Issues? It’s just I always thought of you as a Magic Missile type of guy…
Magic Love Missile…type of guy.
We need adblock for CCP Launcher
Are you doing the ancient aliens hand sign?
This pretty much, Guard was a bro and a charismatic fellow, even talented enough to lead the Permaband which was a huge public boon for CCP. Falcon on the other hand is a posterchild for how not to interact with your playerbase.
In Elite Dangerous, all the male character avatars look like Ed, their previous community manager.
Its… Awful
So…everyone else is happy with the current launcher?
Well as the expression goes “sex sells”, so maybe the drop in players is due to that image
I don’t understand why you are our new “community manager”. You make an excellent “community divider” however.
it needs changing tbh, i was bored at work
Going to compare facts and figures for the Chaos era
If nullsec whined enough, CPP Pulse image would go…
My question is, who had the bright idea of using Quicktime on the launcher? It beats the living snot out of my quad core… and crashes hard enough to lock up my client when I forget to close it after the game’s launched.
yeah CCP falcon is no way a face to sell products or services. CCP Guard however had the face for selling almost any product he also had a delightful personality as well.
I see CCP Falcon and think oh crap it must be tax time again or I’m too young to die.
Click above the red arrow.
Done…but I still can’t get the image out of my head.
I can’t believe I missed this Holiday.