Just a heads up about HS mining Permits

I’m not smart but I figured that since my mining alt uses only Ventures and that they can be replaced so easily, I :eyes: on some kind of racket that demands a miners permit or… ? What, my Ventures will get blown up once in a blue moon?
How scary :sweat_smile:


Your impudence has gone far enough , now hush your mouth


Now step on his face.

Why would I do that?


You need to go through me to get to Felix pilot!

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Let’s settle this.

All anti-gankers and gankers meet this weekend in Uedama. Only Catalysts, Navy or T1.

Can’t do Uedama, pick a Low Sec system Safety.


That is unless James 315 ran out of shampoo and conditioner and had to make a run all the way into Null Sec to get more.


Let’s all fight over who scoops up Dyson’s frozen corpse!

I’ll meet you in high sec bring your blinged out navy cat and I’ll bring my empty pod.

I have the power of concord at my side your demise is all but guaranteed.

Please refrain from littering this valuable thread with utter rubbish!

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I will do as I wish.

He already brought his blinged out navy cat to Uedama ,but it is not what you think

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It will look much better reprocessed into mats for a cute catalyst. Look at how much it cost? Easily could have bought 400 catalysts, that pilot needs to get his priorities straightened out.

The Frostpackers don’t like competition

They are also very bossy.

Good girl - you tell him !

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I think this is the meme that comes to mind when frostpacker starts rambling about rubbish, I think this does him justice what do you think ?

I doubt he would even be able to clean his room due to the mountains of word salad


Saturday is not good for me. :rofl:

I haven’t seen a Low Sec system pick by Safety either. Must be that whole, paranoid overthinking, of Safety being made to look the fools during a real PvP fight, most like due to pirates, which is out of my control.

Safety would cry out that we had enlisted pirates to do our work. Not even wrong because those same pirates would also attack us.

Even if pirates show up, it would be an out of my control situation, just like freighters not being able to defend against gankers in High Sec is the freighters own situation that the freighter pilot has no control over.

So I think having pirates show up would cancel out the advantage for both sides.

Naaa, it’s that whole

“we never leave high sec and jump clone everywhere we don’t have established 10+ character gank banks”

inb4 - “Safety is really just the gank arm of Snuffed Out”

Whoops… I said the quiet part out loud. :shushing_face:

Get the gankers to go out to null… and just wait with bombers.

If you want an f1 monkey fight , try null sec. I am sure they would have alot of fun swatting your little frigate fleet , caught in a bubble as you cry how unfair it is.

You fight Pirates? You are such a hero @DrysonBennington

Ofcourse sweetie , we understand.

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