Kill Right for sale

I think everyone is really misunderstanding my reasons for posting this thread. I truly only wanted to let people know the kill right was available. That’s it. I’m not hunting anyone. That’s not really worth my time.

And yeah, I doubt I would be able to defeat another player. I’ve never been good at PVP combat. I prefer other parts of the game. But you all have fun with whatever you’re doing.

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I think they just has to be present in the same system.

I would hate to think a high level ganker witch would try and cheat that miner out of a mer 10 million iskies

@Mykal_Omara they will just keep taunting you, send this pilot an evemail and this pilot will cover that loss plus buy you a new fully fitted ship.

These pirates try to act tough and mean but then run like roaches when Frostpacker logs on


:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

Gosh…no-one ever offers to be my sugar daddy in Eve.

Based Lol , If i were you id buy mining permit istead.

If you only knew what we know now about how to become a Billionaire in New Eden you would not need to gank in some cheap cheese fit hull that you continue to spin and never undock!

/btw frosty reimbursed
that loss and actually appreciate the evemail received.

That pilot also had made it into our Christmas list for the effort that was shown.

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Nah…my noob Omegas ( which can multibox ) are mainly getting practice hunting suspects and getting solo kills. Blew up one of Aiko’s transport ships the other day…I hadn’t realised it was one of hers. Oops.

As for ‘cheap’…I fully intend to take on those Griffins at Uedama. I have just the ship for it…not cheap at all. Things will happen…soon !

( Oh, and I’m already a billionaire )

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But would you like to become a 1 trillionare?


If anyone wants to buy, let me know.

Well…of course. But as my ship losses amount to only 6% of my total worth, I’m not exactly in danger of poverty any time soon. And I won’t be even if ( or rather, when ) I engage in my outrageous plan of using Navy Augorors as gate ganking ships.

FYI that pilot does deserve every single isk inside that killright as if it wasn’t for the smart bomb frosty would still be paying out for a chance to obtain your frozen meat bag corpse.

So that means you’ve acquired her corpse through illegal means without a permit? Isn’t that against safety regulations or something? :eyes: :thinking: :innocent:

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I confessed long ago that i an illegal ice and ore miner.

But did you confess you are a corpse miner? :smirk:

It had been stated in the past so we will uphold this same statement Uriel

> You don’t want the attention that you seek, just mask your friend!

Do you often mask your friends? Whatever that means. It sounds horrific though, Hannibal Lecter kind of horrific. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smirk: :blush:

But anyway I take your answer as no, so you did not confess yourself to be a corpse miner yet.

What about salt mining?

I saw your attempts in other threads where you try to mine ganker salt, but to be honest the results were not too impressive. I know, high expectations are futile when it comes to Frostpackers, but still.

Do you plan to improve your ganker salt mining activities in the future? :thinking:

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I’m sorry as there are no take backs. (What you type today, we will use in the future)

We can only keep going forward from this point in time.

Frosty is the same as you yet different in so many ways.

You might display greatness Uriel, though with every great pilots in New Eden there will always be some tiny flaw!

To answer that silly question you had asked!

we already confessed about the frozen corpse hunting activity

So by ignoring the question I take you don’t plan to or can’t improve your ganker salt mining. A simple no would have been sufficient enough. Good thing this free hamburger stand of yours does not charge extra for these wordsalad filled nothingburgers. :stuck_out_tongue: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:

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I have a notebook full of potential salt.

All in good time!

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Sounds promising, don’t let the EVE-O forums down Mr Frostpacker. :eyes: :wink: :blush:

(I do manage my expectations though. :stuck_out_tongue:)