Kicking Over Castles news discussion

Only take the part that make your statement fit your love of the donuts, typical out of context quote propaganda, This had nothing to do with sov, it had to do with the structure timing changes. But hey not everyone is cut out for the alliance life, which is what make s this game awesome you don’t have to be in an alliance if you choose not to be.

And they were also replacements for Outposts at the same time.
They were not intended to exactly replicate POS abilities.

I liked the replacements for outposts - They have station bonuses depending on what faction originally built them.

Now, if only CCP had made upwells structures tied to factions with bonuses and a specific fuel type or even better have bonuses depending on what type of fuel is powering them (but still - they should have fuel powering them).

But really, getting rid of infinite storage is a no-brainer: Why can a Keepstar only fit 400,000.00 m3 of fighters when you can theoretically put 500 CFC Titans (77,500,000,000‬ m3) inside … along with every single ship owned by the alliance, adding up to billions of m3…
That’s just …silly

don’t you know inside of them is a pocket dimension

Wrong, a pos was infinitely cheaper to run than a Citadel.

Put it online, do what you needed to do, then offline it again.

Wardec, make a death star and wait for them (depending on who it is ofc), or simply take it down.

There’s simply no comparison between the costs, not even close.

I’ve never anchored a Tower in high sec where wars are a thing and easy access to NPC stations makes un-anchoring hangers & bays an easy task.

No fuel = No shield
No Shield = all things that were inside the shield get blown up.

A Non- Faction large Tower (with enough defense) = 40 Block an hour
Astrahus (with enough defense) = 34 Blocks

The POS can on/off line multiple modules but say you have 3 online (ore repro, BPO research & BPO invent). To match it the Citadel gets 3 modules (ore,invent,research) but thats all, the tower can online/offline any additional modules without the huge penalty of a citadel.

Oh yes - it also shoots at enemies all by itself.

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I could go for that, just reduce the cost to build the structures to match the cost to run them, give them the ability to protect themselves when the owners can’t be online and away you go.

Large dickstar pos ±1 bil, has the ability to protect itself, has infinite storage for capitals if parked correctly. Fuel cost, as you say is negligible.

Keepstar, 300+ bil just for the structure, then you need rigs and mods, can’t defend itself, has large storage as outposts did and even for those who can afford to just throw them up will takes years to cover the costs of building but they are as prevalent as they are because CCP (as with most recent changes over the last 6 years) didn’t understand the game they used to own.

Nothing has changed, CCP still don’t understand EveOnline and all the recent changes are more harmful to smaller groups than large bloc’s - Now if stagnancy due to mega powers is the goal for for the game and especially Sov then CCP is on the right track.

Eve is broken and nothing CCP have introduced since the “Era of Chaos” began has any chance of changing anything to revitalize it.

“End of life” (era of chaos) style development won’t save Eve and neither will adding fuel costs to structures. The game needs dedicated developers who are willing to make the hard decisions and see them through.
BO was a disaster but showed at least one person at CCP has/had a pair.

The few Devs left who actually care about the game more than their pay packets need to take a good hard look at the game and make the hard decisions. The heads at CCP need to stop worrying about the “bottom line vs quality game” play or step aside.
Eve has always been a niche game that appealed to a niche player base, work with that and Eve may once again be a great game (for a niche but dedicated player base)

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Living in a WH with convenient static that has access to both Null & Low sec I’ve wandered around a lots of systems in all areas of low & null.

  • You’re right, the cost of a building does have an effect on deciding to keep it fueled.

I’ve never seen a low power Keepstar, because why build something so expensive if you are not going to use it - also - the only Fortizar I’ve seen on low power was in Jspace and there very few Sotiyo or Tatara showing low power.

But Astrahus, Athanors and Raitaru, system after system are littered with nothing but low power structures - you live in null so you’ve seen this - if the locals get beaten up either ratting or PVP they fly to their disposable, with no upkeep cost, bolt holes and get free repairs, free storage with at least week of invulnerability and in a structure with a huge boredom tank…

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I’ve always believed any low power structure should be like an offline pos - Find it, shoot it, kill it. No timers, no damage caps, just some good old bash the crap out of it till it dies.,.
Having to waste a week to kill something that is just hanging around in space and only being used to hide behind (or in) is really bad for the game and players alike.

