Just an idea test thread

Mostl likely, havent really read it in depth either, and what if an external party took interest for instance. Leaves to wonder if any external legal warnings could be issued, or at least a formal investigation started. I mean, would it legally constitute as a scam/fraudulent endeavour, or not ? Those are generally pretty illegal.

I might be the weird one. I always read them twice and when there is a chance of change or update,I read them again. The agreements hold to a point in validity. To a point.

I lost my flashlight. Can’t help you with that.


Unless im mistaken, none of its jibberish says “you cant sue us” ?

I find this topic interesting, This is your thread. With your permission I like to express a bit. However to do so,I’d want to show some history that will broaden the scope abit. To allow a picture to seen with clarity.

I’ll use this post by way of edit vs continuing in a linear fashion.
What say you?
It is my opinion that the judge who set this in motion should have been shot before he laid his head down that night for sleep.

With that said it is also my opinion that this should be reversed. However that will be an all uphill battle because the nations of the world are now in the mercy of those entity’s will. Lobbyist are the scourge of our world what ever their cause. They deprive the common citizen of their rights and opinions.

To continue as brief as I can. I see a day when this will have effects that cannot and will not be tolerated. Its starts with accountability. Today the culture of corporations have distorted the way of life beyond measure.
I’m not a conspiracy nut or a revolutionist. It just makes sense that people can only bare so much and I believe that point is nearing.

Now to the closer look at agreements. If one does agree. That it is worth the implication that the creator has honorable intent. If it is proven they don’t then it also makes sense at a time in the future they will be held to an accounting.

The gaming industry has broken all know measure of accountability since their inception. It is only a matter of time that if they choose to not keep to their agreements,that they will have no choice to be governed by the nations they reside in and possibly by world governing bodies.

I honesty hope it doesn’t need to go that far. Though I see most companies today do not seem to feel they need to. It is wrong and something will give sooner or later. The EA scandal may only be the beginning of holding all virtual,intellectual properties and associated products to be accountable. Not only on claims such as dates but also quality. In my line of work deadlines are absolutes but they are also made with the possibilities known. Gaming companies are rather blase about commitments and to me that is in itself a foundational inadequacy.

It is a common practice between companies by way of contracts,that if the agreements are not met in a timely manner or lack quality as define by the contract. It sets things in motion. One of those in the simplest terms is a back charge. I see no reason they shouldn’t,when a player agrees contractually and fulfills their end by way of payment,that the issuer of the contract will also have to hold their end. If not,a “back charge” seems sensible. I see no reason why a company can assert human rights and then not act accordingly to their customer. It shouldn’t be a one way street. If they want the right they have to respect it.

Considering all that in a brief,to consider the possibility of collusion of what has been mentioned here does indeed breach any confidence and can and will be valid terms to void any agreement to be accountable by way of lawsuits. whether they be by individuals or class action type.

Of course all legal eagles will want to dispute that to the end of time. They don’t matter when enough people feel cause to affect change.

Sorry slow typing. Not perfect nor complete.

Thank You

tl;dr Companies need to keep their word or they will be regulated to insure accountability.

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Sure go for it.

I believe the term you are looking for is “racket”.

The relevant excerpt:

3 a : a fraudulent scheme, enterprise, or activity
b : a usually illegitimate enterprise made workable by bribery or intimidation
c : an easy and lucrative means of livelihood

I won’t speculate whether this is the case or not, but it is entirely plausible. We’re in uncharted territory, here in cyberspace. The “wild west”, if you will. :slight_smile:

A fourth reason occurred to me regarding CCP and RMT. Maybe they can’t do anything about it. Maybe they know who the key players are and who is doing it, but due to them being in an influential alliance or player corporation, they can’t do anything about it. Maybe they’ve let it go on for so long now, and these alliances provide the bulk of “player driven content” in key regions that if CCP did start banning them, there would be no one left to play. It would be the equivalent of CCP chopping off their leg to spite their foot.


I’d not hesitate one second if my leg was gangrene to cut it off at a joint to remove it. It would hurt for a day,for a week,maybe even a year,yet I would have no regrets.

