Juvenius Drakonius for CSM 15 | Spanish Community

Gracias Theodorum por tu apoyo, te contesto. Esto apenas está arrancando, CCP tiene que aprobar la candidatura una vez eso esté listo ya puedo tener la certeza de entrar en detalle de lo que queremos llevar a la mesa del CSM. Eso es este viernes 15 de mayo.

Pero para darte un adelanto mi propuesta tiene 4 ejes: Ecosistema, Organizaciones, Las primeras 100 horas del EVE, La Interfase Gráfica. En el fin de semana una vez confirmada la candidatura estare dando los detalles

-1 For running on an Ethnicity based CSM platform.

Why are people trying to divide the Eve community?

Este juego necesita un representante de habla Hispana que represente a la Comunidad hispano hablante. Tiene mi voto, su candidatura no es un tema de Alianzas, si no de que la comunidad tenga un buen representante que la integre.

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Wherever human kind exists, be it in EVE or in the Old world, there will always be those who draw lines of divide and there will always be some of us that work hard to erase them. The only ethnicities of capsuleers I know are gallente, minmatar, amarr and caldari.

Our Drive has always been and will always be to bridge relationships with players all over New Eden overcoming the limitations, whether that be language, new player retention, player progression…to enjoy this wonderful game.

New soldiers please

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This man have all my respect, is a trully leader.

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Cheer up Jove, you are a great Corporation leader and Goons deserves a leader at your height

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Es importante que la comunidad de habla hispana tenga un representante, por que, después de 17 años, es inaceptable el hecho de que el juego no este en español. No tiene lógica que este juego no este en español, cuando otros juegos si tienes el español disponible. Ademas de que si no esta en español, esta rechazando de manera automática a todos los posibles jugadores de habla hispana. Mi voto es para Juvenius Drakonius

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This is a great time to demonstrate that diversity is taken into account for decision making in the direction of our space ecosystem, it is time to let emerging leaders help in the development and direction of eve, it is time to see new candidates for the CSM.

Este es un gran momento para demostrar que la diversidad es tomada en consideracion para la toma de decisiones en el rumbo de nuestro ecosistema espacial, es hora dejar que los lideres emergentes ayuden en el desarrollo y rumbo de eve, es tiempo de ver nuevos candidatos al CSM.

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Mi voto por Juvenius, por su gran iniciativa y perseverancia

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Por un EVE en español.

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La comunidad hispana es grande y necesitamos una voz que nos represente. Yo estuve en Rekium Academy y se formó una agradable comunidad. Antes de Rekium yo ignoraba la existencia de corporaciones hispanas, o incluso jugadores hispanos de los cuales yo creia eran muy pocos.
Pero me equivoque y a través de Rekium descubrí la comunidad en español y lo agradable que puede ser en su mayoria, te hace sentir que ya no estas solo aunque no vueles con ellos.
Si bien no estoy en ninguna corp por el momento he ayudado a muchos jugadores nuevos en el canal de chat Español y me gusta hacerlo porque alguna vez yo tambien estuve tan perdido como ellos. No dejemos que se pierda nuestra voz como comunidad y esta oportunidad para que seamos muchos más.


Juvenius - however this election turns out, I just want to congratulate you on your efforts on bringing the Hispanic gaming community into our EvE.

I’ve always found the internationally-uniting aspect of this game one of it’s best features.

I look forward to seeing the Hispanic community in EvE grow remarkably in the coming years.



Juvenius Drakonius +10 for CSM he will definitely bring good atmosphere to the table

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One of the best CEO that I had server as a director. You have my vote for sure.

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There are more than 480 million people whose first language is spanish and it’s the second most used one, only after chinese. There are 21 countries where spanish is the official language, most of them are in South America but Spain is in Europe and only in USA there are more than 15% of the population speaks spanish. I can’t think of something more opposed to an “ethnographic” issue

This is not about ethnics or division but totally the opposite. It’s about culture, community, and integration.

Juvenius is the best person and is in the best position to help the hispanic community integrate and grow in EVE and become part of this wonderful game. He is a relentless worker, always thinking in the group and the community, how to help them, inside and outside the game

As every human being, Juvenius has his flaws and has made mistakes in the past, but one of things I admire the most is his capacity to gather smart people around him and motivate them to give the best they can offer

I think this is a great opportunity to improve not only the Spanish community, but the game, and I’ll vote for Juvenius


Un buen lider en manos de una gran corporacion. Me acogieron cuando mi antigua alianza me dio la espalda.
Se comprometen mucho con la comunidad hispana en la que realizan clases de aprendizage para los nuevos, no todos hacen esto!
Ha conseguido no solo formar una corporacion, si no una gran familia.

