Kruul's DNA

Or they could, yknow, Google it

Most descriptions ive found on a 3rd party website simoply states the item description, like this

But on this occasion, yes it is there so my bad for not looking, however that website is old, so i guess the database it uses is old too and may not capture everything.

But even there if someone had found that site andthought i would like to get a Hookbill BPC via that method how do I get all the DNA options, I wonder if they did a search would they find how to get them.

As of writing this i have not looked but the only DNA option ive heard of is Kruuls. I will search for the others today to see waht information it gives.

Im just sayin that CCP I dont think wants to afford to document everything, Ive gotten use to finding what I need to know in MMOs from Google these days.

Wasnt actually meant as a “go google it” kinda response.

Even though it was.

Sorry lol

That is what I was looking for, thank you. :+1:

its a fair enough response Ramona as a lot of stuff can be found there, so ive done a basic search on

Kruul’s DNA
Dread Guristas Silver Tag
Jenmei’s Tag
Elena Gazky’s DNA
Olufami’s DNA

I found info on all except Jenmei’s DNA, all I can find on that is the bog standard database entry

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Maybe this ?

Eve Survival

That is where i found info on the other DNA options, but I could see nothing there on Jenmei’s DNA.

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