Launcher crashes after today's update(SteamPlay Linux)

Multiple Qt5 applications spam the console continuously with ‘fixme:netprofm:connection_GetAdapterId’ (‘INetworkConnection::GetAdapter’ returns incorrect adapter GUID)(Futubull 10.x, Melodics V2, Topaz Video Enhance AI 1.x)


ubuntu : groovy/main amd64 winehq-devel amd64 6.4~groovy-1 [1 936 B]

=> no more problem. updated the launcher, system works.


After Manjaro’s updated included WINE 6.4, I allowed Eve’s launcher to update (after a snapshot, of course :-). Seems to be working fine now.


Can confirm new launcher works for me too with wine 6.4, thx WINE team for such a great job during years struggling against M$ efforts to make linux incompatible and also against stupid windozer developers who follow M$ fashion


I’m also confirming about start and working last version launcher via wine 6.4 (staging) at Gentoo.

Can anyone help me with this, please ?

When I try to install the above package on my up-to-date Linux Mint 20.1 Cinnamon I get the error message “Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libc6 (>= 2.32)”. Any suggestions ?

Thanks for the info above folks, really helped.

Aaaand, after the newest Launcher update today, this is how the launcher is “performing” on Linux, Kubuntu 20.4, with Lutris, Winehq Devel 6.5.

Look at this fine grey solid color. XD

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Wonderful, with today launcher update is broken again, the launcher window open completely black and as screwing bonus track the useless server list window opens automatically.
I would really like to know who is that idiot windozer developer screwing launcher in wine update after update.

Yeah tried to run the client by choosing to play from the server list, then the game tells me to use the launcher.

Can confirm, broken again, will be rolling back to last version.

It is probably this:
wine: Call from 7B011016 to unimplemented function msvcp140_1.dll._Aligned_get_default_resource, aborting

Addendum: Rolling back to older version works, but you have to keep an eye out for the 30 sec upgrade timer, as it may pop up behind the launcher.

@CCP_Convict please, tell your dev-mates to attempt to care about Linux users.

Hi Dravick Afterthought,

Linux Mint 20.1 is based on Ubuntu 20.04 aka “Focal Fossa”. The URL you have is for “Groovy Gorilla” aka Ubuntu 20.10; this ships a different version of glibc. So get the “Focal” version of wine-devel from winehq and you should be good to go.


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What was the old version? Cannot find update logs anywhere.

I had 1850297 laying around, which worked for me, though I was using an up to date launcher after wine6.4 came out, until today.

I’m using Lutris with wine 5.7 and it’s working.

Looks like both proton 5.13 and wine 6.0 are at fault.

“though I was using an up to date launcher after wine6.4 came out, until today.”

That’s bad. :expressionless:

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Confirming. Using the 5.7 version of wine, via the Lutris runners options for wine, works.

Lutris stores its own versions of wine, or it can be set to use a specific winehq version.

Thank you!

After today update launcher (1889101) show just black screen and second window pops up with: “exception occurred while creating web gui”

Kernel: 5.11.10-arch1-1
Mesa: 21.0.1-1
AMDGPU drivers (with firmware from linux git)

Proton Experimental and 5.13 not working, reverting to Proton 5.0 helps

Hopes this helps somebody

+1 broken instance here (WINE 6.4, 6.5-devel)

Seems kind of funny that every single new version of the launcher crashes on Linux. Are new versions green-lighted only only after they are positive to crash for Linux users? The game itself works fine. The launcher seems to have some garbage quality about it. Especially since it’s written in a cross-platform framework.

@CCP_Convict: Could we have an option that would disable automatic launcher updates? Think a lot of Linux users would appreciate a few less surprises. It’s no fun when you cannot even log in regardless of platform you’re on…

