Jestertrek's Reddit AMA

Start with de Vries or van Loon, then we can engage on the marketing :stuck_out_tongue:

Forget that dogmatic, with them you will be pray on the market just like noon at null.

*prey, praying is what it does :slight_smile:

/me remembers an utterly hilarious after session where people laughed on some CCPian confusion on the terms piggy round and pay-to-play.

Anyway, enough about that. It was a pretty good AMA, something every CSM should do after the NDA’s expire.


Sometimes I make posts in the forums not for the players or for CCP but for the next iteration of a game like Eve, for the people researching the feasibility of the idea who may dig these forums up and study them.
Most of this would be “what not to do”.

But I did read this:

We were shown remarkable things that apparently would have been easily capable of the interconnection in a relatively short time period. In particular, we were told that the code capability of a DUST 514 mission to take over a supercarrier while it was involved in a capital ship battle and to turn ownership of the ship to the winning side in the DUST 514 battle was not only possible, it was something that could be implemented in a relatively short period (18 months).

JFC! :rage: THAT would have been epic. Whoever took that concept and capability and botched it up needs to be locked up in a trunk with scorpions.


Not really. Being said capital pilot and relying on some random dudes in a totally different game to not have your ship stolen?
That would suck epicly.

Yeah you are probably right.
Another failure brought on by societal collapse as usual. It would be entertaining to watch were it not taking rule of law and “being able to live around other people safely” with it.

As I’m reading on, I see the E1 part of the story and find this interesting.

After that, though, the level of ■■■■ that I had to deal with about it… I’m not going to share that, but it wasn’t pleasant. I was physically threatened but that wasn’t even the worst of it.

Funny. I thought only carebears were so toxic. That’s what I’m told in the forums.

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Anyone who was a pirate (I’m not one) believed much too strongly that the E1 ban for truly outrageous behavior, was a slippery slope that would lead to bans for less outrageous behavior, such as a ban for any kind of ransoming. The forum threads at the time were full of every kind of counter-argument attacking “the messenger” and some also downplayed “the message.” And that was just the public forums.

EVE didn’t collapse. CCP drew a line in the sand. You can still play a bad guy, but E1’s example is not welcome here.


[–]Jestertrek CSM8
The EVE Collector’s Edition was supposed to include a CD, and on this CD would have been the original beta build of EVE Online circa 2003, which people could load and play in single player on their own PCs.

You can still do it, CCP! In an age where online games vanish after the servers close, archivists and fans would welcome a “time capsule” version of EVE. (At least some of the PvE content would be playable.)

Sad. All my assumptions are validated. Never been so close to “win EvE”.


I’m past that, I came back and intend to have fun, NOT being part of the two play styles he mentioned CCP forces us in to, and enjoy the game in spite of CCP.

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With new patch incoming “my gameplay” will be dumbed down, there is nothing for me here anymore.

:confused: Sorry to see you go.
I’m staying, at least for awhile, so if you have any items you’d give me I’d be grateful.

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From this post:

I hope this isn’t too late, What advice, if any, would you give to the candidates that make it onto CSM14?

[–]Jestertrek CSM8
Run a damned Little Things effort, formally, with a wave of requesting player ideas and a second wave of having players vote on the ideas. Then present the top 50 ideas to CCP. They’re not that hard and they show a strong value to the CSM.

[–]Fuzzmiester CSM 9-13
You know, and I know, that the CSM doesn’t get things made. That’s not its purpose. And that ‘little things’ often aren’t actually little. And by having people vote on them, you’re offering a false sense that they’ll actually get done.

[–]Jestertrek CSM8
Doesn’t matter. Yes, past Little Things efforts included lots of things that are difficult or impossible (notably the ability to switch characters once you’ve logged in). But they’ve also included hundreds of things that are in the game today. And for the impossible things, by presenting them to CCP in public, you both (a) stress that the player base still wants these things; and (b) get CCP to make statements about which things are impossible and why. Because oh by the way, sometimes the impossible things suddenly become possible when the right person shows up to address them. I’ve been there to watch one CCP dev do something another CCP dev said was impossible. And of course, running a Little Things effort is a simple way for the CSM to add value for both the devs and the players.

@Steve_Ronuken, so much this. Every major update, I look for a “little things” post, because often those tweaks are just as helpful to EVE life as a “big thing” like the wardec changes. But lately we wonder if, when, or how player “little thing” ideas get selected for development. The “little things” forum thread is a sprawling monster, and only rarely can @CCP_karkur take time to let anyone know if a suggestion is too big, something being considered, or something being worked on. Is it a repeated suggestion in different words (does she increment a private database with “number of times suggested?”)

One thing Jester / @Ripard_Teg points out that can help a “little thing” rise up through the sea of suggestions and become a work-item, is some assurance for CCP Karkur that more than one player would like or benefit from the work. Preferably thousands. Some previous CSM-moderated suggestion lists and player voting was a useful tool toward that end.

edit: kudos to Steve “the Man” Ronuken for taking this idea, and running with it! if you are interested in contributing to a new type of EVE suggestions resource, check this thread.



Ahh, good times… :blush:

Erotica1 never broke a single rule, btw!

Jester was exposed as just another lying, crybaby carebear.

There, enjoy the dumpster fire. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


No surprise that Jester is whitewashing his role in that banwave. At the time he was very vocal that Erotica1 should be banned.


Jester is the piece of ■■■■.

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The discussion train is still running, even stickied for today.

It’s kind of a pet idea of mine, but was there ever any discussion of changing cyno mechanics? I’ve been in the game for a long time and it’s one of the few things that has never really changed.

[–]Jestertrek CSM8
What to do about cynos is one of the things that’s been bouncing around inside CCP HQ for years. For example, most of the devs involved hate the fact that a single noobship can bring in a force of dozens of titans but they’re not sure what to do about it. They feel that a lot more risk should be involved somehow. Various proposals have been put in front of them to solve it with no effect yet. Mine was to have the total mass (in kilograms) of ships that can jump through a cyno be a function of the mass of the cyno ship. Another common one suggestion is to have more incoming ships require more LO the way Jump Bridges work.

Thanks for this AMA and the insight you’re providing us into how decisions are made that affect Eve as a whole.

If you’re willing to continue this discussion, I would point out that any fix which uses a “number of ships” or “jumped mass” approach simply scales up the number of cynos used. Example: noobship cyno lights, brick battleship comes through a bridge and lights, fax comes through and lights, titans and more faxes come through, whole fleet comes through.

I can see this happening and not taking more than a minute for the whole shebang. It slows things down slightly but in my humble non-expert opinion a determined, prepared force won’t be stopped by that type of change.

[–]Jestertrek CSM8
Yeah, I’m not suggesting any of these changes so much as saying that this is a topic of discussion/concern in CCP, or was for two years before I joined the CSM and for the full year I was there.

As I said in another post, there’s a faction of CCP devs that really want to massively nerf JFs and take EVE back to an era where escorting freighters was a thing. That said, given that jump ranges were reextended and that goofy change to jump bridges was added, this faction is probably much weaker now than it used to be.

Force projection for Sov entities has gotten too easy IMO, especially with the removal of fatigue when using the new jump bridges.

I always thought the CSM was a bad idea.

That was name of the game! And freebeer endgame.
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Good riddance to E1