I in no way make the assumption that collusion is happening. I have no proof,nor am I looking for any such proof.
In the long run to let something happen due to fear is a real failure to let it drive a company.

Author Roger Zelazny wrote a book. In it he writes. That the best way to deal with fear or hope it to let it be realized. In doing so you disarm your opponent.

I really enjoy this book. I listen to it on audio. It would be awesome to have this book be an MMO
Youtube audio no commercials. I like the narrator. Don’t care much for the 1st 3 min of some nubs review.

Sorry no. Seeing my effort wiped out every couple of years is not something I would consider fun.

That is the refrain we here from people who are…well…authoritarian. I know this is good for you, but you won’t do it so I’ll make you do it. Fortunately this is not IRL and you cannot impose this view via violence like the authoritarians IRL do.

BTW, this is the same kind of thinking that various leaders employ that invariable turns their countries into shitholes (like Venezuela, Zimbabwe, etc.) and brings tremendous suffering to the people living there.

Part of that fun is seeing the fruits of one’s efforts. Sure I look back on my early days with some nostalgia, but I could start a new character. In fact, I recently did it and it wasn’t something I stuck with…it just wasn’t the same. Would I want to go through all the waiting when I already know what it is going to be like? Not sure I would.

Agreed, EVE is an example of a complex adaptive system where you get all sorts of things going on. Resetting that wipes it all out and much of what people have built. Some people might find that interesting, I wouldn’t. Why spend 2 years working towards something you know will cease to exist? Adding this in will dramatically change player behavior and in ways that are hard to predict.

Yet alliances do fail cascade. Where is Atlas? Where is White Noise? Where is Morsus Mihi? Even corporations fail where is Black Nova Corporation, Reikoku, etc.

As for players reshipping…isn’t that a good thing? They get back out there and fight–i.e. content something to do.

Interesting choice. Out of all the alliances that are now defunct you pick one of the alliances with a strong culture that allows it to be far more resilient than many other alliances. Kinda cherry picking there aren’t you?

Why? If a group develops or has a strong culture that makes them resilient…what is wrong with that? Immersion breaking…what? A resilient group with a strong culture should simply disband after some losses? How about Tau Ceti Federation? Dead. The Ankou? Dead. IRON? Pretty much dead. Zenith Affinity? Dead. Cult of War? Dead. Ev0ke? Dead. Red.Overlord? Dead. All the alliances that used to live in Paragon Soul and Esoteria? Gone. A fairly resilient alliance like AAA is now a mere shadow of its former self.

Or not. If it requires more effort and is harder to get…people, who are naturally risk averse, may decide not to risk those valuable assets.

Nobody is going to have squat worth fighting over in the first year.

That’s fine for you…why impose that on the rest of us? I like reading economics journal articles; is it okay if I make you read them too? Sound like a fun evening sitting down and reading about new institutional economics? Just because you like something it is rather presumptuous that everyone else will like it too.

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I don’t think he’s being authoritarian. He’s asking for input about an idea. He’s not demanding CCP impose this on us. He’s asking for our reaction if they DID impose it on us.

America. lol

Well thanks for all this, it was very informative, and also I think one would require proof of such specific wrongdoing from CCP to support all of it, but it’s very well throught out and explained at least.

However, until we have that, something pops up or someone lays down the cash for a private investigation, Id be tending to see it more with Quakegod in the end, that CCP very much knows who all the culprits are, but aren’t necessarily complicit in their activities with them.

I would go as far as say that the culprits now pretty much control CCP in many ways, quite possibly threatening them to leave the game should anything be drastically done to hinder or stop their activities. CCP simply chickens out at every turn on that prospect and would rather let the game get corrupt till the bitter end, out of misplaced comfort.

Personally, I think they’re ■■■■■■ either way. The gangrene is no longer curable by amputation, and already spread to the nervous system. Injectors and micro-transactions were the first and final symptoms of that.

It’s over Jim.

Im giving it a couple years at best, this year being where all the beefy official announcements and formal backstabbings will occur, and next year all the desperate selling out to some other company.

Also, if I could, by the press of a button, assemble every single Eve RMTer in a stadium, and drop a frenzy of tactical nukes on them, chances are I probably would.

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