Is there any safe way to haul through 0.4 sec?

Everyone? Not at all, Mr.Exaggeration. Just with the ones who give me attitude.

@Firwyn Don’t transport valuables without an armed escort and a scout.
Also, selling at stations away from the major tradehubs will permit you to haul less dangerously. I prefer to lose a bit on the sell than lose everything in a gank.


I think my Alpha toon was able to train these. Small guns and even light missiles and rockets.
Gotta check whether this list is still valid: EVE Online Alpha Clone Skill List
Spaceship skills are the bottleneck, but you can fit mean Pirate ships :slight_smile:

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Possibly, eve ref did say couldnt be trained on trial account

My 20m-SP-Alpha-Toon project is still running, but I made the account Omega by accident, so I have to wait until I can check again.
Ooooor I create a new account :wink: Is there already a “Major Tuddy”?

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If you know that, then why did you claim that you had not been talking about T2 weapons in a post just a little upward?


Either you knew that specialization skills are what unlocks T2 weapons, in which case your post above made no sense. Or you didn’t know that the specialization skills unlock T2 weapons (which is fine, because we don’t expect newbies to know everything immediately!), but in that case pretending to have known it all along makes you look like an ass.

Perhaps there’s a third option: that you’re trolling, but I give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you’re a genuine newbie, unlike some others on the forums.


I think you’re the one looking like an ass for being completely beside the point. Either you’re that braindead or you’re really bad at trolling.
Some simple statement about a skillbook being expensive is turning into a def man’s debate.
I love forums.


Welcome :smiley:
Don’t trip, it’s a normal day around here.


Safety in Eve, it doesn’t exist. But there are safer options, albeit not necessarily more comfortable ones.

You can put that .4 system on your avoidance list. Your course plotter will reroute you. This may increase your journey considerably (the route between Jita and Amarr is a good example). Even that is not a guarantee for safety, because there may be gate camps along the way - a visit to dotlan or zkillboard, or even the ingame F10 map will show you the data.

Cheapest solutions: 1) get the intel from the map, from zkill, from, etc; 2) use a scout (friend or alt); 3) in case of moving ore: compress it in the orca and move it with a cloaky ship. The compression factor is 100:1… 4) learn when the busiest and slowest times of the dangerous systems are, usually there is a pattern. 5) always be patient, better to wait a day than to rush and get killed

Harder/ need-to-be-lucky-with-lots-of-time solution: compress your ore, use a blockade runner and wait for suitable drifter wormholes to make the run. You can facilitate this by having alts with clones in the appropriate systems that may spawn such holes (listed on the interwebz). See a hole of the same type in both systems ? Jump in, bookmark both holes from both sides, saves you probing 60+ sigs … Requires knowledge on the properties of drifter holes, and their infamous battle ship npc’s on the k-space side. Once you get used to it, fantastic way to travel all over the New Eden map.

Expensive solution: use a service like red frog and have it hauled out.

Hardcore solution: jump freighter it out with the use of cyno alts/friends/corpies to the nearest hi-lowsec connection after you (or your intel friends) had it scouted.

Cheeky solution: have someone else do the mining via buy order at the place where you want the stuff and let them figure it out and take the risk. Less profit, but also less expenses if you do it right.

Here endeth today’s lesson.

It’s not the drifters you have to fear most there :wink:
Wormholers try to kill anything flying around, even missing a shuttle makes these cloaky scoundrels grumpy.

I map complete drifter wormholes at least a few times every week, I rarely see any ships, or even probes. Plus, with 60+ exits possible at any time, and the properties of the grid near the exits, it’s very unrewarding to spend time there hunting - unless there’s people actually running the anoms (which I have never seen doing in the last year). Drifter holes are not early game, true, but neither is hauling through lowsec.


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