Just A Thought to make EVE more enjoyable for newbs

I think that’s crazy. battleships! I subbed for a year, never touched battleship or even took out my battlecruiser much(loved my orca too much).

I’m currently an alpha, and the only thing I would prolly change is the race restrictions on the cruisers and frigs, but still lock away the pirate ships with a easy x1 that could be trained to 5 in a few hours.

But that simile most closely parallels a pure trial period of limited duration with no restrictions, the old one… shot yourself n the foot there :rofl:

@The_AntiChrist666_Diablo13 not commenting on which of you I agree with, just that your choice of simile seems inappropriate for your apparent (?) stance, unless you’re saying you want to go back to the old trial period :wink:

I think the justification for doing so was to enable veteran players to come back and join there NullSec alliances and fly with them more effectively. If that’s the goal, it makes sense to enable them to fly ships of their doctrines.

I strongly recommend to watch the capture of the stream. The reaction of the audience at this point was pretty funny. ^^

It was a bit of a joke, but what I meant was with what I said earlier here is to have alphas not restricted inside the category they are using, like if they are allowed to flying a cruiser, they are allowed to tune it in every extend an omega account is able to do, for pvp.
So they are getting the full experience of pvp in eve, and if they appreciate the game and want more they definitely going to sub I could assume.

Also you shouldn’t be using such diffecult words, I was confused you had something with the smiley face I put at the end :classical_building:

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