Is there ever gonna be another tech 3 ship?

Yes, a ship like that could add a really fun role to the game, something that currently does not exist yet in that form.

I mean, one could do it with a second account flying an Orca, but it would be great to have a ship with large holds for smaller ships and loot, a ship that can fill that role as temporary base for a solo pilot or small group of players without forcing one character to stay behind (or log out) as ‘base’.


As long as undocking one exposes your corporation to possible war declarations for a week, sounds like a great idea.


CCP has been working for a while now on the T3 shuttle, heres the video.

Heh, can’t War Dec because it’s not a structure. However you could try to suicide gank it.

Come on, you know that if CCP implemented a mobile base which can be anchored, they’d treat it as a structure.

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Nope, it’d be more like Mobile Depots…

Also it’s not a Base, and good luck on trying to War Dec an NPC Corp…

That depends entirely on what sort of siege mechanics the ship would have in structure mode. If it’s capable of maintaining a multi-million-HP shield like a POS, then it will need to be treated as a structure. This would mean that NPC corporation members wouldn’t be able to anchor it. Alternatively, it could be treated as a Mobile Depot, being open to attack by anyone but conferring a suspect flag, which would allow NPC corporation members to use it.

But it would need some way to be attacked aside from suicide-ganking, unless it has ship-like EHP in deployed mode. A ship like that would be extremely useful, and if it can’t be attacked in some manner, it would completely cannibalize citadel functionality.

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Never said it would have a multi million HP shield. It’s an Exploration Base Ship, not a structure. Basically like a Mother Ship designed for long term deployment in hostile environments without logistical support. Ship is like a mixed Orca / Bowhead that can be temporarily anchored for short time periods. When anchored it would have a POS type shield requiring Fuel with automatic offensive and defensive systems until it’s unanchored or Fuel is depleted. The game mechanics for it would be similar to Mobil Depots / Marauder in Bastion Mode.

That’s just a basic idea, all the stats, fitting, game mechanics, etc, for it would need to be figured out.

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