Jin'taan Video: How Could CCP Regain The Community's Trust in 2020?

Hi dude

The issue with Eve Online is the very SMALL but highly VOCAL idiots who hold grudges, speak out against ccp and such. It’s a tiny faction, if they did a survey they would find that 90% of Eve Online’s community are super happy with how Eve Online is.

They could make more an effort with certain things but this game as a whole is unique. It’s what makes it, Eve, but tbh these idiots who hold grudges, I ignore them. If they hate Eve so much then why are they still here?

The truth is, they don’t hate CCP, they hate the fact they don’t have the will power to leave Eve Online for good, it’s like a drug to them. So they become highly bitter, there are certain things I don’t like, but to complain about it non stop? Not my thing :slight_smile:


The issue is that these people have been actively attacking new casual players over many years, weakening the earning potential of the game. Their bitterness is on display in this thread and in others. They are fun to fight in game at times, especially when CCP get their head out of their ass and sort out mechanics that have given them an easy ride for years. But they really kill the forums with this snarky bitterness and over the top personal attacks on anyone they have an issue with.


The moment they start working on FW/Lowsec, I’ll trust them more. Now I’ve been just kind of “meh” about every new update.

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Oh yeh, fully agree, there is a squad of people on here who are fully disgusting, why they are not banned from the forums is beyond me.

until personally attacking people on the forums, im not talk like calling some one a dumbass or an idiot, i mean full on being abusive is a bannable (forum) offence, it won’t stop. Ideally we need devs such as @CCP_Dopamine to introduce new forum rules and have the mods STRICTLY enforce them


I can sell you a safe space for 1B if you like…

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Thanks for proving my point Runa


Thanks for proving mine.

The only thing you are proving, is that your only goal when posting here is to be toxic and ruin the forum.

If CCP actually enforced the forum rules, it’s been long you should have been banned, along with sol and aiko.

You are one to talk AG…but I forgive you.

Yes, I am one talking. And I also am one proving what I claim, the opposite of you who talk without any basis and insult people when proven wrong.

Such as?

Wow this thread just went… :explodyparrot:


If I ask for it, it’s because those are unbased affirmations.
When people do use those unbased affirmations, they are not trying to make argument. They try to look like they have arguments, which they don’t. If it was actually a correct argument, it would be easy to provide those citations and you would not be whinning about them.

You are just crying because when you spout BS, people don’t believe you.
Well, cry more.

That’s a strawman.

You are not allowed to troll on the forums. Repeated used of out-of-context fallacy is a troll.

But please keep claiming that you are lying and trolling.

I think this:

Was perhaps one of the best takedowns I have yet seen on these forums, you should give up, you are being destroyed.

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Well your inability to read is the one at fault, I guess.

I mean, for someone who claims he comes here to lie, and troll, not really sure if it’s on purpose, or just that you are mentally challenged.

If it’s on purpose, you should get banned from the forum and get a therapist.
Otherwise… well still the same.

Well you claimed something stupid, that’s all there is to it.

Any time I log on and see over a hundred new messages on a thread in the span of a few hours, I can tell without looking that the same half-dozen Code/ganker/fruitcake trolls and the same half dozen people who can’t resist responding to them have destroyed the thread with hours of “You! No You! I’m rubber you’re glue” nonsense.

I guess they find it entertaining. Maybe we need a ‘posts per day’ limit or something so people put a little more thought into saying something useful.


It’s like going to zoo, really. Get some popcorn and you’re all set.

Welp, when people stop demanding HS and the forums to be like Hello Kitty online, I will be out of a job…gladly. Sadly, this will never happen…

Maybe someone should stop releasing whiny youtube videos?

Then threads like this wouldn’t be a thing.



By removing new players in their Ventures :stuck_out_tongue: