Juvenius Drakonius for CSM 15 | Spanish Community

The only reason why i am playing EVE is because i met this guy 4 years ago while i was a single alpha player trying to find a good community, i have seen all aspects from this guy from being the ceo to being a political person and very nice human being, we all know to run an organization theres no manual to do everything perfectly but this person makes its best not to do it perfectly but to be an outstanding leader his efforts had bring to the table very nice results. even when there are mistakes he is capable to stand up and mitigate the issues.

Theres one thing that makes continue being parts of his dreams in this game and its his capacity to find a new way out, the spanish community in this game need someone like this to be represented, some people may say yeah bro you are goon whatever etc etc… but that’s not the case this is not about alliances this is about the game we love and i trust this person.

Some people in this game even some leaderships think they are in a cloud hidden like they are in the Olympus and you know what? that’s wrong we need leadership that deals with peoples problems in this game and Juvenius is one of a kind for this representation.

I wish you the best luck on this endeavors and count with my vote



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I’m new in the game and I don’t know a lot, but thanks to Juvenius and the spanish speakers comunity I can enjoy this great game, they use their time to teach the new players and I think that is a great thing. I will vote for Juvenius and I want CCP to think more for the spanish speakers comunity. VOTE FOR JUVENIUS

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Mis más sinceras gracias por todas sus cálidas palabras de apoyo, estos gestos son testimonio de lo acertada que ha sido esta meta. Juntos abriremos puertas, haremos puentes y trenzamos un vasto lienzo social en Nuevo Eden…un mejor EVE para todos.

My sincerest thank you for all the kind words of support, your gestures are testimony of how on the point this goal is. Together we will open doors, make bridges and weave a broader social fabric in new eden…a better EVE for all.

Juvenius is a terrible EvE Online player with zero expertise in any area of the game.

He leads a group of terrible EvE players under the banner of Rekium Corp.

The spanish-speaking community may have many skilled and talented players, but this guy clearly is not.

This guy pretends to use the spanish-speaking community as a platform to boost his unparalleled ego.

Don’t vote for this guy


you made an alt just now make this comment? :rofl: boy I bet you have a lot of love for what we’ve done.

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This character is an alt.

And you are a terrible EvE player that leads a corp of terrible players. You have an unparalelled ego and pretend to use the spanish-speaking community as a platform to boost your ego.

Don’t vote for this guy

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I dont, even remotely, agree with you, but even in the case you were right, only skilled elite players can play EVE? doesnt the newbe player or not so pro players deserve representation or they interest defended?

This snobish attitude is what makes EVE population stall and decrease.

Maybe Rekium players are not the most skilled ones, but in a big part is due to the effort of Juvenius and all Rekium corp mates to be noob friendly, accept, help and guide new players.

Rekium is a great place to learn the basics about the game, enjoy and learn with very welcoming people who give a lot of their time to help others. As someone said before in this thread, Juve made a family of a corp

I dont know what kind of problem you have with Juve but for sure hiding behind an alt says a lot about your credibility

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Juvenius is the most toxic, treacherous and hated person in the whole Spanish community, you have already seen with the arrogance that he responds to another person who wants to have anonymity and creates a new account to respond since he is famous for going afterwards to ■■■■ all those who do not speak well of him, he had a forum for the whole Spanish community, which took over, erased and threw out all those who did not speak well of him or his coorp, or if they were enemies, he eliminated them, ridiculed them, it was rumored that he asked for more permissions through a false page to steal information within the game with excessive permissions, NO ONE WANTS IT, HE IS HATED, PREPARENT and does not know how to be impartial, which as a member of the WSC should be, accept any criticism, bad and good, and not like it happened above, that someone has told him NOT to vote for him, and has begun to “laugh” at him. THIS IS NOT THE PEOPLE WHO SHOULD BE PART OF THE WSC, BECAUSE THEY DO NOT THINK OF US, but THINK OF THEYSELF. And WE voted for someone to represent us, and this user DOES NOT WANT to support us, he wants to gain fame and raise his ego.

CSM members should care about the community, and this person DOES NOT.


I’ve seen this and I’m going to comment on it step by step:

  • Creator and promoter of the most current forum of the game in spanish, eveforo --) Nobody is in that forum, he dedicated himself to erase everybody who did not think like him, ridicule, and only repeat that we pay in patreon. Dead forum that supposedly stole information from coorp with fake login pages

  • Organizer and host of many player in game community events -) Don’t believe anything, it’s just your coorp and some friends, so this is fake.

