Just joined the Community Development team

I don’t know enough about you to know if I’m going to like you …
… or not.

Are you a real DJ or just some guy who picks mp3s?

Twitter: “User not found”

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Yeah, please don’t forget that there is a community on the official forums. We aren’t always raving about conspiracy theories and asking for devs to be fired. Every once in a while, we can actually give constructive feedback.

5 Fire Falcon

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Welcome! :smiley:

Boy, you better have some if your going to post on the official forums.

What I miss as a bitter old vet is the ability of the Dev’s to stay in personal contact with the player base. (kinda sorta) For all the mishaps like 2 day downtimes, etc, it became a feeling of community between the Dev’s and the player base.

Player base… You screwed up

CCP, yeah, we did, we’ll fix it.

Were all human. Crap happens…

We, as bitter old vets should be the best advertisement you have in the game, yet I’m stuck giving out isk to any new player who posts intelligently in the forums in the hope they will continue in the age of chaos. I don’t even know why I try anymore?

And although lack of communication/interaction by the Dev’s to the player base is not the worst of all evils, I miss the old days when it was easier to brush off CCP’s mistakes.

Edit; Hey, had to turn on the “Veterans” tag for that one…


Gotta know his stance on waifus before I can form a proper opinion.

Community Dev Team? Isn’t that the team that only replies to threads about an “Eve dating platform” but refuses to respond to or even acknowledge actual player concerns?


He has just landed . Give him space bit… before start judging ! He is a day old baby ! Give him warm welcome and hugs before we drown him into our hell … ! Ffs i dont want to see you that when you first visit your future father in law to ask the girls hand ! And begin to talk about she is not cleaning well she leaves her underwears around and she is a bad coook !, i dont know the dad but i would pull the artilleries there as mom !!!

Can you take a look into Russian Help channel issues? It is full of swearing, insults and flood. Most frequent answer to any actual question asked is “delete the game, noob” closely followed by “get back to World of Tanks”.

Moderation badly needed, because this channel is first social interaction new players have in EVE.

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I don’t have a ‘Veteran’ tag… :anguished:

Hey, it’s better and makes it easier to lurk around … blue has no tags and no titles in even eve… so nobody knows who the hell are you and makes it easier to communicate people’s real natures. they talk to you, not to your title. And makes it easier to know to people…
It only causes one tiny issue … but considering the gain. it’s a fair trade-off.


Excuse me, but …

… does that mean you’re developing for the community … (as in, services they can use etc.)
… or are you being hired to develop the community?

Developing the community as in doing honour to the name of the company you’re working for …
… and steering them into certain directions meant to influence the culture?

There’s people out there who know that …
… “these things will attract those kind of people”.

Which one are you? :slight_smile:

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Welcome and… :wave: bye

Isn’t this EVE, where people love to blow up hours old characters and rob them of their goodies the second they leave the starter systems and then chant how non-consensual PvP is part of the game?

Hang on there, analysis was done awhile back showing hostile interactions are good for player retention.

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If they dont moderate similar things on forum, why would they moderate it there? It is how social interaction in EVE looks. Some players would most certainly name it one of the “great filters”. When those with softer skin resign and go to play WoW or WoT.

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I highly doubt I will see something like that in New Citizen Q&A threads.

Well, welcome and good luck, but most of the Community Development team has appeared to have set sail for the Bermuda Triangle or parts unknown. Meanwhile, the EVE community churns like a pond of piranhas after a side of beef is thrown in.


No offense, but the game and the world did not implode when the role was empty. What was broken that needed fixing?

Dunno what’s going on but -

I’m a digital DJ if you’re asking whether I play vinyl, cd or digital. DJ’ing was my main-job for about 2 years, I ran clubnights in Reykjavik between 2011 and 2013, was a resident dj in a few clubs in Reykjavik, and a resident in a Rockabilly tiki-bar in Helsinki called Navy Jerry’s.
If you want to get into a vinyl vs digital debate I’ll be glad to, but only after about 6 beers.

Waifu or dakumakura; What one does in ones friends garage when he’s away for spring break is between himself and whatever spaghetti monster is watching through the grimey windows.

We also tell funny jokes on Twitch. Or at least I do.

I’m kinda enjoying running the gauntlet truth be told, and well I have been here for a while. First Fanfest I attended was 2011, first Fanfest I dj’d at was 2015. And if you have been chatting with someone on Twitch or under the Facebook page streaming in the last 6 months, odds are that was me. :orange_heart:

Noted, I’ll poke the Russian department and see what’s going on.

Good question. I’m not a software developer. Think of me like ex-CCP Guard without the social skills, rapping skills, MMA skills and the swag.

It’s been an honor and a privilege.

I have no idea but I better find something to fix. Any suggestions?