ITEM HANGER needs savable tabs!

that’s what station containers are for, Sparky.

That’s not what I’m talking about either.

Inventory filters, not columns, you mango.
You can find the filters on the bottom left hand corner of the inventory window and customize new lists by clicking the small plus sign.

  1. use station cans. You must.
  2. use filters to know where to put items

I have a filter for charges, fighters, drones. Also a can for them.
I have a filter for modules that are meta >0
another module for craft items, that contains minerals, salvage , all the M0 items
another one for reprocessing (typically meta 1,2,3) . But I don’t reprocess items :stuck_out_tongue:
You can filter by size (XL ?), by name (enduring, compact, scoped, precise, restrained, … can’t remember all).

give it a try. You must.

No, go away.

I think Akeem meant the amount of cargo the container can hold.

cut off your nose to spite your face, be my guest… tired of people like you.

Well I think its a good idea, but there are workarounds that offer similar functionality.

Stop being lazy and just go get some Station Containers. The 2 sizes I use have 1mil m3 and 10mil m3 capacities. If you’re then going to complain that you have to be there to move them from the container to the item hanger to sell them then that suggests you are not at that station very often in which case - so fkn what if they are all in the item hanger? You’re not there anyway!!

Bloody nonsensical thread asking for something that already exists. Fool.

Instead of a red dot they should have made sortable tabs…same with ship cargo.

My mining ship, tab for crystals, tab for salvage, tab for loot. When I loot all, or a drone returns with salvage it should be distributed appropriately…same cargo size just easier to use.

This way I don’t need to pick out ammo from my loot ect.

For hangars tabs that I can further sort with containers.

Every item already has a market search category just base tab options off this.

I actually can’t believe CCP hasn done this yet.

No, thank you.

Do Filters not do this?

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ONE DAYYYYY…we all will have our 70+ PVP Ships, that we named after sexy celebrities, being sorted by SHIP CLASS and not Names, Volume, Ship Type (alphabetical Order for Assault Frigates and Assault Cruisers yehaa makes no sense)…one Dayyyyy it will not take me two minutes to visualize where my DRAMIEL is…because i will be able to SORT the ships how i want them to be, AND THEY WILL Frikkinnnnnnn stay where i pinned them…


before that, can you please FIX the godddaaammn Stacking Windows Bug, bring back the Search Copy Paste bar for Items in the Wallet and COULD YOU PLEASE PLEASE CCP make it possible to Copy and Paste NUMBERS from the Clipboard into the f… damn Contracts Fields for Reward/Collateral.

You bring in “Features” and brake the most simple things…whoever is doing those “Decision”…slap him my big fat DICtionary in the Face with the Tilte “DONT BREAK THINGS THAT ARE RUNNING FINE”

damn it…

PS: i like the red dot !!! (not joking)

Who cares. Move them to the item hangar and then sell them.

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