As far as I know, there isn’t a way for you to turn off two-factor authentication, nor should you as it provides you with extra protection against unauthorised access to your account. Bear in mind if your account was compromised and your skills extracted and assets sold, CCP would be unable to reimburse these items (they don’t remember player-to-player transactions).
You may consider getting a 2FA application which will speed up the process slightly, and it will reduce email spam. I highly recommend the Microsoft Authenticator as it ties in really well with your Microsoft accounts as well.
Something I would recommend against CCP provides you with a method in your account to use the same 2FA seed for all of your accounts.
Hence the suggestion of using a 2FA app. That way you don’t get email (or SMS) spam, AND you can tie the key to a specific phone meaning even if your email got hacked it wouldn’t become vulnerable.