The problem I see is that CCP continue to take the one size fits all, minimal Dev effort/cost line with things like this - One size fits all is what they use in prisons a game like Eve deserves to be treated with respect, a little effort and a lot of foresight.

NB; Remove the wardec requirement for killing low power structures in highsec, sit back and watch space junk disappear.,.

It being low power is no reason to make it free for all. Unlike POS upwell structures can not be easily packed up when not in use especially if rigged.
Remove the insane rig costs from them building the bonuses into the base modules (even if that makes for faction modules instead… hey now loot killing them is better also).
And provide protection for the owner when unanchoring them so you don’t get them stolen because someone beat you to the click by 10ms.
Then maybe you might have some kind of point to comparing a low power structure to a bare stick.

You can put at least one months fuel into a structure - If you don’t login or maintain it during that time, you don’t deserve it - There are thousands of low power structures littering Highsec that are only used as safe havens or for storage.
These are the structures that need to be purged, without the need for a wardec or timers. They are little more than a ship left in space with no pilot and should be treated as such.

Maybe CCP could add a notification to low power Structures showing how long they have been offline for, after 30 days low power state they become free for all kills.

Citation and evidence needed.

The point is that because upwell structures are not so easy to deanchor as POS, there are legitimate reasons to mothball them that are not a factor of neglect.

Fix that cost to picking them up (which would give more value to attacking them if done the way I suggested & allow a structure to change in use over time), and make it more protected for the owner to grab it when it exits the removal timer rather than a spam collect cargo and hope to not get beaten given the timer is so long to plan a theft on, and then the only low power structures should be abandoned ones rather than mothballed.

And at that point free for all is more reasonable. Or no timer at least since POS still needed a wardec.

Removed some off topic posts. Knock it off with the flagging. Thank you.


The fact players can so easily “mothball” structures is why the game is faced with structure spam.
If you want to keep your structure it should be required to have at least one module active, once a structure has been in low power mode for more than 30 days it should be classified as abandoned. At this time there should be no restrictions on killing it, no wardec required, no timers, no damage caps, just a bash it till it dies free for all.

Keeping one module online is easy, put fuel once a month, if a corp can’t manage that, they don’t deserve to be able to add to space clutter.

As for your citation and evidence - Ask anyone who fuels structures, or you could Google it if you don’t know anyone.

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That doesn’t provide any evidence as to why you don’t deserve your structure if you don’t fuel it.
And compared to POS which you tried to invoke as to say they shouldn’t have timers, they are far harder to mothball and far more vulnerable when mothballed.

It has to be give and take, you can’t make them far harder to mothball, far more vulnerable AND have no timer as well. That is then worse in every aspect than POS were.

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Who gives a fk. You must be a descendant of a t rex since you have rex in your name.

ROFL, the “evidence” you seek is all over Highsec - I went for a little trip with my hauling alt in a ceptor.
18 jumps through highsec - 29 low power structures.

Why should anyone have the right to leave space junk they no longer use just laying around without incurring some sort of cost? Why should this same space junk be treated the same by game mechanics as a structure the owners put the time and effort into looking after.

The dumbing down of the game is one of the worst things to happen - Oh look, I don’t want to use this structure for the next 6 months, I’ll just let it go low power and IF I decide to use it again later it should still be there for me.

PS; Maybe when you ask for a citation and proof you should be a little clearer on what it is you want info on. the way your post was written I thought you were asking how easy or hard it is to keep a structure out of low power.

My opinion about NO TIMERS for structures that have been “low power” for more than 30 days - Stays the same, if you can’t be bothered to fuel it you don’t deserve it - Even the most casual player is going to login at least once a month.

I actually like this idea! We have a structure in a WH. It’s not hard to fuel, but you do have to pay attention so it wouldn’t bother me to see no timers after 30/60/whatever days of their laziness, and get a penalty.