Just out of the freezer

Fair enough. I am just pondering … like this … :thinking:

[name removed} > DIS OMEGA ■■■■ Makes me want to hang my self

Literally just said in Rookie Help 30 seconds ago.

See what I mean?

I know to some it might seem like we are just talking about one post on the forums here, but this is a constant issue in the game at the moment.

So… one drive-by post makes it a non-issue, but two make it a serious problem? Two out of how many players that have it figured out just fine?


This is silly talk.

It’s not one or two as I’ve said it’s daily, weekly, monthly.

I thought being able to demonstrate that I did not even have to wait 30 seconds after posting here and returning to Rookie Help before yet another Rookie brought it up would make a point.

It probably does to most people / anyone prepared to think about it.

If you actually require a list hundreds long of every incident day by day before you’ll accept the existence of an issue that you already identified the existence of yourself …


well … I don’t have that much time to waste, sorry.

Okay, so for argument’s sake, let’s say you’re not making numbers up (as if pretending that asking you to prove your assertions makes me the delusional one; you need to learn what ‘burden of proof’ means, because right now, it’s on you; I watch rookie chat quite frequently and can’t find the posts you’re talking about now, and links are pretty easy to make). You’re saying they’re asking for help… and what, they’re just not getting any? No one is explaining how things work?

Because I don’t believe that at all. The game isn’t trying to hide any details about its service model. Sooner or later, if you don’t want to come across as an intellectually dishonest ninny, you’re going to have to accept that most people are just lazy, stupid, or both.

It’s just a discussion, thoughts, ponderings, questions, and nothing here is my responsibility or fault. If you are this quick to resort to accusations and insults and cannot be civil then I am certainly not going to ‘discuss’ anything with you further.

I didn’t make any accusations or insults. You said:

As if I’m wasting your time asking you to prove your claims. You’re not just discussing, you’re asserting there is a prevailing and pervasive problem on a section of the forums that I follow myself quite closely because I like actually helping newbs, and yet, I’m not seeing these hundreds of posts. So yes, I’m gonna need you to make a list. I’m only telling you this because I know there isn’t one, and if there is indeed hundreds of them, then it is hundreds over the course of hundreds again more days, and they are spread so thin amongst other more confusing issues about this game that they are a non-issue.

Above, you quoted something you claimed was on those forums, and didn’t even link to the post. Why?

The fact is, some people are entitled, lazy, and/or stupid. This is a fact. Not an insult, a fact. These people exist. And these people try to play EVE Online expecting too much from it, or something that it doesn’t offer at all. If you’re uncomfortable with this fact, that’s not my problem, but it is indeed a fact.

Avoiding even the possibility of it being a fact means you were never even open to discussion in the first place, because real discussion involves exploring all angles, perspectives, and ideas that may be relevant to the specific topic of discussion. So if you can’t handle discussion because of your perception that I am ‘quick to resort to accusation and insult’ then the only advice I can give you is: grow up and stop being so naive. The world is loaded with people of all varieties, including the stupid, lazy, and entitled.

You missed this part it seems :yum:

No, I didn’t, I directly addressed it.

Ftp crowd, newer generation, they’re whiny, you’re getting old.


You are probably right on all counts, lol :rofl:


They’re far too on the nose with the self deprecating humor too,
I get it, you hate yourself, welcome to adulthood,
At least be funny about being miserable.

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I feel a little dirty using an anti-vaxxer as a funny meme, but… it fits. Even if he is utterly retarded in real life.

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