0034:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0034:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0034:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0060:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0060:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0060:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
006c:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
006c:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
006c:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
002c:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
002c:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
002c:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0024:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0024:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0024:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
00f4:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
00f4:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
00f4:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
00fc:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
00fc:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
00fc:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0104:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0104:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0104:fixme:font:get_name_record_codepage encoding 20 not handled, platform 1.
0104:err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
0104:fixme:msvcrt:__stdio_common_vfscanf options 3 not handled
0104:fixme:msvcrt:__stdio_common_vfscanf options 3 not handled
0104:fixme:ole:CoInitializeSecurity 00000000, -1, 00000000, 00000000, 0, 3, 00000000, 0, 00000000 stub
0104:fixme:wbemprox:client_security_SetBlanket 08B537B0, 0017A490, 10, 0, (null), 3, 3, 00000000, 0x00000000
0104:fixme:wbemprox:client_security_Release 08B537B0
0058:fixme:mountmgr:query_property Faking StorageDeviceProperty data
0058:fixme:mountmgr:harddisk_ioctl The DISK_PARTITION_INFO and DISK_DETECTION_INFO structures will not be filled
0104:fixme:wbemprox:get_value_bstr unhandled column type 17
0104:fixme:wbemprox:get_value_bstr unhandled column type 17
0104:fixme:wbemprox:get_value_bstr unhandled column type 17
0104:fixme:wbemprox:get_value_bstr unhandled column type 17
0104:fixme:wbemprox:get_value_bstr unhandled column type 17
0104:fixme:wbemprox:get_value_bstr unhandled column type 17
0104:fixme:wbemprox:get_value_bstr unhandled column type 17
0104:fixme:wbemprox:get_value_bstr unhandled column type 17
0104:fixme:netprofm:list_manager_GetConnectivity 0017D3F8, 085838EC
0104:fixme:win:RegisterPowerSettingNotification (00020058,{02731015-4510-4526-99e6-e5a17ebd1aea},0): stub
0118:fixme:ver:GetCurrentPackageId (0A12FF20 00000000): stub
info:  Game: evelauncher.exe
info:  DXVK: v1.8.1
info:  Built-in extension providers:
info:    Win32 WSI
info:    OpenVR
info:    OpenXR
info:  OpenVR: could not open registry key, status 2
warn:  OpenVR: Failed to locate module
info:  Enabled instance extensions:
info:    VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2
info:    VK_KHR_surface
info:    VK_KHR_win32_surface
MESA-INTEL: warning: Performance support disabled, consider sysctl dev.i915.perf_stream_paranoid=0

warn:  Skipping Vulkan 1.0 adapter: llvmpipe (LLVM 11.0.0, 256 bits)
info:  Intel(R) Iris(R) Pro Graphics 580 (SKL GT4):
info:    Driver: 20.3.5
info:    Vulkan: 1.2.145
info:    Memory Heap[0]:
info:      Size: 23666 MiB
info:      Flags: 0x1
info:      Memory Type[0]: Property Flags = 0xf
info:  Process set as DPI aware
0104:fixme:netprofm:list_manager_GetConnectivity 001DDB58, 085AC1FC
info:  Game: evelauncher.exe
info:  DXVK: v1.8.1
info:  Built-in extension providers:
info:    Win32 WSI
info:    OpenVR
info:    OpenXR
info:  OpenVR: could not open registry key, status 2
warn:  OpenVR: Failed to locate module
info:  Enabled instance extensions:
info:    VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2
info:    VK_KHR_surface
info:    VK_KHR_win32_surface
MESA-INTEL: warning: Performance support disabled, consider sysctl dev.i915.perf_stream_paranoid=0

