Kilyavi Alaailaa for CSM 18


  1. What do CCP do correctly?
  2. What do CCP do incorrectly?
  3. What do you wish existed in-game that doesn’t?
  4. What exists in-game that you wish didn’t?
  5. What exists in-game that you think ought to continue to exist?
  6. What doesn’t exist in-game that you hope never comes into existence?
  7. How would you improve PI?
  8. How would you improve the entire corporation UI?

They regularly add changes to EVE, work with the community, collect feedback, make EVE “live and active” for a long time, experiment (Dust 514, Valkyrie)

Unobvious or uninteresting aspects of the game lie on the shelves for a long time without changes.

Strange and obscure changes come out periodically without explanation.

I find it difficult to answer. Perhaps boarding ships in battle :wink:

Should it continue, or shouldn’t it continue to exist?

Sorry, I didn’t understand the question.

Lootboxes :wink: All-in-one ships, lots of same (“blanced, equal”) ships.

It’s difficult question. PI is time, converted to isks. If you simplify it, the price will fall and compensate for the simplification.

If you complicate it (more difficult production line, more options, as in the Factorio game) - this will require a lot of work and an unpredictable result.

But although it would be interesting.

Make the interface more user friendly, with a tree of dependencies and an obvious order.

At the moment, the corporation UI is a jumble of checkboxes and lists, for which you need to spend many hours of external guides.

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It’s difficult question. PI is time, converted to isks. If you simplify it, the price will fall and compensate for the simplification.

If you complicate it (more difficult production line, more options, as in the Factorio game) - this will require a lot of work and an unpredictable result.

But although it would be interesting.

I’m all for going in the direction of Factorio. and then improve from there, simplify back until there’s a happy medium between interest and economic value. I.e. Simplify the Ui, complexity the game gameplay, price remains stable.

  1. What exists in-game that you think should continue to exist?

I’d heart your answer but I’m all out of hearts.

This is a good idea. I will work it out in more detail to suggest reworking a boring PI with 2-3 scheme into something flexible, where you can come up with more diverse optimized schemas, and make it more interesting.

I don’t know. 98% of the game. PVP, Exporation, Industry and all other stuff :wink:

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Good ideas, I like the interest in wormhole lore, it would be great to make this space more interesting and attract new players. Also like for arenas, arenas are needed for both beginners and experienced pilots)
Kilyavi, what do you think about events from CCP? usually the best loot is in lowsec, would like to see the top loot in lowsec + W-space? And what size ships would you like to see it on?

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Events tend to take people to places most of them don’t normally go to, so it’s useful to alternate between parts of space and class of ships. For pilots to try something new for themselves, as well as to revive the desert parts of EVE.

And yes, W-space seems lacks of events :wink:

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Will you oppose RMT and Gambling operations being run off TOR and other means, Kilyavi?

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I didn’t think about it. Seems like it’s out of my competence.

great ideas!
especially interesting about lore integration to game mechanics. sounds exciting too much. There are plenty of leads in modern eve lore to create interesting plots or mechanics. Have you thought about it yet? Do u have some sketches maybe?

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Hey there Canucks and Friends!

Here you got our interview with Kilyavi Alaailaa to enjoy!


Not a lot for sure.

  • We can add some epic arcs to introduce wormhole space to newcomers.
  • Some floating reward through whole W-space, like a program “SKINS” at annoik for support explorations.
  • Maybe some mechanics, based on stands, like sentrys will not attack you on anmalies.

Thank you a lot :wink: It was very nice and chill interview

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It was a pleasure :slight_smile:

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