Jita Supernova


Blowing stuff up because it is fun, you have a goal you want to accomplish, etc. Fine. Just having the Devs take stuff because…obscure reasons? No I don’t think so.

Why is having Jita and Amarr and to a lesser extent Dodixie and Rens/Hek good? They reduce transactions costs. This is a good thing. Imagine you want to put together a new fit you just came up with using Pyfa. But you go to the nearby market…and buy some of the stuff you need. Then 10 jumps later a bit more. 5 jumps later a bit more, 12 jumps later some more, and 7 jumps later you finally get it done. So after 34 jumps you get your new ship/fit and…time for bed. Wow…what a great ■■■■■■■ idea. You go brush your teeth and think, “Man, back when we had Jita I’d have gotten that ■■■■ set up and gone and had some fun.” As you reach for the mouthwash you realize…“You know, if I lose that ship I’ll have to do that all over again.” Maybe I’ll just take up mining.

Seem like a great idea now?

I think you missed his point. You blowing up my stuff is one thing. CCP pushing a button and all your things going buh-bye would likley piss you off.

Supernovas are beyond the strength of weapons and stars naturally blow up. CCP has to manage nature, we can’t!

I brought up supernovas in another thread. But after thinking about it the realism of supernovas is that you’d always see it coming and always be able to move out of the system. I’ve never actually been to bits but it’s true - flying all over to fit a ship is frustrating. And I don’t think it would reset anything in a meaningful way.

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