Launcher crashes after today's update(SteamPlay Linux)

The reason why this is happening more often now is that the version of Qt (the UI toolkit used by the launcher) used by CCP has been upgraded. I’m not sure if this is tied to Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) but it wouldn’t surprise me if it was.

Well, I was going to try Ubuntu 20.10, a suggestion from the Mint forums that might have let me run Eve, but not much point now.

I think we have to accept that CCP really doesn’t want Linux users, we’re just a nuisance to be finally purged…


rolled back 2 version of Proton (In Steam) and it works (if you are using Steam…)

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Couldn’t get it to work today either even though it was working yesterday with 6.4. But I deleted it I restarted the computer and reinstalled it and it works as long as you click cancel the first time and you don’t click ok.

It’ll probably be broken again tomorrow.

This was the case from the bug in February, but it is possible to start it with wine-5.7 etc. this time as well.
However, the provisional measures in wine5 * have a high load factor and are not suitable for launching multiple clients or going to the fleet battlefield.
It is a difficult load to operate on the fit simulation screen of wine5. *.
And when that happens, the excessive load factor continues until the client is restarted.
I’m not in a state where I can say that I can play satisfactorily, so I expect a quick solution.
Since there are too many launcher troubles, I would like you to consider preventing recurrence.

No need to be salty, we all know Linux support does not currently add measurable revenue. Until it does, there can be no expectation that Linux support be made a priority.

Salty be damned… I sucessfully ran Eve for 2 years on my Linux set-up (having installed it according to a CCP employees’s instructions), so it’s not as if they aren’t capable of at least testing under wine before issuing new automatic updates. Are you aware that one of the reasons for ceasing subscription in the end-sub drop-down list is simply “I’m a Linux user” ? If that doesn’t show intent to get rid of us (along with the fact that no one from CCP has responded to any of the Linux threads) I don’t know what does…

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All I ask for is a sensible approach. There will be breaking changes going forward in respect of WINE. But it enters another level when every single launcher release is a breaking change.

Adding an option to prevent those ninja-ish automated launcher updates would be a a very kind gesture. Linux users could stay with a stable launcher version and update once they feel confident upgrading. That would actually help a lot and does not seem a great effort on the development part. Only a few last launcher releases would be supported urging everyone to upgrade sooner or later anyway.


On Steam Proton 5.0 Launcher still works (although I experience minor problems like inability to manage user profiles for different accounts) thus eve is still playable on Linux. But that’s really scary: any moment it can break and after that, we would be literally unable to login and play eve on Linux?

Careful, someone will start calling you salty if you say things like that…

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If CCP truly desired to block Linux users from playing EVE they could accomplish this. They would not permit employees to volunteer time to Linux support, or provide forum topics specifically for Linux support.

Further, an end-sub option for “I’m a Linux user” indicates something very different – an intent to discern if their current level of support for Linux is costing them more money than a higher level of support would.

I too am annoyed that the launcher was broken, I would have missed a CTA if I didn’t have a second machine I could copy the previous launcher folder from. I will not ascribe hostile intent to CCP for this, and discourage anyone from doing so.


It is, I cannot click the links anymore, launcher freezes.

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Oh look, another “accidental, not meant to happen at all” failure to run on Linux…
Post edited to re-expose it, as someone flagged it as ‘off-topic’.

It seems that Wine staging 6.5 CAN run the launcher (I’m using Ubuntu 20.04 Focal, Wine-staging 6.5 from wine’s own PPA). So let’s “upgrade” fron wine-devel to wine-staging, for the moment …

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Does it survive the automatic ‘30-seconds to cancel’ updates ?

Yes! Proof below that it works:

But the bug where the launcher freezes if any of the square ads in it are clicked - it’s still there.

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I managed to get mine working again by changing from 6.5 devel to 5.7 on Lutris. I tried 6.5(staging), 6.4, 6.0, 5.6 & 5.0 but none of them worked. I also tried numerous Proton versions for Steam but none worked.


Like I posted this what? 4x times now?

Good job!

I came to the conclusion people don’t read. They just post.

I was able to get it running with wine 6.4:

  • (1) Open winecfg
  • (2) Go to libraries
  • (3) Choose overwrite for “msvcp140”
  • (4) Choose “Add”
  • (5) Edit the newly added library and select “Native (Windows)”
  • (6) Repeat steps 3 to 5 for “msvcp140_1” (not sure if needed)
    My Wine prefix is quite old. I am not sure if these libraries are actually installed by default. Probably not. Maybe you have to install them before by using winetricks and installing “vcrun2015” and/or “vcrun2017”.
    Maybe this helps some people who don’t want to revert to an old installer. However I did not test this in detail but it did work for me.

If anyone cares. This seems to be the related bug report in wine:


The last thing your posted was

But I only see that once.