Jita Direct Trade Scams and the EvE community

Proof or it didn’t happen - you could just be here to slander Serenity Fireslayer’s good name.

It appears you understand how eve functions, so I am surprised that you’ve gotten the idea that my losses have all come from scams. Only once have i been scammed. That was today.
My other losses are not relevant to the topic, so were not included. I am trying to understand your position. I am at fault for another player using a time delay exploit for profit?
To be clear, direct trade windows were never discussed in any tutorial, and nobody ever mentioned them in rookie chat, in any corp i’ve infiltrated, or in any of the eve youtube videos that i am aware of. Only here, on the forums have i seen any reference.
How does one prepare for an exploit that nobody talks about, but apparently knows all about? Feel free to read any of the other threads on the same subject. Sometimes even due to the same scammer.

Let’s offend a whole industry by saying, that at work IT people only interact with other people through basic human interaction, therefore they are social abnormalities that makes them likely to scam in eve, thus they must be sociopaths?

That is quite some prejudice right there.

I didn’t really care much for your story. You got scammed, it could have been avoided. Who cares.

However, for someone who wants to make the world lawful good, you definitely seem to have some rather outdated and generalized ideas about other peoples professions.

the only advice i’ve gotten is to not do direct trade. I’ve taken that advice to heart, and am addressing other comments that are related to the thread but not always to the topic.
Context is fun.

You’ve gotten upset when people point out an error and then tried to talk down to everyone in this thread, including me.

This thread goes down hill from here.

There are usually around 19k-35k people on eve at any given time. How the hell do you think that could ever include the entire IT community? I honestly don’t know how to wrap my head around your comment.
I don’t know if you’re intentionally misunderstanding what a sociopath is, or if you really don’t know.




  1. a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

Your comment highlights exactly the kind of attitude that makes me generalize you as a sociopath.

You’re projecting an emotional state to text. That’s your problem, not mine.
I do not feel that i am being condescending, but if you feel that way it is likely due to your own insecurities regarding some of my general statements and how they might apply to you.
You can calm down on that. I don’t even know you. I’ve not infiltrated your corp or alliance, that i’m aware of, and the only interaction we’ve had is here. You’ve made 2 posts here, both of which is just whining about how i am addressing other people.
I’m sorry that you can’t grasp the social cues they are laying down. I’ll direct you to the multiple comments about my intelligence, my age, my ego and now my emotional state.
If you don’t want people talking down to you, don’t try to jab them with sly comments in between larger discussions.

Says the guy splerging in a rant thread and calling everyone a sociopath…

It’s pretty clear.

If you can’t understand my comment, then I can’t help you. I added specifically the part of your post where you generalize a whole industry about what type of individuals it is made of.

If that somehow makes me a sociopath for pointing out that you can’t just throw everyone into a single box like that and then draw the conclusion that the lack of social interaction makes them sociopaths… Then I suppose I’m fine being a sociopath. If non-sociopaths are like you, I really don’t want to be whatever you are.

Sure. I suggest you take a look at, as far back as 2009, when this was going on:

In which case, follow what the advice was, petition, and see what your response will be.

Instead, what we see here is you “bitching about getting [scammed] and my stuff taken that way”.

I dont see the difference here.

Sure. Guess how long im “Frustrated” for, when i cant open a jar of pickles?

Youve been here for 3 hours now. Im guessing the scam happened a lot longer in the past. Take a look at this:

I was new, i was baited, i got killed in a ship that took me a long time to get into and lost it. Guess how long i was “Frustrated” for? like 10 minutes. I know how to move on.

If i were “frustrated” for more than an hour, i would escalate that from “Frustration” to “Anger”. At what point do we label it as “Anger” and not simply “Frustruation”?

K, so Sociopaths make up around four percent of a general population. And you, with your degree in psychology, im sure, have diagnosed that the majority of EVE players are sociopaths based on their online interactions of their online personas.

Can I ask, are you diagnosing me as a sociopath as well?

And yet this is completely disproved by the fact that a vast majority of players interact and cooperate in corps to handle large operations.

But then again, im sure your 10 minute shakedown of players based on your 15 minute training by the prison shrink is far more trustworthy than actual evidence contradicting the very definition of what constitutes a sociopath.

Neither have I. because its a video game.

In case you missed the memo, Video games are not real life.

If prison was a video game, sure.

And thats the difference between a video game, and prison, isnt it.

Why dont you use the vast knowledge of psychology that you seem to hold(read: Google) and try to recall what Mob Mentality, is. Incase you slept through that subject in your first year psychology class(read: 15 minutes with the prison shrink), it has to do with group mentality leading and guiding the people inside irrespective of each individual rational thought. It teaches us that the anonymity of a mob would let us do things we would not normally do.

And in a video game?

