Kicking Over Castles news discussion

You said that afterwards… :joy:

If you don’t care why are you even posting. In fact you look like a Runa alt, because he went on about 5bn ISK in that thread I linked above.

Unballanced ? In what ? Cita is terribly bad for defense, it is more a light support than anything else.

Looking at your killboard you only shoot poor cita of poor high sec corps only. What are you talking about ?


For once i agree with you.

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You definitly live in dream land and don’t understand the patch. I advice you this :slight_smile:

Install 4 citadels in wormhole space. Install services. And watch what will happen.

I spoile the answer : They will all fall down in 3 days at the same time. Remooving the choice of the day(days) is remooving also the possibility to keep 1 cita alive for evacuation —> Before this cita fall down. How can you defend 4 citas at the same time ? While it is easy to block timmer with few ? Don’t tell me set different hours… The ±3 hours range is so messy you will have simultanously citas to defend at the same time. ±3 hours means 6 hours range, just in case.

We are in a terrible situation : Citadells become now unusfull and we have to use them for production. So production will be centralize in some space, big alliances, who are completly safe, in null sec.

Game over.


So it turns out, terrible troll is terrible… also kinda sad you can’t seem to maintain a coherent thought for more than few comments, but c’est la vie. Best of luck with the trolling.


Good Move CCP !

Now we can take down the Pirat WAR Hqs in high sec and they lose all wars and they cant bypass it by setting the hull timers to 10 days.

This change hurts small groups. And hurts more to WH groups, by definition smaller than other space groups.

At least should be one more day to regroup fellow WHers to defend the citadels…Only 1.5 days is very very few time for small groups.

WH space has been nerfed enough, more with new Triglavian ships which devalues sleepers salvaging.

CCPlease, enough hurting WH people!!!


I’ve been reading everything on this thread. I have lived in a WH’s and Null, multiple times. I can honestly say, that not everyone wants to be part of a big alliance, nor should they have to be. CCP has pretty much treated WHers like street bums for years, but it is the only alternative if you don’t want to be part of a big alliance. These changes turn turn WH corps into the punching bags, despite how much resources we deliver to the HS market. This game has evolved past the “mine, build, shoot” mentality. they need to let it continue to evolve, not force it back.


Unfortunally this happens too often, changes made for null sec or high sec end up hurting WH or Low sec.

CCP should consider doing the game updates separating the main 4 security areas of the game.

An example of this are the wardec changes, which were done for high sec, affected the wardecs in lowsec too. Sometimes FW corps needs to wardec awoxers, but if they don’t have an structure, you only can fight them at the cost of your standings with your faction. Which can hurt your farming, or even to stay in the millitia.

edited: to fix some typos, sorry no native speaker…


I have been playing since 2013, I have seen many changes that fixed “broken” aspects of the game and some that made big improvements. I just seems in the last couple years, they have been “stacking the deck” in ganker and big alliance’s favor. This is just another example. Unfortunately after being burned out of Null 4 times (i lost count) even though i was part of a big alliance, our cor settled in a WH, now we have to leave that


Don’t leave, stay with the boat. I am ready to get sinked with it. If we have to sink we will sink. May Bob be with us, this is it. Bob is happy about destruction but if there is nothing else to destroy, Bob will be terribly sad.

I give some cake if you want, it is my forum anniversary :heart: :cake: :heart:

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Is current meta perfect ? Of course no. Will this change fix it for the better? Definetly not. Instead of creating more conflict this will lead to more blobsec with super coalitions. You will have some fight peak at the begininning against smaller corps and alliances who managed to carve out some sov for themselves, then all will get into blob and then the fights will fade again or limited to smaller scale arranged fights or NPSI meta. The thing is CCP wants more revenue and believe this will be achieved by more destruction (understandbly) but instead of poking the huge blocs, they are forcing people to become one of them :smiley: Good luck… The only good change i see here is the FW zone citadel docking mechanics change. Rest is… well… CCP…

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In my TZ, yes they do.

Interesting, just how big a corp, that is primarily one TZ shouldn’t worry about having to defend in another TZ?

I’m not sure you understand how TZ tanking actually works and how this change will change things for smaller groups.
Highsec, Nulsec or Lowsec it won’t matter - For smaller groups having to try and defend things outside their primary TZ simply means attackers win.

Even extending the time in which things come out will have huge consequences for many clans. 3 hours either side of a timer - Do CCP REALLY expect people to be online for a minimum of 6 hours to defend a structure.
This change is amateur hour at its worst, CCP throwing out poorly planned and thought out changes trying to keep their jobs - At the expense of its players.

I’d hate to be the guy who has to tell Pearl Abyss this change drove away more players.,.
CCP used to have Devs who had at least some understanding of the game, now all they are trying to do is keep their jobs. In my opinion, if this is the best they can do they don’t deserve.

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You don’t have to be? It’s a 6 hour window for a 15 minute timer. Not a 6 hour repair timer.
It shows when it comes out.

Now covering a 6 hour window rather than a 4 is significantly harder yes as it might tip it before you get home from work or to after bed time.
But it’s not a dramatic change.

The big issue is loss of control of the day. The attacker already controls the shield and armour timer days. This just gives them control of everything. And as the attacker they already have decided they can take you and prepared specifically for you. As the defender you have no idea who is coming.


Then they must either be hype selective about peoples geographical location when letting people join or they aren’t really that mega if they can’t get a few people to hit a station at off-hours.

IMO, just because a corp has a lot of members, this doesn’t mean their are entitled to a station. If they are big by hyper sensitive to TZ, can’t they just hire Mercs to protect their timer? I assume they have the money for that…

I do have sympathy and have stated that I support some type of auto defense option. But none for TZ issues. If you can’t afford to lose it, don’t anchor it in the first place. Isn’t this just an extension of the #1 rule of EVE? I have one station and in my mind it’s already dead.

The inverse is also true…now attackers need to have their schedule free for a six hour block on the day of the final timer… (BTW it’s not 6 hours to defend and the repair is just 30 minutes)

Actually the change is pretty good…except they forgot the counterbalance and that would have been auto defense.

At the end of the day, you have 3 options. A system that favors the attacker, one that favors the defender or one that is neutral. I hope you say you actually would want the 3rd option…and the 3rd option logically means no timers at all.

Uh no.
No timers at all massively favours the attacker.

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But then with the counterbalance of auto defense, would you say that’s the best compromise for all?

No. No timers at all means no time to shake people loose from Real Life to form a fleet to defend.
The attacker is going to know what the auto defences are, they are going to come prepared for more than that since you might get a few people on fast enough (relative to alliance size).
I mean how often do we hear of shield timers being seriously contested. Thats what no timers would be, but for hull at the same time.



I see what you wrote and in my head, I can change the attacker to defender and that’s my position.

With timers, all that means is no time to shake people loose from Real Life to form a fleet to attack.

Funny. I suspect you are a nicer person than I am…or I just admire the Joker a tad too much.

Um… except it doesn’t ‘work’ like that… cause you don’t have to ‘flash form’ to attack something, you schedule it, by sending off an eve mail, or a discord ping (or whatever) and say “Hey peeps, thinking of hitting X at Y time, does this suit” and if ‘everyone else’ says “Sure!” then you attack… (for structures at least.)


I think it’s this one :slight_smile:


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