Kicking Over Castles news discussion

Likewise. Considering the rest of your post, tell me more about how you understand the game better.

CCP also improved the ability to engage Rorquals by reducing their tank capability. The cyno changes are both a limitation on attackers and defenders. As for the rest of the changes: Yes, we can agree on tha, and I have pointed that out numerous times.

Well, only in your constrained world view. What I linked is not a “35B Rorqual”. What I linked is a multiboxer with tons of exhumers that were destroyed with just a few people. Try to kill as the equivalent number of Rorquals with the same number of people.
Considering the number or Exhumers there and considering that a Rorqual mines as much as 2 Hulks, you would need to bring at least 15-20 Rorquals to achieve the same mining yield. Each of these Rorquals costs around 5-7B with the Excavators. So, the number of Rorquals would exceed the value of the exhumers there by far. And they would by far be harder to attack and kill.

And you can continue to do that. I have not said to remove Rorquals, only to limit them per resource field. Rorquals were originally designed to be the ultimate mining booster and not the ultimate mining ship. This is the design principle it needs to return to.

Just chiming in. Small groups as you said use them at every POSSIBLE opportunity ,
The large blocs with an umbrella use them nearly all the time.

Every possible opportunity != nearly all the time.

I wouldn’t go as far as restricting one rorqual per belt, but maybe make it create a 50-100km field where only one industrial core works at a time. You can still get multiple rorquals in a belt, they just can’t be stacked on each other.

When is there going to be a penalty for the users of a low power structure.

Yes, low power means shorter invulnerability if it’s attacked but this is a small price for a free bolt hole, storage space and repair facilities.

Low power should have penalties

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So all you want is easy kills with a gang that should never be able to get those kills.
You want to be able to kill a fleet of Exhumers worth 35 bil with a few frigates and can’t see the hypocrisy in that?

Again you don’t seem to understand basic game mechanics - People don’t use Rorquals for their yield, they use them due to the ability to defend them.
You want to kill Rorquals bring ships capable of killing them and not cheap assed bombers.

Eve used to be about “risk vs reward”, now it seems you want that to change to “I want to kill it so should be able to”

Actually all they need to do is make it harder for Rorquals to be so easily multiboxed - I’ve seen “fleets” of 50+ Rorquals all with the same name plus a number, indicating they are all owned by the same player - That needs to be fixed.

That’s the point of limiting the number of active industrial cores in an area.

What other methods would work for stopping players from massing them, or even that one guy with 50+. EVE has evolved over the years to be a game you multibox on, they can’t just limit the number of accounts.

Please; Make such a change for players who have the right to stack in NPC regions and for the stations where they take refuge. Why are only player structures exposed to such influences? Why are NPC stations so protected? Why are such weaknesses brought into player structures? Can at least the assets of the players at these stations be sent to asset security? How about a study for this? Let the players defend their NPC stations and equalize the situation !!! Look, that would be a real innovation! If you’re going to be open to new ideas, listen to the players a little bit, and don’t let it be unilateral.

I stopped watching after season 4 ended, but I’ve heard most of the stuff that went down. He didn’t get stupid, the writers just… did things. Then again, the writers did the things that made him seem so smart, so… eh, one hand giveth, one hand taketh away.

Wait… 200 mil ISK is expensive for wardec groups? Or do you mean only because they want to spam 50 to 100 decs at once? Maybe they should limit themselves to 10 to 20 simultaneous wars with the new system?

It is expensive for smaller highsec groups consisting of one or two player with some alts who used to clean low powered structures from the space. Which used to be my case.

Paying 200mil to shoot down such structure that will at average give 150mil from loot back if I actually manage to wake up in 3am for the final timer and there won’t be a resistance is just not worth it.

Citadel modules were devalued by FOB loot long time ago, now the wardec cost increased a ton.

Which again hurts only the smaller groups, big groups such as PIRATE are laudring money in RMT or botting and they don’t care if it costs 100mil or 1bil, they will still have 50 wars on average.

But it is all fine now, I am now part of the big money laundring alliance and I have wardecs for free. I can’t choose what to shoot anymore but well I get to shoot better targets anyway…

Yes, but you’re getting ~150 mil ISK in loot AND the killmail(s) and the fun of kicking over the castle. It’s not just the loot, no? I mean, surely all the wardeccers, from big to small, aren’t ONLY doing it for the moolah.