I would never go out and shoot another person just for fun. I could never conceive of a scenario where i would do it, and actually enjoy it. And yet, i find myself enjoying, and enjoying watching other people rack up kill streaks when i watch them in CS:GO or call of duty tournaments. We are capable of enjoying films, games, media, without actually having the mentality to do it in real life, because we understand the difference between a video game and reality. We understand the difference between a film and reality. When I play a Warhammer 40K tabletop game, and my opponent mains a Chaos marine army, i know that within the lore, the Chaos marines are a group of bloodthirsty, immoral maniacs. Do I suspect my opponent of being a serial killer? Of course not. Its the difference between fantasy and reality.

Get a grip on both. You will find yourself far less “Frusturated” for long periods of time, if you do.

That is a very long version “no u” that you managed to type out.

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If you bothered to read the post, you’d have known that i did make a support ticket.
I have been explaining the finer details that have been pointed out and challenged. Honestly, I was hoping for a conversation about the general response time of eve servers and if anyone had found ways to reduce the lag that i only ever have in jita.
I even went slightly technical with basic computer specs and connection speeds.
The response, much like yours, is to be exactly what i described you to be. you wont directly defend the scammer because i called you out ahead of time for that contingency. so now you’re just trying to nitpick my equipment, find some way to claim i’m crying or whining, and how you’re so above the fickle emotions involved in being cheated. Not by an honest fight, gank or gate camp, but by pure manipulation of back end game mechanics. You’re too cool to care if someone cheats to best you.
My frustration ended a long time ago. If you’d bother to read the text without projecting what you assume my emotional state is, you’d notice that i tend to type factually, not emotionally. Like the great Shapiro says, facts don’t care about feelings.
Incidentally, I do have a bachelors in psychology. I spent the majority of my life as a corrections officer, and in order to gain rank past sfc, you have to meet certain requirements. Education being one of them.
I’m not diagnosing you as anything. you seem to assume that my analysis is based off about 5 minutes of conversation. Silly you.
Again, you seem to be intentionally misunderstanding what a sociopath is. They do quite well in groups, especially in groups with other sociopaths. One of the most famous sociopaths, Dennis Raider (a.k.a BTK) was a successful dentist with a family and close friends, after he murdered and masturbated all over families in the 80’s.
Being a sociopath has more to do with your tendency to disregard the moral and social consequences of your actions. You know, like making excuses for scammers and saying the person scammed is just dumb and should have known better. Where have i seen that before…
In case you missed the memo, all your actions have a greater impact on your consciousness. That you fail to understand that isnt proof that i’m wrong, just that you fail to understand it.
Again, you completely fail to understand the topic. I don’t care that i lost isk. I lose billions every day. Hell, just look at my zkill. I drop billions into ls and die to 3 people and dont bat an eye. Hell, I tend to joke with them in local if they dont pod me.
The topic, and the portion I care about is that he manipulated back end game mechanics to accomplish his scam. That you are so intentionally failing to understand that makes you appear to be a troll.

“That is a very long version “no u” that you managed to type out.”
Here we are again, with you failing to understand logic based text. I suggest you actually read the text, and stop trying to project the supposed attitude you feel i have.

Even with me posting the definition of sociopath, you fail to understand what it is.
It isnt an emotional state, it is a mental disorder that leaks into most, if not all aspects of your life.
You seriously need to educate yourself on the difference between “everyone” and “the majority”. Obviously you feel like i’m including you in that statement.
Let me restate; I do not know you. This is the only interaction we’ve had. I am not in your corp or alliance, that I am aware of. Until this interaction, i could not have possibly included you in my statement, as i’d never met you before.



You’ve missed my point.

No one insulted you. But you’ve added it to your op. And you’ve started calling people sociopaths over a game. Say they have a mental illness. You’re saying people are defending the scammers but they haven’t. You’re trying to shame the devs for ‘empowering’ the players. and you don’t think you’re being condescending?

And you said you were only going to post once…

Honestly, take a step back. Does that seem like someone level headed?

Regarding your original topic, if you wanted to talk about lag, you wouldn’t have given two craps about the scam itself. It wouldn’t matter if people were defending the scam or not. You wouldn’t be accusing people of having a mental illness. Or trying to call out devs.

I’m sure your smart some of the time. But you’re all heart right now.

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rolls eyes

If there are 20m IT employees, and only 20k of them play eve, would that be called a sampling, or the entire industry?
That isnt sarcasm, you just appear to be intentionally misunderstanding the text.

If you answer A - a sampling, you’d be correct.
If you answer B - the entire industry, you’d be wrong.

I generalized about Eve players, not the IT industry. If you’re in IT, you know damn well that most of your human interaction at work is superficial at best. You’ve got only a few main goals to choose from in that field.
Repair, Sales and Maintenance.
Repair asks questions to diagnose and fix the issue.
Sales = jita local
Maintenance is usually back end and limited in interaction outside of a handful of people.
In that industry, all your interactions are transaction and goal based. That suits Eve perfectly, don’t you think?