  • Creator of the first spanish Podcast of the game more than 4 years ago, -) Looking at their statistics they don’t amount to much. 10-20 people on average.

As a CEO one of the largest spanish speaking organization in game REKIUM: A corporation that the entire Hispanic community hates, for betrayal and abuse of newbie.

This person does not represent anyone, neither the Spanish community, nor the English community, nor anyone, the world hates him, he is seen as arrogant and does not want to help the community, but to gain fame, he insults us all when we do not think like him, he despises us for being a small coorp, he does not represent me, he does not represent anyone in the Spanish community

Added x2:

From my point of view it is quite unfortunate that a presentation to CSM is so poor in content and only the members of your coorp want to vote for you, as all those who say to vote for you.

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yo votare por el señor drakonius juvenius, una gran persona y un gran lider!!

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No va a hacer eve en español porque no es decision suya y la empresa no va a gastar un dineral en algo que no es rentable. Los que le conoce fuera de su coorp los odian por como es.

¿Quereis saber porque Juvenius es tan odiado? Asi es juvenius, no nos representa, y el chat del propio stream estuvo hasta que se fue, diciendole que se fuera, no dejaba hablar, necesita hacerse el protagonista

Hora 1:20

You want to know why Juvenius is so hated? That’s right Juvenius, he doesn’t represent us, and the stream’s own chat room was there until he left, telling him to go away, not letting him talk, he needs to play the lead

Time hour 1:20


He himself says in the video I passed above, that he is not part of the Spanish community, that he does not get his head out of his niche, so… Why is he lying here and saying that he supports the Spanish community?

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kristy tu si que representas a la comunidad hispana con tu corp de 7 chart

aprende a ver mas alla de los intereses personales, si no te sientes comodo como Juve hace las cosas hagala usted a su manera o como entienda que deben de ser

pero deje de llorar en foros como un niño al que le quitan el caramelo

es simple hay mas candidatos al CMS apoyelos pero deje de llorar y postear con cada chart de tu 7 member corp

Bellum esta con tigo defenetly will bring good to the table


Alter for Juvenius. I traslate it.

kristy you do represent the hispanic community with your 7 chart corp

learn to see beyond personal interests, if you don’t feel comfortable with how Juve does things, do them your way or as you understand them to be

but stop crying in forums like a child who has his candy taken away

it’s simple there are more candidates to CMS support them but stop crying and post with every chart of your 7 member corp

This is what he does, he despises us all

Even i killing His Crew and his boys hundreds of times, and argue in Forums and podcast is impossible to Deny, the great passion of Juvenius for eve Online.

One of the biggest challenges a Corp have in Eve is not fade away in time and Juverniuos has managed to keep Requium his Corp fresh and active, this in a point form him.

Finally my concerns are this:

  • The Spanish Localization cannot be you Flag or main message
  • are you willing to draw a Line this time and think for all players no matter which side they are, or is this anotherReikum Pumping Strategy.

Waiting for your Answers Hermano but my votes are for you, way different what you did last Year, i keep mi word ( Another Difference between us? )


Bueno señores …ya estamos llegando a la recta final ,si buscamos a un candidato que tenga la fuerza y el compromiso para llevar la voz de los hispanohablantes y que ha demostrado con hechos sus ganas de ayudar y posicionar a la comunidad en Eve …ese candidato es el señor juvenius !!!

No one can represent the Spanish CSM.

Hanging up your medal and showing off a crappy item doesn’t make you a better example to be. Players like Ciniel are better choices than you. All you do is discriminate against us and insult us like you did last night because we played with five accounts. Do you really want a CSM person who doesn’t even enter the chat room with other Hispanics because their motto is “keep your head down”? No mate, you don’t stick your head out because they’re all after you.

He’s been promising that the game would be in Spanish when he can’t say that, since it’s not his thing.
And the company’s not going to put so much money into something that it won’t compensate you.

The rules don’t apply to him, it seems: https://i.gyazo.com/7363622e252c4eb551a211de5fcda7f3.png

the world is full of people who want to pick fruits from trees that they never planted

el mundo esta lleno de gente que quiere recoger frutos de arboles que nunca sembraron


Juvenius planted a tree and burned it, and blamed it on others