ISD Appreciation - On Behalf of the Community, Thank You!

You have my votes. Just cause I’m 60 doesn’t mean you still cant get around, you just have to turn out the lights for me to look good! :wink:

Music is like EVE, if you cant adapt, you just turn onto a bitter old vet.


Excellent… now I don’t have to forge your signature… you post good feedback on the forums so if you have any juicy ideas, send them my way so I can add them to my 66-item-and-counting platform. Other than that, see you on the dance floor, old man o7

Oh yeah, and ISDs are great blah blah blah :heart:

(As OP of this thread, I have to stay somewhat on track :wink: )

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this thread was almost dead then after 22days of rest…

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You rang?

I smell a rat from a mile away.


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I like myself best of all. Great job Princess Aiko!

:partying_face: :princess: :darkbeerparrot:


I like the light touch approach vs the lead boot, but a few post’s I’ve seen lately could use the…


I’m thinking of applying to become ISD. As a regular forum user, I think I’m relatively tame and not entirely unreasonable with others (even those I regularly butt heads with), and I very very very rarely get flagged myself though I constantly flag other content I very well could take care of myself if I were ISD.

As ISD, I think I could be level-headed with and fair to ALL forum users… however much I might not want to…

Begin dream sequence…

I’m joking, I swear! :rofl:

If you’re going to use that against me in my application, use that as evidence that I have a sense of humor! :heart: :upside_down_face:


Have you considered applying without telling everyone you’re applying? :wink:


I needed a false pretext with which to post that meme and not have it taken down.

Don’t. Tell. Barstorlode.

When you’re pushing it but @ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode gives you a pass, you’ve earned yourself a

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode Stamp of Toleration



Awww why no pic?


There’s pics a few posts down from the original, they’re a fair bit bigger now though.

@Archer_en_Tilavine More evidence @ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode has a sense of humor. He voted for himself in that poll you posted in the other thread he closed.

+1 :rofl:


Oh my! I closed to poll to preserve the evidence of ballot stuffing and ISD trolling. :male_detective:

Barstorlode you are out of line, young man!


No, I just agreed with the poll. Turned out to be self fulfilling.


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