Also, what was it before the change? 50 mil minimum, right? and then scaled with corp or alliance size?

Yes, I used to do it for the kill mails. I am the killboard warrior afterall.

But the truth is, it is not fun to do it. If it is undefended it is just boring. If if it defended, and it takes only 1 person sitting in it, then it requires too many alts than I am willing to play/pay right now and too much time as well. Getting real peoples to be there for very specific timer for possibly up to 2 hours gameplay is problem, well at least if you are just a group of 3 friends of two are causuals.

And the fking timers dictate your life, this is why I quit EVE last time. It is anything but fun.

Yes it used to be 50mil when I was doing it (and 20mil before that from what I heard), so 100mil price, average loot used to be 250mil because at that time standup modules weren’t devalued by FOB yet.

But it doesn’t matter now, we have new rules since today. Maybe, just maybe I give it a shot again but most likely not because fk I hate the timers.

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Hm. I haven’t bashed anything in HS, only defended it. unless you count NPC POCOs when the Rubicon update came out and you could put up your own POCOs. ;D

But… I’ve bashed citadels, POS towers, and POCOs in WH… and I will say that bashing an undefended structure is pretty fun if you’re just 6 to 10 dudes in a WH, because you never know who’s going to show up. I’d say about 25% to 50% of the time we’ve bashed a citadel specifically some other group also had seeded the hole or just happened to wander in as we were bashing and we’ve had to deal with them. And since the usually outnumber us, that means either hide (cloak), run away, (GTFO the hole!), ask them if we can bash with them and then fight, or… well, just die in a fire because they want to kill us right then now now now more than they want the structure. Fun content no matter what, really.

So what I’m trying to say is that maybe it’s HS mechanics + bashing towers/citadels that turns into unfun.

Wait, is that supposed to be ‘fun’? Cuz it ain’t. It’s just tedious and boring. The ‘fun’ bit comes from either getting a fight, or sitting on comms bullshitting w/friends… neither of which is all that great a scenario for a solo structure-basher who multiboxes.


Hey. I’ll have you know that CCP’s big ol’ advert pic on the eve launcher AS WE SPEAK… indicates some fun castle-kicking. There’s no way it could not be fun, right?

Yeah, sure. Just like all the other things CCP’s though were amazingly ‘fun’, like entosising.


Maybe it was fun when I did it first time, and then second time. But after that…

Watching your ship to bash the citadel for 20min (if you bring big enough fleet to max out DPS) or 1 hour (when you don’t) and reloading the guns every 5 minutes like idiot is anything but fun. It is boring and tedious. So after some time I simply started to do it afk with two max dps oracles.

The problem is that if you expect a fight you have to tank your ships and bring a logi. It is fun, but it lowers the dps really hard and what would take a 20minutes takes 40, what would take hour will take two.

After killing two citadels that were defended by 1 guy sitting in it and perhaps 1 ship outside, I just lost patience. Seriously, I don’t know why the guy kept defending it for full hour switching targets to energy drain and ecm all the time when it was clear he has no chance because I am prepared for it. It was fun first 10 minutes, the next 50 minutes was annoying as fk.

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Lalalalaa I can’t hear you… entosising is probably the most fun thing in this game. I’ve never done it, but I really feel like I’m missing out… lalalala…

No, but seriously, I hear that people used to complain all the time about having to bash down POS towers with dreads when taking sov but now would love that system to come back (especially with those new Trig Dreads, I’ll bet!)… Dominion Sov, I think it was called? Could we just roll back to that?

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I used to complain about having to pay $1.25 for a gallon of gas, too.

Just because something older sucked less doesn’t mean it didn’t suck. Just that it sucked less.

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Sure sure, but… I wonder if the old system came back if people would actually enjoy it for a few months because it’s more fun than entosis… or if the honeymoon would last only moments. ;D Anyway… no damage cap, right? aw yiss.

And yes, I remember 0.99 gas once upon a time. Now I’d be happy with 1.99.

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Right? Fill up the tank and still have enough for breakfast on the way in to work, all for a $20? Damn, I miss that.

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