Blowing stuff up because it is fun, you have a goal you want to accomplish, etc. Fine. Just having the Devs take stuff because…obscure reasons? No I don’t think so.
Why is having Jita and Amarr and to a lesser extent Dodixie and Rens/Hek good? They reduce transactions costs. This is a good thing. Imagine you want to put together a new fit you just came up with using Pyfa. But you go to the nearby market…and buy some of the stuff you need. Then 10 jumps later a bit more. 5 jumps later a bit more, 12 jumps later some more, and 7 jumps later you finally get it done. So after 34 jumps you get your new ship/fit and…time for bed. Wow…what a great ■■■■■■■ idea. You go brush your teeth and think, “Man, back when we had Jita I’d have gotten that ■■■■ set up and gone and had some fun.” As you reach for the mouthwash you realize…“You know, if I lose that ship I’ll have to do that all over again.” Maybe I’ll just take up mining.
Seem like a great idea now?
I think you missed his point. You blowing up my stuff is one thing. CCP pushing a button and all your things going buh-bye would likley piss you off.