Is this game literally designed to screw you out of resources?

Might I suggest looking for a new corp?
Perusing your current corp’s killboard, i have to wonder about the experience of the leadership and if they’re actually able to teach you anything useful.

CCP is definitely the biggest griefer / ganker in the game. And yeah, their Customer Support is a joke…

As for that instanced Abyssal Trig content, I wouldn’t waste any time doing it, same with those Daily Tasks if they’re just all Trig stuff for Evermarks.

As for ISK, you can make plenty of it just by doing regular exploration combat sites.

Other than that, the rest of the game seems pretty good, except for high sec Roaming NPC Mining Fleets, Drifters, Sleepers, FOB’s, etc…

I mean t6s pull in like 500mil/hr I hear. lol

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Yes but the problem there is that it takes effort, you need to git gud and there’s risk. So obviously true carebears won’t like it. They want the isk but without the effort.


You’re the kind of person that I imagine would say “what’s the point of having insurance? I’m a safe driver”, then getting mad when someone crashes into you.

If you take your loot with you somewhere where you can die easily, then you deserved to lose it. And if you’d rather complain about it than do something to fix your situation and learn from your mistakes, then there is no help for you.


Wait - you think taking loot back to the station is a waste of time, but you then lose ALL of your loot when you inevitably die in the abyss, losing ALL of your progress?

Dude… you should be going to station after every run pretty much. I mean, i want you to stick around, but maybe eve isn’t the game for you…


I assume the gankers prefer a bigger loot pinata so are more satisfied if he hoards the loot in his cargo hold instead of his hangar. :smirk: :wink:

Well, yes. It isn’t a waste of time if you get to keep your stuff. What is a waste of time is doing all that work and ending up with nothing. Always expecting success is going to cause you a lot of pain in the long run. Factor in failure and learn to mitigate the loss when it happens.

I know I sound harsh, but you get out of this game what you put in. You can either let the game beat you or you can choose to persevere and adapt.


If you can’t afford the ship loss, don’t undock.

If you can’t afford to lose the loot in your ship, dock up.

If it is too expensive then sit and spin in a station.

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You can also make two spots, a 1000km away from each other. One one you run the Abyssals, on the second you anchor a Mobile Depot. When you exit the trace, it will stay active for like 10-15 seconds anway, so just warp the 1000km to the MD, drop all your loot there, warp back to the Abyssal spot to enter the next one. Can even be done in systems completly without a station, which are usually a lot more quiet (which is pretty benefitial once you begin to run the higher tier filaments).


Guaranteed loss conditions are bad game design.

Hey Comfortingtide,

I completely understand your sentiments regarding the abyssals. While they do offer potential profits and daily rewards, it’s essential to remember that EVE is a vast universe with myriad activities to engage in. Personally, I’ve chosen not to run abyssals because they simply aren’t my cup of tea. There’s more than enough in New Eden and Anoikis to keep me occupied without delving into content I don’t enjoy.

You’re right- some players dedicate a significant chunk of their gameplay to abyssals. But remember, if they’re causing frustration, it might be a good moment to take a step back and explore other facets of the game. EVE shines in its diversity of content, and there’s always something new to experience or learn.

If you ever need advice or pointers on other activities in the game, don’t hesitate to ask. This community is teeming with players who’ve explored every nook and cranny of New Eden and can provide invaluable insights.

Fly safe and always play in a way that brings you joy,

Serathi Geos


They are only guaranteed if you intentionally chose a ship too weak for running all possible combinations of spawns. Like a Stormbringer. Or a Vigilant. Or a Omen. Or a Punisher. Or an Ibis. Or like… 90% of all ships.

Three Overseers in a row are perfectly beatable if you select the right tool for the job. It is part of the high tier abyss difficulty to select a good ship with a good fit. Thats very good game design.


You will hit diminishing returns with your ISK vs fitting costs so at that point you might as well just go up a tier. I’m sure CCP has done the math.

All I can say is Starfield does scratch the space itch very well. I am happy with it and it does something eve and its developers never got. Building ships is fun, this is what eve is all about but, it would be so easy to develop a hab system like Starfield and increase the enjoyment people get from building. I just don’t think they get what people like about the game. But it seems Starfield decoded it. I would not be surprised to see a multiplayer version of the game very soon. Creating an economy that can be exploited and manipulated was not the real gamer draw to eve, it was the building and a combat.

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