L4 Epic arcs. Single ship?

@Xeux - just be careful not to accidentaly mix up the two and write to a client something like: “GBTW you dumazz scrub, you deserved it numptybrain” and on the EvE forums: “We will of course be shipping you a replacement immediately via Overnight International Delivery. We value your business, but may I humbly suggest in future you may wish to refrain from taking large amounts of illicit drugs and using firearms. We look forward to your satisfaction!”

Yeah, now that I think about it, you’re right.

I run all of the level 4 Epic Arcs in a Shield Boost T3 Loki Cruiser set up with 5x AC’s and 2x RLML’s. After all the small hull NPC’s are cleared I then add 5x Light Combat Drones for up close engagement on the Med and Large Hull NPC’s. The only issue I’ve encounter is Neut Ewar which I quickly eliminate whenever it appears. Other than that I have no problems whatsoever in completing the level 4 Epic Arcs in a T3 Cruiser.

I did Amarr one in heavy missile Loki and the Minmatar one. Then I went back and took Machariel for my alt for same arcs. Machariel was still way faster, due to fact it can dish way more damage and warps pretty much the same.

I have 5 shuttles parked in specific places for those lowsec missions, I can post locations later and it took me about 10 hours to do all 4 arcs on two characters with Machariel. With Loki it took me about 4 hours just to finish the Amarr one. It’s a shame, since I really liked the idea of Loki, but it just came short.

Somebody else might have different results, I’ve ran with +5 implants for missiles in Loki and +5 implants for gunnery on Machariel. Both clones had ascendancy set and maxed out skills.

Didn’t try Tengu since I wasn’t sure if the missiles are going to be enough for frigates and Loki had option to carry 5 light drones.

From what I remember, Rattlesnake also worked nicely, I just fell that 700 dps that my Loki was pushing is a tad to low, compared to Rattles and Machs 1300+ dps (yea, I know, falloff and stuff, but still was going through enemies way faster)

Great news, everybody! If you use a battleship for this instead of a T3 cruiser, you will get to bring along a free frigate for the courier missions.


Woah that’s cool. I’d derp a BS into lowsec just to try that out.

Just throw a AF in of your choice…

…Negal with Abyssal ADC and passive tank from hell comes to mind, maybe throw a probe launcher in the second highslot if in WH, or logi.

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