warn:  Skipping Vulkan 1.0 adapter: llvmpipe (LLVM 11.0.0, 256 bits)
info:  Intel(R) Iris(R) Pro Graphics 580 (SKL GT4):
info:    Driver: 20.3.5
info:    Vulkan: 1.2.145
info:    Memory Heap[0]:
info:      Size: 23666 MiB
info:      Flags: 0x1
info:      Memory Type[0]: Property Flags = 0xf
info:  D3D11CoreCreateDevice: Probing 49408
err:   D3D11CoreCreateDevice: Requested feature level not supported
info:  D3D11CoreCreateDevice: Probing 49152
err:   D3D11CoreCreateDevice: Requested feature level not supported
info:  D3D11CoreCreateDevice: Probing D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0
info:  D3D11CoreCreateDevice: Using feature level D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0
info:  Device properties:
info:    Device name:     : Intel(R) Iris(R) Pro Graphics 580 (SKL GT4)
info:    Driver version   : 20.3.5
info:  Enabled device extensions:
info:    VK_EXT_4444_formats
info:    VK_EXT_custom_border_color
info:    VK_EXT_depth_clip_enable
info:    VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state
info:    VK_EXT_host_query_reset
info:    VK_EXT_robustness2
info:    VK_EXT_shader_demote_to_helper_invocation
info:    VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export
info:    VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer
info:    VK_EXT_transform_feedback
info:    VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor
info:    VK_KHR_create_renderpass2
info:    VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve
info:    VK_KHR_draw_indirect_count
info:    VK_KHR_driver_properties
info:    VK_KHR_image_format_list
info:    VK_KHR_sampler_mirror_clamp_to_edge
info:    VK_KHR_shader_float_controls
info:    VK_KHR_swapchain
info:  Device features:
info:    robustBufferAccess                     : 1
info:    fullDrawIndexUint32                    : 1
info:    imageCubeArray                         : 1
info:    independentBlend                       : 1
info:    geometryShader                         : 1
info:    tessellationShader                     : 1
info:    sampleRateShading                      : 1
info:    dualSrcBlend                           : 1
info:    logicOp                                : 1
info:    multiDrawIndirect                      : 1
info:    drawIndirectFirstInstance              : 1
info:    depthClamp                             : 1
info:    depthBiasClamp                         : 1
info:    fillModeNonSolid                       : 1
info:    depthBounds                            : 0
info:    multiViewport                          : 1
info:    samplerAnisotropy                      : 1
info:    textureCompressionBC                   : 1
info:    occlusionQueryPrecise                  : 1
info:    pipelineStatisticsQuery                : 1
info:    vertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics         : 0
info:    fragmentStoresAndAtomics               : 1
info:    shaderImageGatherExtended              : 1
info:    shaderStorageImageExtendedFormats      : 1
info:    shaderStorageImageReadWithoutFormat    : 0
info:    shaderStorageImageWriteWithoutFormat   : 1
info:    shaderClipDistance                     : 1
info:    shaderCullDistance                     : 1
info:    shaderFloat64                          : 1
info:    shaderInt64                            : 1
info:    variableMultisampleRate                : 1
info:  VK_EXT_4444_formats
info:    formatA4R4G4B4                         : 1
info:    formatA4B4G4R4                         : 0
info:  VK_EXT_custom_border_color
info:    customBorderColors                     : 1
info:    customBorderColorWithoutFormat         : 1
info:  VK_EXT_depth_clip_enable
info:    depthClipEnable                        : 1
info:  VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state
info:    extendedDynamicState                   : 1
info:  VK_EXT_host_query_reset
info:    hostQueryReset                         : 1
info:  VK_EXT_memory_priority
info:    memoryPriority                         : 0
info:  VK_EXT_robustness2
info:    robustBufferAccess2                    : 1
info:    robustImageAccess2                     : 1
info:    nullDescriptor                         : 1
info:  VK_EXT_shader_demote_to_helper_invocation
info:    shaderDemoteToHelperInvocation         : 1
info:  VK_EXT_transform_feedback
info:    transformFeedback                      : 1
info:    geometryStreams                        : 1
info:  VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor
info:    vertexAttributeInstanceRateDivisor     : 1
info:    vertexAttributeInstanceRateZeroDivisor : 1
info:  Queue families:
info:    Graphics : 0
info:    Transfer : 0
info:  DXVK: Read 0 valid state cache entries
info:  DXVK: Using 5 compiler threads
0104:fixme:system:GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes (0x2 0034BB24 0034BB20): semi-stub
0104:fixme:system:QueryDisplayConfig (00000002 0034BB24 0B3E93E0 0034BB20 0B3E9430 00000000): semi-stub
0104:fixme:system:DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_GET_TARGET_NAME: stub
info:  Adapter LUID 0: 0:3f9
0104:fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (0034BFB8 1 C) semi-stub
0104:fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (0034BF5C 1 C) semi-stub
0104:fixme:ntdll:NtQuerySystemInformation info_class SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
