Jita Holding Inc. VS piRAT

I havnt defended any one, Just called you out where you have been incorrect, I think PIRAT are cowards but you blanketed all corp hopping tactics as cowardly, when that’s just a naive salty way to QQ because you made a big oof and they took advantage of it, And as far as R I O T goes as I told Azazul I withdrew my application after you and R I O T took bhaalgorns to fight rattlesnakes, shall I forward those mails to you as well? You are so far behind the curve as to the events you’re talking about its pathetic, I dont like your group or pirat and iv made that quite clear on both sides…

hahaha cyber left, doc per isnt at war anymore
it’s been a pleasure dunking you fools o7

You are a great war target buddy, your potential for salty tears is just astonishing. I watched you trying to disguise your anxiety on this thread for months…
Even if the danger to become a prey is quite small, is very hard for you to bear it :smiling_imp:


Nice little bit of content you gave us ladies. Sorry it didn’t work out for you in the end… All the best to you in the New Year.

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Doctor Per keep up the good fight.

Bump… lol…

@ Khromius

Be silent as you are terrible !
I never see you fly around when you dont have 3 friends with 38 neutral reps at your side.
Solid tactic for a space bully

@ Multifrequency

It makes not that much sense to fight the cowards as long as guys like this: https://zkillboard.com/kill/74506599/
ran into them and feed them with isk.

You call them cowards for fielding reps, yet that’s exactly one of the most effective ways of winning engagements, no?

E-Bushido is worthless when what matters is winning. People who stick to their honour are usually the ones who are vulnerable the most. The only reason why people can cry “unfair” after dying is because they’re not actually dead. In “real PvP”, not once in the history of humanity has the loser cried “unfair”, because he can’t.

He’s dead.

Being a coward keeps you alive. A big mouth and overestimating ones self because of some silly honour codex doesn’t. You’d likely understand that if you actually knew anything about “real PvP” instead of this softened ■■■■■■■■ people created in their minds so they can think high of themselves.


I dont know who you are and i dont care about.

Ofc beeing a coward keeps you alive.
But i think this will be a life on your knees.

And now tell me (eve since 2006) what real PVP is. Iam listening!

But they’re not cowards. They’re survivalists. What you’re doing is literally whining about those who are smart enough to push the odds as far as they can to their favours. You call them cowards, instead of acknowledging that they’re willing to make sure that they keep winning.

And then there’s you, who thinks of himself as better than them, yet you’re not in any way or form doing everything you can to make sure that you’re winning.

With “real PvP” I meant reality. You’re being so full of yourself, you think any of this virtual ■■■■■■■■ actually matters and you take value out of it. Tell you what: It’s worthless.

If you were at war, acutal war, combat, behaving and thinking that way in actual real war, then all you’d achieve is getting killed because your “honour” has zero value when it’s about actual Life and Death. You die. You don’t get to whine. The better ones win. End of Story.

Sure … you don’t die in the game, but that’s the actual issue here.
If you were dead, you’d not be whining about others being better than you. Because you’re actually rather insecure and need your virtual PvP to feel like you’re someone, you’re incapable of accepting the fact that people with a dozen logi alts simply make sure they win. They’re better than you, but it’s beyond your head, because you identify yourself as some sort of honourable fighter, which is laughable.


You’re a scrublord and this applies to you:



So you think the personal attacks against me give your weird phamplet more weight?

Man you have a serious problem and you should contact a professional to help you.

The serious problem has the person who believes that it’s a personal attack.

It isn’t. It’s an accurate description of yourself, at least as far as what you’re putting up for display.
You not liking it does not change that.
You misinterpreting it as an attack does not change it either.

I’m not the one who whines about “cowards” in a videogame.
You are.

I’m not the one who identifies with being a “brave warrior” (or whatever you’d call it) in a video game.
You are.

You thinking it’s me who should seek professional help is hilarious.

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Forum Warrior,

If i want to talk to a weird guy like you i let know that.

Thanks Solstice, you broke the honour-warrior spirit he had.
He’s not tried to bash his head into one of my ships for weeks now! :frowning:
it seems like you’ve cured him. Gone content! No more laughing at cyber trying his hardest (which wasnt very hard, a bit like a soft boiled egg) trying to make his promises in local true “You’re next Luukje”.

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This guy never had any honour, or warrior spirit. When your honour only exists in your head, and your warrior spirit depends on other people making it easy enough for you, then you’re a loser.

A skill-less, spine-less, honour-less, spirit-less loser.

@ Luukje
I lost my interrest hunting you and your friends.

@ Solistce something…
You are a weird space nerd and probably a pirat alt.
I never saw you ingame i only saw you kills / losses on zkill.
It seems you are a talentless isboxer (it confirms my assumption that you are an alt of an pirat character).

To call someone a loser you never met or had contact too is interessting. I fought the neutral logistic hordes of pirat permanent for 1,5 years (most of the time alone with 2-3 characters) and i made some decent kills. As i said you should contact a proffesional to help you as it seems you have a serious pathologic problem.

@Solstice_Projekt you managed to do what any of us have never been able to do :joy:

I am Sol. I was the resident outlaw of Hek. I’ve made afk hunting pretty much a thing before the New Order took over. I’ve spent months being active in Hek, as -10, refusing to use scouting alts, constantly entertaining the other residents. We’ve faught together, we’ve died together and people threw billions of isk at me so I could keep going!

I’m the reason why pods with GCC can be legally killed. I’m the reason there are bottomless dresses, tights and catsuits in this game. I’ve pushed clothes so hard, some said I’ve been the reason for the PLEX price pushing upwards after/during the Khronos release. I’ve discovered the underwear-glitch. I’ve invented the double- and tripple-volley thrasher and with that was the first person to cheaply gank a shuttle and its pod in one go, under sentry fire, pretty much changing the ganking landscape forever.

Key terms you can google: “resident outlaw of hek”, “double-volley thrasher”, “yellow for sibbyl”, “the case of the bottomless dress”, “eve online underwear glitch”

They even named a ■■■■■■■ item after me fitting to my in-game gimmick back then!

And you? Ha!

You can’t even spell!



You cant even spell ?

English isnt my first language m8 but iam sure its your only one so i do my best that a underprivilged space nerd like you understand me.

I dont give a f… for your archievments as those are none…

Now go and seek help as you still have a problem.

Btw you behave like a 12 year old.

Sol isn’t English to start with :sweat_smile:

I’d simply suggest you leaving him this point, there’s no way you’re winning this arguments

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