Juvenius Drakonius for CSM 15 | Spanish Community


I’m Juvenius Drakonius for a different perspective on the CSM vote for Me.

I’ve been a capsuleer for 8 years now, playing consistently with special care to new capsuleers, organization structuring and community life, I’ll put my knowledge and energy to the service of building a better EVE Online for All.

As a CEO one of the largest spanish speaking organization in game REKIUM, we’ve helped 100s of players get a foothold on the game via our Academy where they learn the basics of the game forge kinship with fellow players having a lot of fun in the process, many whom don’t speaking a word of english. At the right time we invite them to join us on our main Corporation, proud members of the Imperium, where they get to see the more social-complex and challenging side of the game. This player turnover experience on a multicultural level I can bring to the CSM.

Other community scope of actions and endeavours:

As your CSM representative my goal will be to bring multicultural communities needs and wants to the table, working hard with fellow CSM members and CCP to help create a better EVE Online for All.

Soy Juvenius Drakonius para una perspectiva diferente vota por mi para el CSM

He sido un capsulero por poco más de 8 años ya, consistentemente hemos mantenido nuestro enfoque en el cuidado de nuevos jugadores, la estructuración de organizaciones y la vida comunitaria. Hoy pongo toda mi energía y conocimiento al servicio del CSM para construir un mejor EVE para todos.

Como CEO de una de las organizaciones hispanoparlantes más grandes del EVE, REKIUM, hemos ayudado a centenares de nuevos jugadores vía nuestra Academia a aprender el EVE, hacer amistades duraderas divirtiéndose sanamente en el transcurso, muchos sin hablar inglés. Cuando el tiempo es el adecuado los invitamos a formar parte de la corporación principal, orgullosos miembros de Imperium, donde experimentan el lado más complejo social y demandante del juego.

Otras experiencias comunitarias y proezas:

Como tu representante del CSM mi meta es traer las metas y necesidades multiculturales a la mesa, trabajando arduamente con mis colegas y CCP para ayudar a crear un mejor EVE ONLINE para todos. En los proximos dias dare mas detalles, pues está pendiente la aprobación de nuestra candidatura.


You are a CEO of a Corporation in the Imperium are you one of its candidates?

In short, no. My role as a CEOS of one of it’s corps is very different from this candidacy and the community we seek to represent, if anything this is an opportunity for expansion of new player content, one that has not had a voice before in the CSM. That said we support all it’s candidates with all our votes, GSF has always been welcoming to multicultural groups and we are very grateful and proud to be a part of it.


Eres un CEO de una corporación del imperium, eres uno de sus candidatos?

En pocas palabras, no. Mi role como CEO de una de sus corporaciones es muy diferente al del propósito de esta candidatura y de la comunidad que buscamos representar, esta es una oportunidad de expansión de contenido de jugadores el cual nunca ha tenido una voz en el CSM. Dicho eso apoyamos todos los candidatos del imperium con todos nuestros votos, GSF siempre ha tenido los brazos abiertos a grupos multiculturales y somos bien agradecidos y orgullosos de ser parte de ella.


Ya need a bit more than that or you won’t even get out of the starting gate


and I do not mean answering X as to whether or not you have made a vid

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he lost me at imperium lol.

I was short on time and had to make the post in a rush with a simple text at the start, I will finish doing this in a short while… :slight_smile:


The Imperium been very welcoming to multicultural groups, Im proud to say i am a member.


El que conoce a juvenius sabe que tiene sus defectos ,pero también sabe que los mismos son opacados por sus virtudes .siempre construyendo ,siempre aportando y siempre sumando para la comunidad y es innegable que cuenta con la capacidad ,los medios y la fuerza para representarnos



I have known the guy for many years and now is the time to have someone completely new on the Council.

The Council needs new CSMs with fresh new ideas.

I know of no better candidate than my friend: JUVENIUS DRAKONIUS

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as a member of Rekium, I can testify that the community he is trying to create is one of the best I have ever been in, that includes all other MMOs. I vote for Juvenius unconditonally

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Always trying to make a better place in EVE. Juvenius has my vote.

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Apoyo a Juvenius. Puede aportar mucho y de gran interes para todos incluso para CCP.
Suerte y espero que sigas aportando como capsuler tambien.