A good leader in the hands of a large corporation. They welcomed me when my old alliance turned its back on me.
They are very committed to the Hispanic community where they hold apprenticeship classes for newcomers, not everyone does this!
He has managed not only to form a corporation, but also a large family.

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Now THAT is a compliment



The spanish community is not an ethnicity, its a 400 million group of people who dont have a localization for this game. That is a group of potential players bigger than the United States total population, and much bigger than Russia who has

The language barrier is a huge problem for spanish speakers, not really to play the game, but to give enough fucks to end the tutorial, The situation is so bad that the community is organized around the channel “Español” wich is afaik a user created channel.

The good part of this is that as probably happens in other language based groups, is that members feel that they belong first to the group, then to the alliance/ coalition they are in. I have lived at least half a dozen occasions where a spanish speaking corp cried for help and help arrived from all sides of new eden, including . So, I wouldnt count Rektium as “part of the imperium” by default.

But I would ask him about his ideas for anti-nullbloc gameplay…


Hola amigos capsuleros.

Llevo unos meses descansando de Eve Online, pero al ver a este maldito y embriagador loco postularse para el CSM he saltado sobre el escritorio para escribiros estas lineas. He conocido a Juvenius Drakonius muy de cerca durante 2 años y os quiero expresar como es él, bajo mi humilde y subjetivo punto de vista:

Como digo he estado jugando (trabajando) con Juvenius mis 2 últimos años en Eve Online, ¡y la experiencia ha sido excitante!. Juvenius es una de esas personas que cuanto más conoces en profundidad más te sorprende, y pronto te das cuenta que está por encima de la media en muchos aspectos. A mi me encanta conocer gente así en la vida, pues te da la oportunidad de aprender, de crecer, de visualizar opciones que antes no existían para ti.

Juve es este perfil de persona. Una de las personas que a nivel intelectual más me han sorprendido en los últimos años, dentro y fuera del juego. Pero no solo es una persona talentosa. También es un trabajador incansable, un soñador infinito. Una persona muy madura, que sigue soñando como si fuera un niño.


Estos adjetivos definen al Juvenius Drakonius que yo he conocido en Eve Online.
Os aseguro sin miedo a equivocarme que Juve es una persona que aportaría mucho al CSM y al EVE ONLINE. No solo como representante de la Comunidad Hispana, sino como representante de todos los amantes de este bonito juego.

    No lo penséis ni 1 minuto. Vota por él.
    Votar por Juve es votar por un enamorado de Eve Online. Una persona que como miembro del CSM no dormirá hasta sentirse satisfecho con su trabajo. Os lo garantizo. Juve es bilingue, habla ingles perfectamente.

Un abrazo para todos, y espero que estás palabras os animen a votar por mi querido y admirable amigo espacial. :partying_face:

Hello capsuleros friends.

I’ve been resting for a few months from Eve Online, but seeing this damned and intoxicating madman apply for CSM, I jumped on the desk to write these lines for you. I have known Juvenius Drakonius very closely for 2 years and I want to express to you what he is like, from my humble and subjective point of view:

As I say I have been playing (working) with Juvenius my last 2 years on Eve Online, and the experience has been exciting! Juvenius is one of those people that the more you know in depth the more you are surprised, and you soon realize that he is above average in many aspects. I love meeting people like that in life, because it gives you the opportunity to learn, to grow, to visualize options that did not exist before for you.

Juve is this person profile. One of the people that has most surprised me on an intellectual level in recent years, inside and outside the game. But he is not only a talented person. He is also a tireless worker, an infinite dreamer. A very mature person, who continues to dream like a child.


These adjectives define the Juvenius Drakonius that I have met on Eve Online.
I assure you without fear of being wrong that Juve is a person who would contribute a lot to CSM and EVE ONLINE. Not only as a representative of the Hispanic Community, but as a representative of all EVE ONLINE lovers.

    Don’t think about it for 1 minute. Vote for him.

    Voting for Juve is voting for a lover of Eve Online. A person who as a member of the CSM will not sleep until he is satisfied with his work. I guarantee you. Juve is bilingual, speaks English perfectly.

A hug for all, and I hope that these words encourage you to vote for my dear and admirable space friend. :partying_face: