Kill Analyze

What happen there is that there are these triglavian NPCs that roam the system where a wormhole that leads to their home region Pochven has opened . These wormholes open to systems that were close to those that existed in highsec before triglavians took them and now they form Pochven region. They are strong in terms of AI, DPS, ewar .
What you could have done there is make use of ECM drones to jamm the NPC that was pointing you or have warp core stabilizers fitted , since you don’t have positive standings with triglavians. Given your ships is extremely fragile and very slow to enter warp and that ECM drones are also RNG based , you chances to get away with would have been slim to begin with anyway.
What you can do is to get positive standings with triglavians , so that in the future they wont attack you , here’s a guide someone did recently:

Also you will have to be aware of diamond rats too , that appear specially when there is a FOB in the system where you mine. More info here: