Launcher Error / Inability to Authenticate - 2020/08/03


May not be a server issue as I cannot get a full trace route to their servers.

We should now be back and accepting connections.


Guess it could be an ISP layer 1 to layer 3 issue. Or maybe DNS? I’m sure they have server and network operations teams/members looking into it.

falcon yahoo


It’s working again! At least for me!

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don’t be so pessimistic, give them more hamster

Upgrade to Capybara’s, slightly bigger but better Performance.


Unfortunately Iceland’s got pretty strict exotic animal laws so we have to make due with our current server hardware for now.


i have the exact same issue

launcher is up

Goatsuckers? How would they help?

No wait thats the Chumbawumba Im thinking of.

Chupacabra, I think, is what you were reaching for.

Nah, thats what magicians say when doing a trick.

snap the Herpaderp. Thats the one

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evelauncher.exe still hangs on exit for me.

Can anyone else confirm?

I’m going to cheat on EVE when MS Flight Sim comes out, it’ll be a long and hot type of side action. I WILL return though, promise.

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You’re forgiven. I probably will too.

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Wait? What?

Official CCP communication on the official forums FIRST!?

Who are you and what have you done with CCP?


I know, right?

I’m thinking I like CCP Aurora. Her priorities are in the right place.


Issue resurfaced today, ccplease fix! Haven’t been able to log in at all today.

That’s all I get. I can’t access the Help Center either. Everything else (World of Tanks, browser, etc) works.

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