So… “J-Space is dead…” Well, we want to try and change that…
As a Corp, we looked at J-Space and thought, “why not try and do something about generating content?”
So, what we would like to do, is open up a “Wormhole Warzone”… of sorts.
What we want to do, is pick a random J-hole, probably within 2 from a K-Space or HS static.
Then what we want to do, is anchor a citadel in that hole for all to use.
Finally, we want to publicly post all entrances and routes over a 24/36 hour period to that system, creating a monthly “Battle Royale” zone in J-Space every month.
The hope being, we have a “stage” system with a HS that is 1 or 2 down the chain that is publicly known for people that want to come and hunt/gank/camp etc… That’s it. Genuinely.
We might also drop reinforced loot but that will be once numbers increase (if they do) but to be honest, we are doing this for content generation… not to give away ■■■■.
Valhalla wont be taking part in the first few we run to hopefully distance ourselves from any “Oh, you guys are just farming the data etc” accusations. Honestly, the aim of this is to try and facilitate a “hot zone” of activity where Wormholer’s can chose to venture into in the hope that content will be had… general thought process being, “Well, if we are here, others probably are?”
So, for anyone of the “Bushido Code” that wants to roam an area of J-Space that will hopefully, have other like-minded WH’s doing the same, comment here.
We will probably run this once a month but see how it goes and whether anyone is interested.
Wormholes will be selected at random but efforts will be made (in the early days) to make sure they are uninhabited, with either a K-Space static or low class WH that has a HS static to allow people to get in.
We will also provide all available “back-doors”, in case anyone decided to camp the HS (looking at you WDS!) and every effort will be made to simply facilitate J-Space PvP.
Anchored Freeports will be basic Citadels, no fuel, no bays but will allow for docking and refits… also, blow it up if you like, we have already accepted the fact every citadel we anchor is written off
Edit (2 Jan 2019): I know I shouldn’t update more than once in a 24 hour period but I’m already top of the forum so not really “bumping” the post. In Game chat channel: Wormhole Warzone