Two years, and four months, give or take.
One of my staff suggested, partly in jest, that we should start a clock to count the days since the Intaki Space Police delegation first met with the Intaki Assembly at Navyii Akat, to see just how long the Federation will continue with this farce.
Consider for a moment, that the length of the previous Security franchise agreement was ten years. A decade.
Here, the Federation have delayed and stymied the process in Intaki for almost a quarter of that time.
You’re right, I do understand.
It’s referred to by some as the “Gallente Paradox”. Where the lauded freedoms and functions of the Federation become inconvenient for political reasons, and so must be frustrated and undermined by the very organisations whose purpose it is to uphold them.
As I commented in my previous response, the Intaki Assembly rightfully asserted its sovereignty under the Federal Constitution regarding this matter, at the start of YC122.
It appears that the Federation has now acknowledged that fact, as it is also reported that they have reached a new agreement with the State on the matter.
But Federal words and Federal deeds are two very different things.
It’s unfortunate that they seem so determined to so publically undermine one with the other.