Let's Have Less Waffle And More Reality....Nerfed Procurers

There’s no such thing as “proper” PvP. If people show up to shoot you and you die, you lose.


That would be Eve. Yep.

cilla laughing it up:

Well of course people who never do any have to perpetuate that myth :slight_smile:


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So ? I have 2 other characters :slight_smile:

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The only way to reliably increase any ship’s EHP is to buy a mining permit.

I’m not going to lie, when I was in CODE. a lot of my fun came from finding miners or autopiloters and blowing them up. However, I can’t count the number of times I got frustrated by doing to obligatory ‘Permit Check!’ in local only to have everyone respond proving they were at their keyboards and all have in date permits in their bios that matched up with what was in the alliance database of permits.

It’s one of the main reasons my old Corp disbanded, actually. We were so successful that we nerfed our own playstyle. CCP never seems to take permits into account when balancing ‘gankers vs miners’ and I have no idea why. Seems really unfair to be so pro-miner all the time to me.

Still, I don’t have the time IRL to search through High Sec for the few remaining miners without permits. Best of luck to all of you on either side of the line and long may the fites be gud, but my heart will always be with the gankers.

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Why would you need a 400mm T2 plate. There are better ways to tank a proc thank armor tank, and even if you go armor tank, plates are not needed.

I have to admit, the whole change seems arbitrary.

The best I can guess is they are trying to bring up align times, without hurting the proc’s tank too much.

So they raise its basic tanking stats, but get rid of slots you would have previously used for tanking, so that afk botters can’t use those slots to improve align time?

(It would seem like low slots would matter more, though?)

Hull tank it, that leaves room for prop mod and survey scanner. Makes it less easy to tank npc but choices have to be made, that was the whole point.

  1. Armor-tanking a Procurer is a terrible idea.
  2. Mixing armor and shield tank on almost anything is a terrible idea.
  3. Hull Upgrades V is an important skill that you should make sure to train regardless.

Mine is on 77,442 EHP. You need to look at your fitting again.

Good protection rackets are not the way to go.

I will remember this next time I take a freighter through Uedama.

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My response to anyone demanding I buy a permit would be to tell them where they could shove it…and end in the word ‘sideways’.

I always laugh when someone tells me to buy a mining permit.
I don’t need no mining permit. Please try and gank me, I have alts and allies for a reason :slight_smile:

I can see it now…

Agent: Would you like a permit?
Cilla: Shove it into my bio right now! Only 10m ISK? What a deal! I want it so bad I don’t care if it’s sideways.


Agent : Would you like a permit ?
Cilla : Hang on while I dock up my mining ship in that station over there and come back with my Gnosis and then you can ask me again.

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Oh? And what are you going to do with that Gnosis?

I’m imagining a gnosis shoved the wrong place. Ouch. The pointing things would hurt.

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My mistress has scarier toys than that.