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Ésta, es una gran oportunidad, tanto por el mundo hispano del EVE, como de otros grupos lingüísticamente minoritarios. Recordar que es un instrumento de colaboración-orientación con CCP para mostrar loa visión de los jugadores sobre EVE. No es un simple consejo de Alianzas.
Muestro mi apoyo por Juvenius, por su dilatada experiéncia, empatía con los jugadores y afán de TRABAJO.

This is a great opportunity, both for the Hispanic world of EVE and other linguistically minority groups. Remember that it is a collaboration-orientation instrument with CCP to show the vision of the players about EVE. It is not a simple advice of Alliances.
I show my support for Juvenius, for his extensive experience, empathy with the players and eagerness for WORK.

Questa è una grande opportunità, sia per il mondo ispanico di EVE che per altri gruppi linguistici minoritari. Ricorda che è uno strumento di orientamento alla collaborazione con CCP per mostrare la visione dei giocatori su EVE. Non è un semplice consiglio di alleanze.
Mostro il mio sostegno a Juvenius, per la sua vasta esperienza, l’empatia con i giocatori e l’entusiasmo per LAVORO.

Il s’agit d’une grande opportunité, à la fois pour le monde hispanique d’EVE et d’autres groupes linguistiques minoritaires. N’oubliez pas qu’il s’agit d’un instrument d’orientation de collaboration avec CCP pour montrer la vision des joueurs sur EVE. Ce n’est pas un simple conseil d’alliances.
Je montre mon soutien à Juvenius, pour sa vaste expérience, son empathie avec les joueurs et son empressement pour le TRAVAIL.

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It is a very good opportunity to lengthen and improve the Hispanic community without neglecting the rest of the communities. The CSM is a platform that allows us as players to be in development and having an experienced player with knowledge of the Hispanic community brings us closer to having a more representative game. whether you are from panemic or test, someone playing null, or high, we must join as a community and take advantage of this opportunity.

Es una muy buena oportunidad para alargar y mejorar la comunidad hispana sin descuidar el resto de comunidades. El CSM es una plataforma que nos permite como jugadores estar dentro del desarrollo y tener a un jugador experimentado con conocimiento de la comunidad hispana nos acerca a tener un juego mas representativo. seas de panemic o test, alguien jugando en null, o high, debemos unirnos como comunidad y aprovechar esta oportunidad.


I will vote for Juvenius , first he had the experience and
I think a person like him is needed, because I know that he will be able to contribute a lot to the community and especially how to help the game evolve.
I know that it is not any candidate is the indicated one.

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I have known this guy for many years, he always showed truly care and love for the game, he’s been committed for the community and had a lot of good ideas, he has the experience and the motivation and is well known by the hispanic community and even for a certain english spoken players.

I have experienced from first hand how devoted he is for his proyects many times shared by others, always doing his best and he have spend so many hours trying to improve.

For me he is my candidate, a guy who has proven his trustworthy.

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yeah, clearly another goon stooge trying to get a free vacation to Iceland.

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Rekium Corp is the one with the largest number of Hispanics inside, but because half of us are spies to hunt capital in Delve. Sorry but that’s the reality.



Que vacaciones si está el coronavirus?

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Don’t worry friend I can pay for a few weeks in iceland. Question for you…You’ve run a few times as a candidate, what have you done specifically in the CSM to make a better gaming experience for the Spanish Speaking community? btw I can pay my own ticket to iceland

If you managed to be for a month In our academy, be a native spanish speaker, done at least 4 clases, been in coms consistently so everybody meets you and passed the background checks and pass my personal interview…I guess you can.

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La tienes bastante difícil, nadie te conoce fuera de tu corp.

Aparte de de lo dicho anteriormente. Muchos CSM son líderes de alianza o Fcs y tienen ideas que en realidad cambiarían la forma del juego en su totalidad o en alguna característica en particular.

No veo en tu post, lo que harías si yo votara por ti o algún cambio en el juego, más allá de hacer eve en español. Seria bueno que pensaras en varias ideas y nos respondiera de que otra forma cambiarías el juego.

Votare por ti de todas maneras.

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