I take it you are new to the forums, people here like Aiko Danuja aren’t what I would call forum trolls, but very sarcastic how they make observations.
I try to avoid being killed. When you have killrights why not sell them? Get something for your loss. You have 30 days and maybe someone will collect your killright. It wouldn’t matter to me if they have an alt or a buddy kill them for the killright, I still get paid.
But here is the steps you should take next time you get a killright.
Check the killboard to see others they may have killed.
Return to the system ( maybe use a pod or shuttle ) and dock.
Look to see, if they are still in the system. Then announce in local chat you have a killright to sell. Leave the price open. Example; I have a killright on Bob I am willing to sell open for bids.
If no one makes an offer, tell Bob he is worthless, then offer it here on the forums open to bids.
I sure there are other avenues to look into collecting on players like Bob. Don’t pay the gankers, never fall for those mining permit scams. Some bounty hunters might do it pro bono on the basis, for their own personal reasons.
How is it a scam? Has anyone ever failed to receive their permit? I think the real scam is all the null bear corps that trick new players into joining and then have them mine all day and pay 15% tax.
This is why High Sector gankers such as should be made to pay a ganking fee for their ganking activities. If gankers paid Concord for a ganking permit that limited them to a few systems, there where be a lot less bad actors.
As it is, there a a bunch of bad actors who just bot veldspar in Hek then gank legitimate players who want to play the game. If someone can’t easily find out if someone is an authorized agent there needs to be an ingame mechanic to so players can find out if someone is actually in Safety. or is just RP’ing as a ganker.
That brings up a fantastic opportunity for improvement and allowing the AIR Program work to its fullest potential by providing access to turn the safety settings to red on all pilots after achieving the New rules laid out inside the AIR program.
But they effectively do. To regain lost security status involves clone tags and a ‘Concord Fee’ on top of that. For someone flying T2 Cats this is something like 40% of the cost of a gank.
Their alliance will be …wait for it …wait for it → .SAFETY
Concord are welcome to charge for a permit or take a tiny percentage of your booty like 1%, if they let you gank whoever you want, wherever you want without interference or sec status loss. Evading a gank should be considered an exploit and banable.
There simply is no game mechanic allowing you to sell them an item, preventing you from attacking them again. I ran upon a corp in Miroitem selling travel permits, another form of this same scam. Just because CCP allows people to be scammed in this game, doesn’t mean we have to keep lying to people about it. Also I tend to believe 11% tax the newbie NPC corps charge is a scam ( ISK sink ) proliferated by CCP themselves. I made my dummy zero tax corp ASAP. Even if you did this as a role play (RP) thing, you are just pretending to be the space Mafia selling them jukebox insurance. I never consider myself to be a “care bear” nor am I a “try hard player killer”. I am just being honest about the facts. If you believe in @Pilot_Bob sincerity about a mining contract, after you have been stabbed in the back, then I have some swamp land to sell you.
I do feel cheated everytime I’m charged for “taxes” and “fees”.
In the real world some taxes and fees are understandable. It pays for gov. employees, roads & bridges, help for low-income families… And fees help businesses and corporations to provide better service ( in theory )
But what do “taxes” and “fees” have to do with a pixelated world?? That Isk taken in “taxes” and “fees” go to improve or pay for nothing. There is no credible reason for the game to just take Isk from players.