non-PVP-zones” actually would be.


Many of us not “free” players came to the game because they want the danger, like the possibilities that are there, like the game and don’t want it to become bunny land like you want.

I never understood why people join a game they don’t like and then try to change it and ruin it for the people that DO like the game.


Is that a new game destroying tactic?

A: No.

Next topic…

It sounds like Elite (not) Dangerous might be the game for you.

This is a really good game. You can do PVE to your hearts content and never instance with another player.

I personally suck at PVP, but it’s the threat, and ability to avoid other players, that make EVE Online fun for me.

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