I see a lot of truth and a lot of miss-information, you can blitz some missions and generate income, but the reward for those missions has dropped, Burner missions some are ok, but others are almost impossible without faction mods and max skills.
Another problem which in part has always been around, skill up, re-invest get quicker, you get noticed, it used to be harder to scan, its not now instead of taking “The Ships Crew” they shoot the mtu or bait you, so grinding like mad to generate 100m per hr is not true unless your in safe deadend corp held system.
You wont make much doing exploration until you get the cloak, its far too easy to get popped, I am just posting this, as the other me has joined a big corp, all you hear, “just lost 10m got popped getting back” or even as they hack, it take time to learn the ropes. As part of a bigger corp I thought great loads to do and load to do it with, not so, being ready to get into fleet you get left when they decide they have enough, try mining while you wait, belts are stripped bare by NPC miners.
If you do manage to find something to mine, you get CODE or some ***** keep bumping you.
compare that to capital farming rock havens, it make empire look lame, where are you going to generate income to replace pvp ships, or have enough floating isk to get to null.
Lvl 4 missions used to be bread n butter earnings to fund this, endless nerf’s means buying PLEX to convert is CCP’s preferred way to fund playtime, someone will point out a video showing 100m in a wallet in 60mins, but be honest most can’t or don’t get this, as for the new invasions, looks like CCP tried to get PVP in the back door, you rarely ever get to loot or salvage, its free for all, I did wonder if it might be a good group thing like incursions used to be.