It is the anniversary of the Empress's Historic Announcement

Slavery is, by definition, always forced on someone, you do realize this right?

Not unless you consider ‘by circumstance’ as well. There’s plenty of cases where the free citizenry of the Empire can find themselves in worse conditions than the slave stock, and can in fact voluntarily turn themselves into property. There’s many reasons for this, but the obvious truths are that it’s carefully made so in order to both avoid the slave populations gaining significantly more reason to revolt by being the worst off class as a rule, and in order to further fuel the slave economy by ensuring there’s more to be found in the citizenry.

It’s of course a vastly more complex matter than this, but the gist of it holds true. Slavery can absolutely be entirely voluntary, even if that is a statement that damn near justifies the EoM’s existence.

Slavery is an act of punishment or a system of social status, not an aggression. Enslaving is… if done illegally. Legal enslaving is still forced on someone, but it is not an aggression, it is lawful action. For enslaving to be legal it shall be done in the territoy where slavery is legal, by the authorities who have clearance to use violence, and against targets that were defined by the law of that territory.

So violence isn’t violent is someone in a fancy hat says it’s cool? Gotcha!

I’m glad I’m taking notes from these Di-Di lectures. Will there be a quiz?

Speaking about hats, I see you haven’t stopped trying to steal Arrendis’ crown of stupidity.

There are no Free Amarr. We are all subjects of the Emperor and of God, this is how it should be. “As Emperor rules Holder; as Holder rules Serf;
All under Heaven serve God.”

The divide between Indentured Amarr and Commoner Amarr is less one of freedom, and more one of degree of oversight and of available roles in society.

And as far as the general topic of the thread, the Amarr divinely ordained heirarchy is certainly not evil. What is evil is when a Holder allows greed to override justice, causing them to refuse to promote the deserving.

The Empress Jamyl’s decree was about righting that wrong by forcing those holders who had placed their personal profit over their duty to promote faithful Matari that should have been made commoners long before.

It was not an attack on the great heirarchy, nor an attack on the Amarr practice of slavery, but rather an attempt to right an imbalance in the order of things.


And ?

I did not say it is evil. I said it too often allows the unrighteous to hide in positions of power. Did we not just have the worst heretics since the Empire grew beyond Athra reveal they had been hidden in plain sight ?

As Saint Ageroth said. But who holds the Holders to account ?

The Theology Council, the Heirs, the Speakers of Truth, the orders and ministries tasked with anti-heresy work, the Emperor, and ultimately God.


I’m sure they’ll get around to it aaaaaany day now.

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We literally just had a purge over this.

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Did you now? So the corrupt Holders are taken care of now? Or was it a purge of undesirable social movements among the plebs?

I wonder.

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So is she wanting a stronger Inquisition or what ?

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Perhaps she misses the days of Aritcio Kor-Azor. It was more entertaining method of policing corruption than a bureaucratic solution if less effective.

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