Leopard - another ship you can't use in HS?

What is the point having Leopard if you can’t use in HS? Few jumps and you are smarbombed. You don’t know when and where. Just check kb - almost all kills in HS on that ship are from smartbombs. Gankers do not care about Concord and Leopards cannot avoid it. And now it cost over 400mln so it is juicy killmail.

I fully understand smartbombing in LS or NS but in High Sec??

Leopards should be smartbomb immune othwerwise it will be another ship in EVE gathering dust in player hangar instead being use. Or maybe smartbomb shouldn’t be possible at all in HS, but that mechanic probably have no chance to be implemented.

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Use some common sense and don’t go straight gate to gate in certain areas? Ie. learn to play EVE. For instance, if you worry about smarty Mallers in Jita and Perimeter, just don’t go to the Perimeter gate in Jita directly. Go to Niyabainen or Muvolailen or New Cal first. Or use gate pings that YOU setup YOURSELF in problematic systems.

If a 20 AU/sec ship was smartbomb immune, it would be op for travelling. Stop asking for dumb stuff just because you can’t fly a ship properly.


CCP made it impossible for alpha gankers to gank with catalysts, but there is a loophole that allows them to use smartbombs to gank as an alpha.


Yep, sounds like a skill issue. Next they’ll be asking to disable slash commands in hisec.


I wonder what hijinks came be done with Guided Bombs since they’re AoE?

You can.

Just don’t do the obvious thing, like warping straight from Jita 4-4 to the Perimeter gate.

The Leopard is an overpriced shuttle which makes it an attractive target. You decide to be a more attractive target when you fly it, so please take the precautions you would also take in other parts of space outside HS, like “do not warp in a straight predictable line in an easily smartbombed ship”.

Now if you are looking for a smartbomb-‘immune’ shuttle, may I suggest the Council Diplimatic Shuttle?

The smartbomb Mallers that kill Leopards deal 900 damage in one volley. Regular shuttles and Leopards have about 800 effective health points and are the only target such a Maller can kill. The Council Diplomatic Shuttle has 1200 effective health points, making it immune to very basic smartbomb setups. (It can still be killed by smartbomb battleships, but how often does that happen?)

If you instead are looking for a 20 AU/s ship for less than 400 million ISK that can move you around in HS without having to fear smartbombs, may I suggest a Pacifier?

At base 12 AU/s it goes 18.3 AU/s with a couple of hyperspatial rigs, for less ISK than a Leopard and with a lot more EHP as well as the safety of a Covert Ops cloak. I doubt you’ll even notice the difference in warp speed in most systems.

Yes, you can use a Leopard in HS but have to pay a little more attention than usual. Or if you don’t want to do that you have a couple of alternatives that I mentioned above.

I see no need for game changes because some lazy players get smartbombed.


you did not lose any leopard. Please stop making things up.

Nah…I quite enjoy the fact that there are people with so much more ISK than sense that they are prepared to pay 380m ISK for a mere shuttle. OK so it does 20 AU/ sec, but for 1/15th of that price you can just fit up an Anathema to 11K EHP, do 8 AU/ sec, and covert ops cloak practically gives you insta-docking. And you even get 190m3 of cargo space.

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How do you manage to die in a Leopard? I always fly them gate to gate and don’t even instadock. Never have I ever lost one. Really wonder why’s that, must be a skill issue or something


Skill would be to use instadock bookmarks and not warping gate to gate.

In the past three days 10 Leopards have been killed in HS; two were killed when not using instadock bookmarks at Jita and Amarr and eight were smartbombed in warp.

Given that you claim you didn’t use skillful ways to avoid such deaths, I guess you just got lucky for now?

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To be all honest my guy just use a blockade runner with ascendancies

Why die on this hill? Please… Is this personal? A principle? idk.

I’ll be man enough to admit I was smart bombed in a Leopard :sunglasses: I am not (whoops :sweat_smile:) crying about it. Risk I took. I understood that moment I bought the ship.

This is how fundamentally different your POV and my POV is. My mindset is a winning one vs whatever is going in your camp. :joy:


No I think you’re wrong. I’ve been flying leopards for a year now without any incidents.
You should really not talk if you don’t have the facts correct

Just because you have been lucky doesn’t mean you have skillfully evaded deaths.

What did you do to evade being killed?

It is not like that. The gankers simply makes them more prestigious to fly and they only kill bad pilots who never read the Shuttle Piloting For Dummies - EVE Ref .

Also, you know what all these Leopard pilots that died during last month has in common? They refused to buy a mining permit. Too pride, overconfident or persuaded by evil antigankers that it is scam they refused to buy it and then they lose it…

Killing Leopards is a business decision. Limited stock and no other way to effectively manipulate the prices, buying up stock and gaining inventory on CCP give aways at low prices the ganking keeps the prices for plummeting and going up as an investment. But hey dont mind me… its all just about the horrors of ganking in HS.

Just like Hulkaggedon was a good way to buoy up prices and increase sales for T2 BPO holders and manufacturers. Ganking is good for business for the ships that just wont die properly or in large enough amounts to make repeat “customers.” :rofl: :money_mouth_face:

you do know, that is like saying “whats the point of having a 18wheeler if you can’t win formular 1 with it”

it’s designed to be fast, and it’s a shuttle so you have some serious advantages and immunisation already. just because some players figured out how basic math works does not really make the ship bad, just use it accordingly

like not gate-gate warping and other very basic stuff.

Maybe, but what is the point of being in the fastest ship in game, if you have to waste time going to pings? Might as well be in a regular shuttle at that point.

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Maybe it’s just to show that you can? Or to have a tool to trick the gankers and make them waste their ships and secstatus without killing the Leopard? I mean, how hard is it to find ways to give the Leopard more than 900 ehp to tank the 3 smartbombs a Maller can fit?

Ballsy move to use a high-grade Amulet or Nirvana pod to safely fly your Leopard through smartbombs!