just started playing Eve a bit more -
Warming up with some Escalations
I’ve run three Serpentis Narcotic Warehouse in the last week - total haul from the ‘money shots’
One - Coreli A-Type Small Armor Repairer
That’s it - oh joy
I’ve played on and off for years - so know what I’m doing in these missions - I even re-checked with EvE Uni to make sure I was doing the site - and I am
The site doesn’t take long to complete but still Feeling a bit disappointed tbh given that I recall pulling around 50-60 mil on these previously.
The repairer was from a mission in 04 sec - the others were in 05 - so
- Not sure if the security level affects the loot
- RNG is just not rolling in my favour at the moment
- The site has been nerfed
Any thoughts appreciated.