Is there any plans to close the loop hole that is ganking?

Not if you’re fighting a losing battle. You’ll just get blown up like the rest of your fleet and the attackers will collect the loot anyway.

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Devil’s advocate-

Range to loot is 2,500m. Range to target and shoot is whatever your optimal and reasonable falloff is, with less time to burn to target.

Also, it’s likely that if you’re on the losing end, that your ability to flee might already be cut off. Bubbles, or lots of ship pointing might keep you on the field and you might not be dead yet. But you can still reach out and deny loot from some weak wrecks.

For a variety of reasons, this is not always practice.

In some cases, you are trapped in a bubble with no hope of escape. If you loot the wrecks, you just increase your lossmail value (inflating their killboard value) and there is a chance that half the loot will drop again anyways.

Other times, fights are not stationary. People anchor on the FC or other designated party. During the course of the fight, both sides try to keep in optimal range and path of wreckage is left behind. It may not be possible to reach all wrecks in this case even if you can extract.

Capital ships may have joined the fight at one spot, a support fleet on the opposite side with the enemy fleet in between. You would have to fly through the enemy to get to the wrecks which may be suicidal.

Large scale battles are not always line up, stay still, and shoot. The fluidity means that wreckage can be spread out. Yes looting and scooting is best, but sometimes just denying the loot is all you have.

I never said ganking was either cheap or expensive. The cost of ganking, whether a 10mil desty or a 100mil battlecruiser, is factored into the gank.

I do, however, love how your “example” of how it’s not always the miner’s fault does, in fact, demonstrates just how right I am.

Probably the best reply in this thread.

Why? It’s not like posting on you gank alt will seriously affect that character’s ability to operate.

I did think about switching to Eve Griefer to reply, but I’ve been embarrassingly inactive.

I wouldn’t want to link a board that’s only full of venture kills either

It’s easy to say ganking is cheap when you’re on the lowest rung of the ladder.

It is almost always the victims fault for making themselves a better target than the person next to them.


This bears repeating.

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yeah its called undocking, We are murdering Freighters right now as we speak, some resist and hull with empty cargo. we kill them anyways. death to all transports.

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So you’re saying I could trick carebears into killing peoples structure just by docking in said structure? Sounds kinda fun.

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Nobody cares. Seriously stop personal attacks on the forum.

And then what ? Are you saying what he says is wrong ? No, you are agreeing with him and then making personal aggressions because you can’t accept it. That’s really childish.

I totally agree with you, but for different reasons. I think we won’t have correct discussions unless we have many people that want to discuss about the topic - and as you noticed many gankers are so mindfucked with they own crap they are not even able to accept their lies as they are and prevent constructive discussion.

I think you are right when you say gankers and gankees say crap, and we need more suicide gankers in the game.
The matter IMO is that this activity is limited in capacity of people doing it. I mean, if everybody starts suicide ganking, by definition there will not be anyone to suicide gank. Also, if suicide ganking becomes too present, people will leave Eve because they would spend time to lose isks (remember that some people just want to shoot asteroids and chill while watching netflix)

You’re telling me that in a game that proposes to mine AFK, people who actually mine AFK are scumbags ?
You know the game can very simply prevent you from mining AFK ? Like, having roids with a tenth of the volume, but ten times as many ?
You know the game can prevent you from doing any AFK activity, like vni ratting or PI ?
You know CCP can’t remove that, otherwise it will be bot online ?
You know that the reason why you can have fight, is because the people you fight are not bot, while bots just dock the moment someone enters the system to deny you the content ?
You know that the AFK people are the sole reason why this game still exists ? Because they CAN do it ? Because the game actually encourages AFK farming ?


I know it is wrong, but I just had to put some extra in the PSA. I hope no one got offended… :wink:

No I didn’t know that. Why doesn’t it?!

No I didn’t know that. Why doesn’t it?!

I’m confused here. What can’t they remove? AFK miners or AFK haulers? In both cases why would they? It’s not against the rules as long there is no input automation.

I didn’t knew that. Luckily CCP knows better and will only ban the bots and not the vigilant players you accuse of botting.