Now, i’ve explained what a sociopath is. As I’ve stated to the other guy getting triggered over my statements, I don’t even know you. As far as I know, I’ve not been in, infiltrated or been killed by you, your corp or your alliance. I can’t have possibly tried to analyze you or diagnose you in our limited interaction. If you want to paint yourself as a sociopath, go right ahead. That’s on you.
I posted the definition of sociopath once, i’ll do it again.




  1. a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

I’ll also post antisocial in case you don’t understand that word too.




contrary to the laws and customs of society; devoid of or antagonistic to sociable instincts or practices.

By normal social standards, theft is not acceptable. Well, unless you’re a democrat, but that’s not the point. Eve panders to the sociopaths because it doesn’t limit us in very many ways. You’re allowed to act however you want, and a good portion of the eve community takes that opportunity to become rabid dogs.
Despite what you think, that does have an overall impact on your consciousness, and it speaks about who you are. This game opens up your basic desires and allows you to put them into play. That’s why you’ve got such interesting groups. Those rabid dogs all end up following another rabid dog that gives them direction.
What that says is even when you’re at your worst and among friends you’re still a follower.
You seem to operate under the misconception that doing it in a video game somehow absolves you.


This is a blatant lie.

What you said, and I quote, in the very first post of this thread:

You dont start a conversation by accusing everyone who plays this game of being a sociopath and having a serious mental illness. You dont start a conversation by comparing people in a video game to people who commit real world crimes and are in prison for their crimes.

You dont start a conversation this way, and expect zero backlash.

You did more than simply explain the finer details and computer specs.

You are either lying, or being completely, weirdly, delusionally mistaken.

We did. We posted how this is part of the game mechanics. Infact, go read the very first reply to your nonsense.

Yaha, right, no one is buying this.

You fling around accusations that we are sociopaths, conflating fantasy with reality, and trying to shame us for accepting what the video game has to offer.

In other words, name calling.

Im sure Ben Shapiro would have something to say about that.

You want to talk about facts? Sure. Lets discuss. But keep the name calling out of it. It makes you look emotional.

I asked you if you considered me a sociopath. You seemed to have been perfectly fine diagnosing the, as you put it, word for word,

as sociopaths.

Try this. Go to any psychologist. The one down the street. And ask him. Ask him if they would be able to diagnose whether someone is a sociopath by their interactions on an online video game designed around a game mechanic where cheating and scamming are both accepted and in many cases lauded and encouraged. Go ahead. See what answer you get.

Once the laughter stops, im sure the answer will be a resounding “no”.


Do you know why we plaster these signs across parking lots? Isnt theft, morally wrong?

Oh, thats right. We do this because we understand that the responsibility is also on the part of the owner of the car. We understand that there are things you can do to mitigate the chances of illegal crimes, and we are encouraged to do so. And anyone who doesnt, learns a valuable lesson.

We are not disregarding the social and moral consequences of stealing. But we understand how crime works. If you leave your wallet packed with cash on a park bench, we know theft is wrong, but people will still recognize that it is ultimately your responsibility, and your fault.

So how are you determining that they are a sociopath, then? You do realize that people claim that Gankers are sociopaths, and yet you seem to be perfectly fine with ganking.

Again, its a known mechanic. If it was an official exploit, CCP would put it in their official list of exploits. I dont see how this makes him a bad person and not others who scam, which you seem to be perfectly fine with.

I mean, people have been manipulating back end game mechanics for a while now. The MWD cloak trick is a great example.

So please, explain what is morally and socially reprehensible that makes them sociopaths for doing this sort of thing, while regular scammers, cheaters and gankers are somehow perfectly fine, normal people.


You clearly didn’t bother to read the comments then, or are simply too dense to understand what has been typed. Again, not my problem, it’s yours.
As for defending the scammers, that was the whole effing point to me calling them out before they could make the statements. Is this your first thread on the internet, or are you just trying really hard to ignore all the rest of the forum posts where the rabid dogs are at each others throats over the slightest thing?
My comment about the developers and GM’s are to the developers and GM’s. They can see my account history and see exactly what i’m talking about.
Yes, I did type that I was only going to post once, then I posed a second time and even included the bit about lying because i’d just posted for the second time. Jesus, man, keep up.
My original post included the scam, the lag, the specs and denouncing scam defenders before they could pull their dicks out all over my post. Instead, all it’s done is make a few of trip over yourselves trying to find ways to discount me without addressing anything that i posted about.
You seem to think i’m not allowed to address people that make stupid and obviously troll comments on my thread. You’ve completely derailed the intended topic and i followed you into the ■■■■■■■■ hole. That’s the 2nd mistake I’ve made tonight.

I read it. The entire thing was a “No U” argument.

“Dont call me upset, thats your problem.”

I.e. No u.

“Im not condescending, but you are, because youre projecting your own insecurities onto me.”

I.e. No u.

“You accused me of being upset. Calm down on that, in other words, youre being upset.”

No u.


Scams, like autopilot, are a mechanism for sorting the wheat from the chaff.

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