0104:fixme:font:freetype_set_outline_text_metrics failed to read full_nameW for font L"Material Icons Outlined"!
0104:fixme:font:freetype_set_outline_text_metrics failed to read full_nameW for font L"Material Icons Round"!
0104:fixme:font:freetype_set_outline_text_metrics failed to read full_nameW for font L"Material Icons Sharp"!
0104:fixme:font:freetype_set_outline_text_metrics failed to read full_nameW for font L"Material Icons Two Tone"!
0104:fixme:explorerframe:taskbar_list_SetProgressValue iface 00228BA0, hwnd 0002008A, ullCompleted 0, ullTotal 64 stub!
0104:fixme:explorerframe:taskbar_list_SetProgressState iface 00228BA0, hwnd 0002008A, flags 0 stub!
0104:fixme:msg:ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx 000100A0 c05c 1 00000000
0104:fixme:ntdll:EtwEventRegister ({d2d578d9-2936-45b6-a09f-30e32715f42d}, 026EC500, 057B7A60, 057B7A60) stub.
0104:fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (0034F41C 1 C) semi-stub
0104:fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (0034F2DC 1 C) semi-stub
0104:fixme:msvcp:_Locinfo__Locinfo_ctor_cat_cstr (0034F04C 1 C) semi-stub
[256:260:0329/] DXVAVDA fatal error: could not LoadL)
0104:fixme:winsock:WSALookupServiceBeginW (0x34f52c 0x00000ff0 0x34f56c) Stub!
[256:260:0329/] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8
0104:fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0x34f6b8, overlapped 0x1223c3f0): stub
0104:fixme:win:GetPointerDevices (0034F340 00000000): partial stub
0104:fixme:system:GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes (0x2 0034F1E8 0034F1E4): semi-stub
0104:fixme:system:QueryDisplayConfig (00000002 0034F1E8 122466A0 0034F1E4 122466F0 00000000): semi-stub
0104:fixme:system:DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo Unimplemented packet type: 11
01a8:fixme:wtsapi:WTSRegisterSessionNotification Stub 000100C6 0x00000001
0104:fixme:service:I_ScRegisterDeviceNotification Notification filters are not yet implemented.
wine: Call from 7B010F96 to unimplemented function msvcp140_1.dll._Aligned_get_default_resource, aborting
0104:fixme:netprofm:list_manager_GetConnectivity 12460530, 122BB34C
0104:fixme:netprofm:connection_point_Advise 12460550, 122BADB8, 122BADCC - semi-stub
0104:fixme:netprofm:list_manager_GetConnectivity 12460530, 0034F7E4
0104:fixme:win:GetPointerDevices (0034D5D0 00000000): partial stub
0104:fixme:system:GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes (0x2 0034D478 0034D474): semi-stub
0104:fixme:system:QueryDisplayConfig (00000002 0034D478 122F9688 0034D474 122F9DF8 00000000): semi-stub
0104:fixme:system:DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo Unimplemented packet type: 11
01d8:fixme:netprofm:connection_GetAdapterId 001799F8, 0FA6DAE8
01d8:fixme:netprofm:connection_GetAdapterId 1246F4F0, 0FA6DAE8
01d8:fixme:netprofm:connection_GetAdapterId 12458428, 0FA6DAE8
01d8:fixme:netprofm:connection_point_Advise 124536B0, 122DFF48, 122DFF6C - semi-stub
01dc:fixme:netprofm:connection_GetAdapterId 12470AE8, 0FB7DAE8
01dc:fixme:netprofm:connection_GetAdapterId 12457900, 0FB7DAE8
01dc:fixme:netprofm:connection_GetAdapterId 12471730, 0FB7DAE8
01dc:fixme:netprofm:connection_point_Advise 124578B0, 122DE8E0, 122DE904 - semi-stub
0104:fixme:netprofm:list_manager_GetConnectivity 124777C8, 1238FDFC
01f0:fixme:netprofm:connection_GetAdapterId 12476D10, 1AF1DAE8
01f0:fixme:netprofm:connection_GetAdapterId 12476D78, 1AF1DAE8
01f0:fixme:netprofm:connection_GetAdapterId 12476DE0, 1AF1DAE8
01f0:fixme:netprofm:connection_point_Advise 12476C90, 1232D340, 1232D364 - semi-stub
0104:fixme:netprofm:connection_point_Advise 124777E8, 1238E650, 1238E664 - semi-stub
0104:fixme:netprofm:list_manager_GetConnectivity 124777C8, 0034D654
0160:fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot
0160:fixme:toolhelp:Heap32ListFirst : stub
0160:fixme:winsock:server_ioctl_sock Unsupported ioctl 98000010 (device=9800 access=0 func=4 method=0)
0160:fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl unsupported WS_IOCTL cmd (_WSAIOW(IOC_VENDOR, 16))
1 Like

+1 launcher failures after March 29 launcher update, in both Steam Proton and Lutris Wine 6.0.

Launcher downloaded new binaries, clicked okay, restarted. Launcher window is blank grey, a warning is shown that an exception was thrown, a fallback server selection window is launcher. Client can be launched from fallback window but does not permit logon.

Copying previous launcher directory from another computer and clicking the ‘do not update’ option when the launcher attempts to update allows EVE to be launched and played normally.

From launcher log, this stands out:

|2021-03-29T15:49:14.868Z|default|debug|ExceptionLogger::logException RuntimeError Failed to create web gui|
|2021-03-29T15:49:14.872Z|default|error|RuntimeError …\src\mainwindow.cpp in MainWindow::MainWindow : Failed to create web gui|
|2021-03-29T15:49:14.883Z|default|info|SimpleGui opened|

Is the bug on Steam the same as the one on Wine?
I will post a bug that occurred in Wine and windows launcher.
Why is the launcher turmoil that started on February 11th repeated?
Even if this bug is resolved, it is not desirable to be frightened by the next bug.
Why is this happening.
I’m scared of launcher updates.
It is not good that this repeated situation continues.

Wine Staging 6.5, dxvk-1.8.1
Debian 10

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