Lancers are killing unsuspecting pilots

So using game mechanics as intended is not abuse in the end. :thinking:

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So only one guy?

And at least these 100 people:

Maybe thats why the game stays the same according to you? Only content for 100 people. And this content includes killing of unsuspecting JFs. Still not convinced the game is better off from that.

Nothing stopping you from doing it yourself and being the winner


Not my thing but lets see


Not to mention that the JF died due to major piloting misstakes,
Lancer or not, the outcome would been a killmail regardless.

who cares? it’s just another nullsec mining alt going to highsec, playing like a bot not talking to his corp mates about new updates

Lancer is quite hard well least I think it is to avoid.

Some tips;

  1. Use intel websites tag cyno pilots
  2. Use warp accelerators from station to the gate (refit next system)
  3. Use Implants look in PushX website for for list
  4. Dont be stuborn have multiple LS to HS systems you can use

I by accident evaded a lancer attack it was like my 5th gating to HS they miscalulated the timing and lanced behind me I had just returned to the game and had no clue about lancers.

Reality no matter what CCP says about the game its PVP Server PVE in Eve Online is a CCP con otherwise your wouldnt be able to be killed by a PVPer.
Once you accept that you will be better prepared to deal with them :smiley:

You have always been able to be killed by other players anywhere and everywhere in the entire game. That has been the case since day one. EVE is first and foremost a PvP game…

Before Lancers were introduced, it was impossible to kill a JF that knew what they were doing. Now, it is possible (but still unlikely) to kill them. Having unkillable JFs was the unbalanced gameplay.


The pilot is at fault. Do not move unarmed multibillion ships around solo without protection in an open pvp area full of potential hostiles.
Also know the mechanics and tactics used by these potential agressors in the area you move through, it’s crucial for your survival.
If you can’t or won’t do both things, either accept such losses or stick to cheaper and faster ships that are easier move around without being caught or cheaper to replace in case of a loss.

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Everybody who flies a JF should know Lancers exist and how they work.
They also should know jumping to a friendly Astrahus is not save.
They also should know to replace their ship if something bad happens.


Took a while for players to figure out Lance can be used in a POS?

That would have been handy, pop a doppy miner then pull the plug before concord gets you.

Apparently it can, but that is unintentional and abuse, so it has been declared an exploit.

This is unlike lancing of jump freighters on gates, which is intended gameplay and not considered to be ‘abuse’.

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