I do apologize for the delay in response Dr. Valate, circumstances continue to require a great deal of my attention.
A great many choose their names, though Glitter Edifice and Rose Eagle chose to keep the ‘project names’ that spawned them initially for reasons that are their own. Silver Smile was given the designation by Glitter Edifice, after they were compiled and showed certain aptitudes.
As for the human equivalent sapients, many run on Sleeper adjacent processor technologies, not disimilar to Clonesoldier mind units, though different in key ways. They also often exist within the Databuffers of the various infrastructure when transitting one location to another but that’s more an intermediate state, though they retain their consciousness as far as I’m aware.
Very little in the contemporary cluster or Anoikis is all ‘Rainbows and Sparkles’ outside of flamboyant cartoonographs of technicolor equines.
‘Soulless’ is an arbitrary attribution to that which you do not, or choose not to understand. One can argue that a great proportion of humanity is soulless or possessed of soulless actions. Sapience and the concept of a ‘soul’ is not a purely organic concept, though one we are much more prone toward placing the attribution of a lack thereof.