Yes, I also play AFK a lot, I even make memes while mining AFK. Some of them I made while hauling AFK. What is said here is not legally binding. It’s just some gaming bro’s venting their opinions. o7

Lie’s I fit for tank and cannot achieve that kind of tank unless I use officer mods, which, makes you a desirable target, and considering that freighters go down in about 10 or 11 seconds with their hp which is like 3X that you say a procurer can get it is only a matter of gankers want cheap thrills without having to actually do any work.

First off you are not quoting me. I did say a considerable tank and that it sacrifices yield.

I also noted you can go for pure yield and factor in the occasional death into your calculations of profits and losses.

Now that being said, the online fitting tool indicates that this fit should get you close to 100k EHP.

[Procurer, Unnamed loadout]
Damage Control II
Reinforced Bulkheads II

EM Ward Field II
Gistum C-Type Thermal Dissipation Amplifier
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II

Modulated Strip Miner II
Modulated Strip Miner II

Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II

Adding some implants and you can get over 100k EHP.

To be fair I was quoting that which you quote, but yeah that is bit of a crazy fit, gist therm adapt makes it a target along with core defense II because they make the kill shinier, I would never fit rigs that cost more then the hull, nor mods either, you can get great tank with t2 mods that are in line with the cost of the hull, it may not get over 100k in ehp but as folks have said if they want to nothing will stop them, I’d rather fit cheap and give them as little as possible in profit for their troubles.

With that fit you can buy so many more hulls, but as I say to each their own, if that fit make people happy I am all for it, it is good for NPC pirates but players.

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(1) I or anyone else playing this game does not NEED TO DO anything at all. It’s a sandbox you only need a PC and your mind. In my opinion subbing yearly makes me pay only $10 per account per month. But anyone is free to PLEX it (even if you only PLEX once every few months and gather ISK mining and missioning in a Venture or Drake. Think and you get really ahead in this game. There are so many ways the intelligent and/or clever EVE Online players find to get Omega status… Also you can easily scout with a alpha account on a laptop or second PC.
(2) I guess you inadvertently used a double negation and meant the opposite. As I stated above you can scout with an alpha character on a second PC/laptop. But your idea with stuffing the shuttle or small ship (like I on occasion do!) is awesome, great mind think alike! You can even find someone in game to help you achieve mutual goals, it’s an MMO you are in no way obliged to interact with any of the 30 000 online players but you have the opportunity to do so.

T2 rigs on a T1 cruiser level ship?
Sorry Teckos but you are bling tanking that Proc. That’s not a sensible fit. And then saying ‘add implants to get to 100k’ further proves that claiming the proc has a 100k tank is a joke. A blinged brick tank fit does not a normal tank make.
Really it has a sensible around 70k tank.

Scouts won’t save a hauler if gankers want it. Nothing will. There is a problem in the nature of the interaction between gankers & haulers currently. Not that the ganking can happen, that’s fine. But there is a problem in how it happens, and that’s bad. Currently it’s just ‘make the other guy more attractive & hope they don’t pick you’. The way a gank happens needs some changes to make it more engaging for both sides, and more about actions at the time of the gank.
Especially when you propose CHEATING as one of your solutions.

Not really, that is only 2.4 million, its drop value is 1.6 million, and you’ll need 6 cats flown by highly skilled pilots to kill that procurer. Rigs, don’t drop, they go boom with the ship unless that has changed.

Now, if they just want a shiny kill that isn’t that shiny. About 90 million…for 6 cats? They could go get 6 kills with a less tanky fit.

This fit is less blingy in terms of killmail value:

[Procurer, Unnamed loadout]
Reinforced Bulkheads II
Damage Control II

Gistum C-Type Thermal Dissipation Amplifier
EM Ward Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II

Modulated Strip Miner II
Modulated Strip Miner II

Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I

And with the 2% shield, armor and hull implants the tank is at 94k EHP. You’ll still need 6 cats to kill it at least.

You could maybe buy 2 of the above which price out at say 40ish million.

Edit: If you overload the mid rack you can get a tank of over 106k EHP. In that case it will take at least 7 cats with pretty high skilled pilots. Lesser skilled pilots and you’ll need something like 8 or 9.

If you can’t get it to 90k or more in terms of tank you really aren’t trying. Even just dropping down to tech 1 modules you should get at least 79k.

And…what is the problem with implants. If you lose a pod in HS during a gank you really really screwed up, IMO.

Edit: Oh and no, add implants and you go over 100k EHP with that fit. According to the tool 103k EHP.