[ISS] Intaki Security Summit

No-one can criticise Icarus for refocusing it’s efforts in the face of opposition with armoured and air support. The party at fault is the current security franchisee. As agreed on the 8th of this month, Mordu’s Legion should promptly explain and rectify its performance of its contractual obligations to the Assembly.

If the Legion is rendered impotent by a conflict of interests, the Assembly should (as I have said elsewhere) consider alternative sources of support which are not beholden to such a diverse array of corporate paymasters.

Meanwhile, while -1SM- is not equipped for surface operations, we will do what we can to:

  1. continue pursuing diplomatic solutions with local capsuleer groups regarding control of orbital infrastructure;
  2. continue monitoring for further LDPS orbital activity and maintain current communications with Lai Dai aligned capsuleers currently active in the system; and
  3. begin the delivery of items requested by IPI for its Relief Effort.